Oxnard tells him what he thinks Todd would say in this situation and tells him an idea involving spaghetti strainers. When Diane tries to tell Mr. Peanutbutter and wonders if it's about her abortion, Mr. Peanutbutter assures her Captain Peanutbutter is probably just joking around with her. However, before celebrating, Mr. Peanutbutter realizes that the red envelope containing the nominations handed to him by Shep Von Trapp was gone. Diane suggests that he have a housewarming party. In reality, he's actually on the Philbert set. After Woodchuck says during a press conference that if a state senator was willing to actually petition for an amendment to the constitution that would democratically allow him to bid his governor title on a ski race, then he would accept the challenge. He cheerfully says, "I like that guy!". Jessica yells at Mr. Peanutbutter for not keeping the mummy away, while also revealing she auditioned to play the actual mummy as she storms off. However, BoJack is double-crossed when Mr. Peanutbutter has the 'D' delivered to his house instead and falsely confessed to stealing it as a romantic gesture for Diane. Pickles agrees with Mrs. Captain Peanutbutters sentiments saying that every time she gets trapped in a conversation with Captain Peanutbutter she thinks if she was married to him she would "gnaw her hand off just to get the ring off her body." Also, in After the Party and What Time Is It Right Now, where he upsets and angers Diane by doing grand gestures for her and giving her elaborate gifts which she tells him countless times throughout their relationship she doesn't like. Mr. Peauntbutter responds that the best years of her life are happening now and BoJack says the joke's on him because he couldn't even waste the correct best years of her life. She takes a selfie with Mr. Peanutbutter and happily exclaims that she never wants to grow up. Sometime later that same day, Mr. Peanutbutter is filming a scene of Birthday Dad, with his costar Melodie. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Pickles they should leave. He assures her he won't leave her again, but he goes to talk to Erica, with the excuse she can't talk to two people at once because of her split-brain surgery. Mr. Peanutbutter announces to the set that his mom dies and asks for support. After this, she and Mr. Peanutbutter, who is at the same restaurant, notice each other from across the room, to their shock. Joey tells her that's exactly right and she totally gets him. Mr. Peanutbutter says now that he's single he's finally learning to be himself. He goes on to say you think you are protecting them, but it comes out in other ways, and it infects everything. BoJack admits it's because he's jealous that Mr. Peanutbutter feels good about himself, and BoJack doesn't know if he'll ever be able to do that. Mr. Peanutbutter tries to tell her the truth about him cheating on her with Diane, but instead, he proposes to her. Mr. Peanutbutter's biggest flaw seems to be that he does not listen, especially to his wives or whoever he happens to be dating at the time. He then puts it back in his pocket unopened. However, Diane says she so tired of squinting and breaks down crying, as Mr. Peanutbutter looks upset, as an implication their marriage has failed. At the end of The Telescope, BoJack kisses Diane, leaving things awkward for the two in the following episode, Horse Majeure. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.Mr. They'll fight because she's mean, and she doesn't know why she is. Diane mentions the divorce papers but gets interrupted by the waitress, an excitable pug lady named Pickles, who gets along with Mr. Peanutbutter. Diane, who now has a bunch of car keys, is still trying to get her car out and calling people to move their cars. Pickles then says that can only happen if she also sleeps with someone else. In The Stopped Show, Mr. Peanutbutter goes to visit Diane, wanting to talk about how they had sex after the Philbert premier. They decide, after tricking and running away from Von Trapp, to make up the nominees by looking at the list of actors. He realizes this the next morning after seeing the 'D' on his deck. Princess Carolyn answers the door to find three teenage Trick-or-Treaters. Sure, Mr. Peanutbutter doesn't always "get" things - like why fracking is bad for the world, even if a giant drill sounds cool. Mr. Peanutbutter replies he and Pickles have put their relationship on hiatus while she is on her work trip. The two say they love each other. In Intermediate Scene Study w/ BoJack Horseman, at Mr. Peanutbutter's house, Mr. Peanutbutter is explaining to Pickles and Joey Pogo his plan for getting even with Pickles so that Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles can get married. Mr. Peanutbutter