As a member of the three funds boards and audit committees, Boynton was required to complete annual trustee and officer (T&O) questionnaires designed in part to identify conflicts of interest. The use of an "office" concept, delineated along geographical or practice lines may result in unintended consequences. In addition, this concept should be extended to bank overdrafts and other similar consumer finance arrangements. The proposed rule should also grandfather all collateralized loans obtained from a financial institution under its normal lending procedures, terms and requirements. The Proposed Rule On Employment Of Former Employees May Hinder Retired Partners From Serving On Boards, VIII. Our shared values are not an abstract ethical philosophy, but a powerful, living compass intended to guide us all toward the right decisions and the correct actions, whatever situations we may encounter, whenever and wherever we are. See how we connect, collaborate, and drive impact across various locations. Independence and quality are essential to Deloitte's objectivity, integrity, impartiality, responsibility to the investing public, and ability to attract and retain clients. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms. This construction provides a more meaningful framework because it appropriately restricts the investment of individuals based on the particular person's ability to influence the audit, or based on whether a particular investment could create an appearance issue. Note that unlike your spouse, spousal equivalent and dependents, when it comes to Close Family Members, if you are not aware of these situations, you are not required to ask. We respectfully request that the Commission consider the changes suggested in this letter which would substantially address our concerns with the proposed rule governing financial and employment relationships. We respectfully submit that the proposed rule should provide for an exception when: (1) the indirect financial interest in the audit client is immaterial to the covered person; (2) the beneficiary has no direct or indirect control over the investment decisions or assets of the trust; and (3) the trust was not created by the covered person named as a beneficiary. From equities, fixed income to derivatives, the CMSA certification bridges the gap from where you are now to where you want to be a world-class capital markets analyst. This approach is consistent with the recent proposal by the International Federation of Accountants ("IFAC"). But they are not alone in safeguarding the audit process, and the other fiduciaries charged in this case failed to fulfill their roles and preserve investor confidence.. of the Codification, however, states that: The materiality standard in section 602.02.b.iii. The investing public depends on independent auditors like Deloitte to test the reliability of publicly-reported financial statements, and they have front-line responsibility for ensuring their own independence, said Stephen L. Cohen, Associate Director of the SECs Division of Enforcement. It combines the SEC's guidance on reporting for business acquisitionsincluding acquisitions of real estate operations and pro forma financial informationwith Deloitte's interpretations (Q&As) and examples in a comprehensive, reader-friendly format. companies created solely for tax purposes could maintain a tax engagement or The parent's or investor's aggregate There is no evidence of any threat to independence presented by ownership of a mutual fund in such cases, particularly when the plan sponsor is not an audit client. Explanation: SEC = Securities and Exchange Commission. Deloitte's independence requirements are defined by specific sets of policies and external rules and regulations to help both you and the organization remain independent when providing services to attest (audit) clients. A roadmap to SEC reporting considerations for business combinations has been saved, A roadmap to SEC reporting considerations for business combinations has been removed, An Article Titled A roadmap to SEC reporting considerations for business combinations already exists in Saved items. Proposed Rule 2-01(c)(2)(iii) provides that an accountant is not independent when: (A) Does not influence the accounting firm's operations or financial policies; (B) Has no capital balances in the accounting firm; and, (C) Has no financial arrangement with the accounting firm other than providing for regular payment of a fixed dollar amount (which is not dependent on the revenues, profits or earnings of the firm) pursuant to a fully funded retirement plan or rabbi trust.71, While we agree with the direction of this proposed rule, we believe that its requirement that fixed-dollar payments from a retirement plan be fully funded is unnecessary.72 An accounting firm's independence is not impaired by these unfundedpayments if the dollar amount and payment schedule are fixed and immaterial to the firm.73, The proposed rule might result in a retired partner having to choose between accepting a lump sum payment (and the related tax consequences) or not serving on, or stepping down from, the board of directors of an audit client of his or her former accounting firm. Material Subsidiary or Investee This term includes any subsidiary or The proposed rule defines the