sounds shocked at the idea of her sleeping with two people. BoJack asks if they can take this part of the conversation elsewhere. Mr. Peanutbutter reluctantly agrees as the two say they love each other. BoJack is deflated, but Mr. Peanutbutter accidentally mentions afterward Todd's desire to not nominate BoJack and ends the conversation by promising him "none of this matters" and leaving. Mr. Peanutbutter responds by saying thats my girl," and walks past Princess Carolyn who mistakenly thinks that Mr. Peanutbutter is talking to her. As he talks to Princess Carolyn, a boom operator flips Mr. Peanutbutter the bird, as he walks past him, and Donna throws a scarf at Mr. Peanutbutters face. They awkwardly shake hands before she gets out of the car. That last part is key because, for Mr. Peanutbutter, he isn't meeting and dating these women because they have common interests (besides not having kids, he and Diane have little in common),. Pickles tells Mr. Peanutbutter that she doesnt want to be mad at him, and Mr. Peanutbutter says thats great, going on to say that he knows he caused her pain but he still wants to marry her. They run past BoJack, who is at the Cinnabunny. Bojack Horseman How Diane And Mr. Peanutbutter met and fell in love Subscribe,Like And Leave A Comment ! They talked for ten minutes about how the government is using their money. They initially met in the 2007 flashback episode, I assume they began a relationship just after that considering the moment in season 5 when Diane is talking to Pickles about how PB loves with his whole heart she explicitly mentions him loving her that way for over a decade, so from 2007-2018. Pickles is excited, however, she tells Mr. Peanutbutter a wise person in the bathroom gave advice that makes her worry they're moving too fast, and they should wait a little bit before going on their next date. When Princess Carolyn tries to leave, Mr. Peanutbutter asks her if she wants to keep hanging out, and pitches her movie ideas inspired by greeting cards. Mr. Peanutbutter is upset by this news and asks Captain Peanutbutter if he's sure everything will be OK. Captain Peanutbutter tells him "one day [Mr. Peanutbutter] will have to be the captain." Mr. Peanutbutter decides to try and toughen up his image. Todd says that one of those vehicles is his car. Diane nervously rambles about how she loved Horsin Around and how the show played a huge role in her formative years. Mr. Peanutbutter convinces her to stay home for the time being. A life of success, wealth, and fame meant Mr. Peanutbutter has never faced any real challenges or had to make difficult decisions, leaving him almost completely inept in the real world. He has one brother, Captain Peanutbutter, who is five minutes older. Diane gives her some water and tells her she understands that it's hard to be the new girlfriend. Flip yells cut and tells Mr. Peanutbutter that's what real strangling looks like. Mr. Peanutbutter remains downstairs trying to get himself a glass of water while at the same time not noticing Princess Carolyn and Todd crawling around his kitchen floor with Ruthie. BoJack Horseman: The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One, Esteemed Character Actress and Fugitive From The Law Margo Martindale, where the boyfriend is looking at another lady, BoJack Horseman: The Art Before The Horse, Labrador Peninsula, Canada (Birthplace, Hometown), Nana Peanutbutter (paternal grandmother; deceased), Mr. Peanutbutter was originally going to be. She is not excited to see him either, but explains that his heroic deeds have intrigued someone she works for and that she now has an opportunity for him: she asks if he wants to be the governor. Diane suggests he hire a personal driver, and he shortly thereafter catches Todd in the act of planting unspecified incriminating evidence in his computer as part of BoJack's plan. After trying and failing to make it work, Diane confessed she was no longer happy and the two ended up getting divorced in season 5. When BoJack is helping Diane move into her new apartment she invites him to come with her to Mr. Peanutbutter's housewarming party. Woodchuck declines due to the sheer ludicrously, although after a month people will not let the challenge go. BoJack says he understands what it's like to have guilt bottled up inside you, and not burden other people with it. I'm asking because i can't really imagine any other way. Mr. Peanutbutter then gets back in the car and BoJack tells him he wants to go back to prison as he doesn't feel like he can be around people. She tells him that the sex was great, but there was no emotional connection. He tells her is just distracted as he feels lonely in his big house after Pickles left. The news announces that they need a company with lots of pasta strainers, a fleet of cars, and sexy Orcas to help save the underwater city. The lawyer informs Todd that it isn't legal and that he'll see him in court. When they get home, Mr. Peanutbutter asks Pickles to turn off the Livestream because he needs to discuss something with her privately. Mr. Peanutbutter proposes a scenario in which Dougs fianc, whom he calls Pickles," doesnt know that he cheated and shes happy not knowing, asking if confessing would just cause additional pain, to which the other people in the room agree with him. Mr. Peanutbutter and Katrina divorced shortly afterward, with Katrina eventually getting a high-ranking job in the California government. In Zos and Zeldas, Diane's ex-boyfriend Wayne follows Mr. Peanutbutter as he claims he is writing a Buzzfeed article on him. Joey then reveals himself to be hanging by a clothes hanger inside the hotel room closet, giving Mr. Peanutbutter an idea. Mr. Peanutbutter guesses time flies when you're having fun. BoJack, still pretending to be the coin sorter, tells Mr. Peanutbutter to go to Pickles anyway and Mr. Peanutbutter agrees. However, Joey brings up that he heard people who seem happy are the most depressed. The two realize theyre both pretty happy, which worries them, and they quickly run off to start the tour and get the word out on depression. Due to his dog-like persona, and growing up in a family that . On set, BoJack is still strangling Gina, even though the scene is over. BoJack goes on to tell Mr. Peanutbutter that he might believe hes being selfless by not confessing his guilt, but bottling it up makes everything worse because the guilt will eventually come out in other ways and it will negatively impact everything. Pickles questions why not and Joey tells her he has a hard time because he has trouble finding someone who gets his brand. Mr. Peanutbutter later calls Diane, who is in Ojai with BoJack, very early in the morning. Do They Know Things?? It had nothing to do with the room itself. Joey says that he wanted to set up a meeting but his assistant went on strike and he doesnt know how to use a phone. BoJack and Mr. Peanutbutter are two characters who have a strikingly similar career trajectory, given that they both starred in sitcoms about adoptive parents, and despite receiving his own character arc on BoJack Horseman, Mr. Peanutbutter is essentially BoJack's opposite.. When Princess Carolyn questions Mr. Peanutbutter about his reputation, he says that hes not worried about it as he believes that people generally want to like him, and the universe will align in his favor. A little while later while Mr. Peanutbutter looks through a script while on the set of Birthday Dad, Princess Carolyn approaches him and shows him a meme she made about Mr. Peanutbutter entitled sad dog" and the different variants of it. Joey tells Mr. Peanutbutter that hes been trying to get in touch with him saying that he got a call from a mental health advocacy group, saying that they were jizzing their pants about Mr. Peanutbutter admitting that he struggles with depression. Princess Carolyn thinks for a moment as Mr. Peanutbutter's lawn is destroyed by the fire, and she comes up with the false story that Mr. Peanutbutter got rid of the lawn and replaced it with drought-resistant landscaping. Diane says she isn't jealous either and leaves. Diane says she wants to go to the Labrador Peninsula to spend New Years with his family, much to Mr. Peanutbutter's excitement. A drunk BoJack is sitting with Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles. She brings up that now that they are in a new tax bracket, maybe they should pay attention more to how the government is using their money. A life of success, wealth, and fame meant Mr. Peanutbutter has never faced any real challenges or had to make difficult decisions, leaving him almost completely inept in the real world. However, she tells him to keep her away from any mummies due to a traumatic incident from her past. When they enter the house, Pickles tries to turn on the lights by yelling Lights On!," but before she can, Mr. Peanutbutter interrupts her and tells her that what hes about to confess is so shameful he can only do it under the cover of shadow. She turns on a podcast which happens to be Diane's for Girl Croosh, making things awkward, especially when she brings up Mr. Peanutbutter dating Pickles, and how she's half his age. In Planned Obsolescence, Mr. Peanutbutter surprises Pickles, by picking her up from work and inviting her to go with him to the desert, so they can watch the international space station being blown up. Mr. Peanutbutter expresses concern, that he and Diane may end up getting a divorce if any more fights break out between themand asks for help removing the skunk scent before she returns