professional personnel in the accounting firm to whom the independence rules apply through its definition of "covered persons" and includes four categories of persons: (1) the audit engagement team; (2) those in the "chain of command"; (3) any other employee of the accounting firm whois "involved in providing any professional service to the audit client or an affiliate of the audit client"; and (4) partners, shareholders and principals in any "office" of the accounting firm that participates in a significant portion of the audit.20 We agree that those who are in a position to influence an audit should be included in the definition of "covered persons" under the proposed rule. ALPS agreed to pay a $45,000 penalty. This will not be the case in all situations. It is not clear whether the immediate family member of a covered person may obtain insurance through an employer-sponsored benefit plan. 65 Fed. continuing operations before income taxes. An issuer is an entity whose securities are registered under section 12 of the Exchange Act or that is required to file reports under section 15(d) or that files or has filed a registration statement that has not yet become effective under the Securities Act of 1933 (the "Securities Act") and that it has not withdrawn. Do not delete! Transforming technical accounting, governance, and controllership, Benefits and challenges of non-GAAP reporting. Under the proposed definition, the payroll services provided to our audit clients would be deemed to impair our independence with regard to those clients. potential conflicts regarding restricted investments are identified. While registrants are also required to disclose the nature and financial impact of a business combination under the FASBs accounting standards, the SECs requirements are significantly more detailed and can result in considerable financial reporting responsibilities regardless of whether a company acquires businesses frequently or only occasionally. Influence (ownership 20-50%)/ Immaterial (<5%) ( I ). "27 However, the professional personnel in accounting firms who would be responsible for providing consulting and other non-audit services, and who are likely to be consulted by the audit engagement team, would be partners and managerial employees, not all of the professional personnel who provided such services. We recognize that quality controls should be the first line of defense to guard against independence concerns with respect to an audit client. When The Gift Or Inheritance Is Immaterial And The The proposal on savings and checking accounts also does not give adequate consideration to business practices in other countries. Please enable JavaScript to view the site. The Proposed Business Relationship Rule, IX. 33-10786, Amendments to Financial Disclosures About Acquired and Disposed Businesses. For example, the proposed rule appears to prohibit an accounting firm from owning 5.1% of the shares of a non-client mutual fund that owns only .001% of the outstanding common shares of an audit client. This box/component contains JavaScript that is needed on this page. For example, the final rule modifies certain significance tests to reduce the potential for anomalous results that may have required a registrant to provide acquiree financial statements that may not be material to investors. For example, if you want to export, reexport or transfer (in-country) an EAR99 item to a listed entity and the license requirements for . In its Authorizing Release, the Commission expressed its intention to give the ISB the leading role in developing independence standards: For example, proposed rule 2-01(c)(1)(ii)(G), in certain respects, follows ISB Standard No. A partner who is a covered person can hold bank deposits in a non-SEC audit client or assurance client (in both cases related entities included) as long as these products have been agreed upon at business conditions . Broker-dealer/securities accounts (including Demat accounts*, retirement (IRA), health savings accounts, and trust accounts). The proposed rule provides no guidance on whether an accountant's independence is impaired when a covered person is aware that he or she is a named beneficiary of a trust that has a financial interest in an audit client. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee ("DTTL"), its network of member firms, and their related entities. Toll free: +1 866-850-1485 Affiliates of the audit client can either be "upstream" such as a parent, or "downstream" such as a subsidiary. Proposed rule 2-01(c)(1)(ii)(A) would prohibit any loan to or from an audit client, an affiliate of an audit client, or any officer, director, or beneficial owner of more than five percent of those entities' equity securities, with certain exceptions for collateralized loans.51 Although the proposed rule captures the accounting profession's agreement that certain loans to and from audit clients might create a financial interest that impairs independence,52 in certain respects the proposed rule is overbroad. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms. Through the definition of covered person, the proposed rule would prohibit all such investments by the immediate family members of uninvolved partners. The agreement provides that NEM acts as the agent of the entity with respect to energy sales, capacity sales and environmental attributes. If you have one or more of the financial relationships or situations described below and are unable or unwilling to divest or modify the scenario, you may want to contact Independence Compliance Onboarding by email ( before accepting employment with the Deloitte US Firms to discuss whether your assigned legal entity, role, or office location would require you to make changes. Deloittes extensive experience underpins the valuable perspective we bring to SEC reporting. This result does not promote the Commission's objective of modernizing the independence rules to accommodate two-income families. The Definition Of "Covered Persons" Should Include Certain Leased Personnel. Be A "Covered Person", 3. Newly hired professionals frequently need to take one or more of the following actions: Below is only a partial list, but it represents common financial relationships and scenarios that are subject to reporting and/or ongoing monitoring and some may require divestiture to comply with independence policies if you are employed at Deloitte. Anyone can log onto or call the Integrity Helpline to request assistance or report a potential violation. They will similarly be in a position to influence the quality of the audit, and the accounting firm's independence may be impaired if they have a prohibited financial interest in an audit client. Deloitte confirmed that Stephen Peers and the West End and City leasing teams, as well as Tony Guthrie and the Lease Advisory team and Mike McChesney and the Dilapidations team will move to Gerald Eve. 106-102, 113 Stat. what a client states as being material or significant and validate that What if, in addition to specific answers to specific SEC reporting questions, your company had a knowledgeable and experienced service provider helping foster understanding and implement new processes? is moved from one branch to another, why should it matter where in the family Providing or receiving coverage or benefits under each others medical insurance or other employee benefit plans, Having coownership of real property in which both parties continually reside, Being codebtors on a mortgage on the real property in which both parties continually reside, Continuing to reside together in the same residence and having either natural or adopted children, Having financial dependency on each other, including commingling of investment and financial resources, Having joint responsibility for each others welfare and financial obligations, Cohabitating and being engaged to be married with a marriage scheduled in the foreseeable future, Having a committed relationship that is ongoing and expected to continue indefinitely similar to that of a married couple, but having either chosen not to marry or cannot legally marry. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the "Deloitte" name in the United States and their respective affiliates. 2023. 99 used in other contexts of the federal securities laws. Please enable JavaScript to view the site. However, each client service team should challenge When adding a new entity does the Firm Contribution Tool assign a temporary GMF ID? No more than three commissioners are from the same political party. They also agreed to settle the charges. The Proposed Definitions Of "Affiliate Of The Accounting Firm," "Affiliate Of The Audit Client" And "Covered Persons In The Firm" Are Flawed And Should Be Modified, The proposed definition of "affiliate of the accounting firm" would broadly encompass, among other things, any joint venture or partnership or other undertaking in which the accounting firm participates and in which the parties agree to any form of shared benefits, including any form of shared revenue, income or equity appreciation.6 The consequences of being deemed an "affiliate of the account ing firm" are profound, in that any entity that is deemed an "affiliate of the accounting firm" would be subject to all of the independence requirements to which the accounting firm is subject.7. The Commission has recognized that changes in the existing rules are necessary due to "significant demographic changes, changes in the accounting profession, and changes in the business environment that have affected firms. Forexample, we believe the following "chain of command" model based on our organizational structure provides a meaningful, yet flexible, framework that would encompass all individuals with the ability to influence the audit. Terms in this set (3) An audit or attest client and its affiliates. Regarding Financial and Employment Relationships, Securities and Exchange Commission The system then monitors these entities against the restricted entity list and informs you if there is a potential exception or conflict. The ERC decided to remove these four entries based on information BIS received pursuant to 744.16 of the EAR and the review the ERC conducted in . We do not believe that insurance coverage impacts auditor independence. L. No. In light of these very serious concerns, the rationale for the proposed definition is sorely deficient. For example, there is no evidence that an auditor's independence would be impaired if a covered person had a checking account containing an immaterial uninsured balance.44. The Glass-Steagall Act is the name commonly used to refer to 16, 20, 21 and 32 of the Banking Act of 1933, 12 U.S.C. Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Based on 3 documents Save Copy Exceptional organizations are led by a purpose. Second, the proposed rule omits important portions of AICPA Rule 302 and its related interpretation. Consider contacting Independence Compliance Onboarding if you are aware of a Close Family Member who has one of the following situations: a financial interest in a company that is material to his/her net worth or employment in an accounting, financial reporting or other significant role at a company. transfer investments to a new broker/financial advisor, cease outside employment at restricted entities (including part-time or weekend employment at retail stores), and. GMF ID". For example, the proposed rule would unnecessarily require the spouse of a covered person to transfer assets out of his or her brokerage account held at an immaterial affiliate of an audit client to the extent the value of such assets exceed the Securities Investor Protection Corporation ("SIPC") coverage.19 There is no threat to an accounting firm's independence where the affiliate is not material to the audit client, and the accounting firm does not audit the affiliate. To the Securities and Exchange Commission, Mr. Donald J. Kirk (the Independent Reporter), Deloitte & Touche LLP, Ernst & Young LLP, KPMG LLP, and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP: We have reviewed the design, implementation, and operating effectiveness of the systems, procedures, and Third, the proposed definition unnecessarily includes all professionals providing non-audit services to an audit client. tree it is located? Rather, consistent with our proposeddefinition of "affiliate of the audit client," independence should be required only with respect to those non-client non-fund entities that are material to the audit client.66. Most of the updates in the 2020 edition of the Roadmap expand on or clarify existing text. It does not contain an exception for fees received in tax matters, if determined based on the results of judicial proceedings or the findings of governmental agencies. DTTL (also referred to as "Deloitte Global") does not provide services to clients. Explore Deloitte University like never before through a cinematic movie trailer and films of popular locations throughout Deloitte University. included in the engagement. How does the FCT relate to Global Independence systems such as DESC? We also recommend that the 30-day divestment period should commence when the auditor has: (1) actual knowledge of the gift or inheritance; and (2) the right to dispose of it. 210.2-01, and in extensive interpretations, guidelines and examples in Section 600 of the Codification of Financial Reporting Policies, Matters Relating to Independent Accountants (the "Codification"). Rule 2-01(c) provides a nonexclusive list of financial, employment, business and non-audit service relationships that the SEC views to be inconsistent with the independence standard in Rule 2-01(b). before income taxes for the year is clearly not indicative of the past or Such a standard would provide further protection against unavoidable, inadvertent violations of the independence rules and would simplify the independence rules relating to investments in common investment vehicles such as mutual funds and unit investment trusts. Our Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is inspired by the Global Principles of Business Conduct that articulate the standards to which we as Deloitte professionals, must hold ourselves, wherever in the world we live and work. The Proposed Exception Should Be Modified To Cover A Named Beneficiary Of A Trust, C. The Proposed Exception For A New Audit Engagement Should Focus Only On When the Audit Services Are Commenced, VII. The application of this proposed rule to both foreign and domestic audit firms is further complicated by the fact that the insurance risk is spread among a number of insurance companies. Each party agreed to cease and desist from future violations without admitting or denying the findings. no employees, it should be maintained in the family tree, because there is no TheRoadmap seriescontains comprehensive, easy-to-understand accounting guides on selected topics of broad interest to the financial reporting community. Visit II 1997) (repealed 1999). Fullwidth SCC. Given the way in which business is conducted and people communicate today, the "physical proximity" denoted by the address on one's business card does not necessarily equate to "frequent contact" with others sharing that address. Although we believe that restrictions on certain direct financial interests in an audit client, such as loans and certain credit card balances, are warranted, many of the "other financial interests" in audit clients identified in proposed rule 2-01(c)(1)(ii) are not the type of financial interests that would impair independence. "59 Recognizing that SIPC protection is not available for an account maintained with a futures commission merchant, we agree that such accounts might, in certain circumstances, create a perception that an accounting firm's independence has been impaired. decision. Instead, the proposed rule seems to be premised on the notion that the "appearance of independence" is a universal truth that the Commission can impose on the rest of the world. The proposed rule could result in firms being unable to secure adequate insurance. the subsidiary's or investee's income from continuing operations before income Makes The "Office" Concept Unnecessary, 2. C. The Proposed Exception For A New Audit Engagement Should Absent the specific relationships above, a Spousal Equivalent relationship may still exist based on individual facts and circumstances. activated.+++ DO NOT USE THIS FRAGMENT WITHOUT EXPLICIT APPROVAL FROM THE CREATIVE A fresh look at SEC reporting Reporting and disclosure in accordance with SEC requirements can be difficult and demanding for many companies. The proposed rule also would prohibit other ordinary consumer transactions. 2, "Certain Independence Applications of Audits of Mutual Funds and Related Entities." To stay logged in, change your functional cookie settings. We do not believe an accounting firm's independence is impaired if an audit client acquires a financial institution at which a covered person has a savings account with an immaterial uninsured balance. We believe that this is both unnecessary and contrary to the public interest. See how we connect, collaborate, and drive impact across various locations. Deloitte Global was an early signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and to the World Economic Forums Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI). being received from previous employer, Former employer 401(k) plans or any other employee benefit plan, including stock option, profit sharing, and stock purchase plans (divestiture of prior employer benefit plans is required within 60 days of hire). Archives are available on theDeloitte Accounting Research Toolwebsite. The ISB's proposed approach provides that independence would be impaired if the accounting firm, or any covered person, has a material indirect interestin the audit client.34 Furthermore, the ISB's proposed approach would clearly distinguish between what would constitute an "indirect investment" and a "direct investment." In other words, Company A's investment in Company B could be .001% of Company A's total assets, but Company A's auditors would have to be independent of Company B. The proposed rule to the extent it, in effect, requires firms to adopt specified quality control procedures raises substantial issues concerning the Commission's authority. A Modified "Chain Of Command" Concept Makes The "Office" Concept Unnecessary, The proposed rule defines "chain of command" to include, among others, "all persons having any supervisory, management, quality control, compensation, or other oversight responsibility over either any member of the audit engagement team or over the conduct of the audit. Question: What is the value of keeping track of all of the Nonetheless, under our proposed modified concept of "chain of command," the Virginia partner would be restricted from investing in the California client if he or she was in fact consulted on the audit of that client. All entities and subentities were listed effective November 9, 2017, unless otherwise indicated. List of Companies (Corrected) A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | W | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | : 3Com Corp 3M Company A.G . Trading securities on a restricted list can result in serious legal and financial repercussions. If you clicked a link from a site other than DeloitteNet, please contact the CallCenter at 2222 or +1 800 DELOITTE (1-800-335-6488). Although no one factor will necessarily indicate the existence of a Spousal Equivalent relationship, factors to be considered in making such determinations include the following: Deloitte Entity Search and Compliance (DESC) SystemAn internal system that, among other things, contains information regarding entities that are restricted for independence purposes. Standards for independence are shaped by legislation, regulations, professional requirements and public expectations. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 mandates that audit committees be directly responsible for the oversight of the engagement of the company's independent auditor, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (the Commission) rules are designed to ensure that auditors are independent of their audit clients. This message will not be visible when page is activated.+++ DO NOT USE THIS FRAGMENT WITHOUT EXPLICIT APPROVAL FROM THE CREATIVE STUDIO DEVELOPMENT TEAM +++. Do not delete! A spouse, spousal equivalent or dependent who is employed in an accounting, financial reporting or other significant role at a company, Your current or previous employer is a restricted entity, You or your spouse, spousal equivalent, or dependent is an officer or member of a board of directors or audit committee (whether for pay or not), Community activities/community leadership positions, Non-Deloitte employment or independent consulting services, including but not limited to professor/instructor roles, part-time employment (e.g., retail store, self-employment, family business, professional service, any other type of paid position), and providing independent contractor services (e.g., sales- or commissions-based activities).

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