home. A drunk BoJack tells everyone to make this party an annual thing, and he wants to see everyone back here next year. Mr. Peanutbutter cant remember why, but hes certain the payoff will be huge. She asks Mr. Peanutbutter if that makes sense and he says it does. In the first episode, which takes place in 2014, Diane is hired to ghostwrite BoJack's autobiography. His wife, Jessica Biel, tells him she meant the movie The Notebook, as she's dressed like Rachel McAdam's character, Allie Hamilton, from the movie. Mr. Peanutbutter asks her what it's like to be Diane. Mr. Peanutbutter tells them they were thicker than thieves, in fact, they were thievesand tells the reporters about the time BoJack and Sarah Lynn broke into his and Diane's home and stole their clothes. As Gina is gasping for breath, Mr. Peanutbutter intervenes. In Ancient History, Mr. Peanutbutter visits Princess Carolyn to VIM and tells her that since season one of Philbert has wrapped, he wants to auction a greeting card, which says, "Happy Birthday Dad" with a father dog and his kidsfor a movie, Birthday Dad. He attended Herb Kazzaz's funeral in Still Broken, although he didn't know Herb personally and only went to the funeral to schmooze. An annoyed Katrina tells him she wants to leave, saying she's not having fun because she doesn't know anyone at the party, but instead Mr. Peanutbutter makes her talk to BoJack, who leaves her too after realizing he needs a Halloween costume. Salinger, accidentally gets in a conference call with Diane and Princess Carolyn, and BoJack and Ana, with the latter two, are in New York when Princess Carolyn meant to put him on hold. She was a waitress at Elefant . Pickles then pulls Mr. Peanutbutter aside saying she needs to talk to him. After Princess Carolyn tells him Mr. Peanutbutter perks his ears up when he says the correct answer, he begins to win. Mr. Peanutbutter asks if he can pick her up from the airport, and she says sure. Diane hates those huge gestures because she feels like it puts pressure on her to do the same, or at least be dazzled by it even if she didn't want it in the first place. After the play, Pickles livestreams her reaction saying that the play had so many dysfunctional relationships, and Mr. Peanutbutter noticeably gets nervous when Pickles says that shes glad that they dont have a relationship like that. Mr. Peanutbutter also starts ranting about Greg, a man he met once at a gas station, saying that he sucks too. Mr. Peanutbutter says that they're here for the Halloween party that he's had for the last eleven years, as BoJack always says at the end of the parties to do it again next year. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Flip he thinks he's actually strangling her. Mr. Peanutbutter challenges Woodchuck to a ski-race, where the winner will be named governor. BoJack says he's aware. He has it removed in the following episode, Yesterdayland, where he also wants to get involved with Todd's Disneyland because he built it while working for PB Livin' and Todd, who wanted it to be his own thing, reluctantly agrees. She leaves, and BoJack swallows a few more pills. They agree fast food doesn't count and stop at a KFC, but it turns out to be "Kiki's French Cuisine," a fancy restaurant full of couples on dates. Mr. Peanutbutter ends up proposing to Pickles, instead of telling her the truth, setting the cycle of all his failed marriages back in motion. BoJack then goes and finds Mr. Peanutbutter, and tells him he doesn't know what's going on with him, though he is sure either he or Doug cheated on Pickles. He tosses her the keys and tells her to take it for a spin. Let's Find Out!, and Mr. Peanutbutter is hired as the host as his comeback role. BoJack says he doesn't know just that something bad will happen. This angers Mr. Peanutbutter and he interrupts the show to have BoJack sit across from him as he confronts him about kissing Diane. Max says sure he puts on a good front and puts up a good fight but if Pickles were to confess her love it would drop his heart down an elevator shaft and bring it back up to his throat. Later, Diane asks if they can go soon, because being around so many famous people are making her nervous. Mr. Peanutbutter storms off during the commercial break, unsure as to whether he should forgive BoJack. A year later, BoJack is seen directing a prison production of Hedda Gabler with his inmates. Mr. Peanutbutter tells her he enjoyed her new book and Diane thanks him. Diane pretends to still be in Cordovia whenever she calls him. Reply aeruin Additional comment actions True! When Sassy asks him why he still has a landline, he says it was his wife's, and Fritz is seen strangling her. Mr. Peanutbutter says anytime he went to a Halloween party with Katrina, they always got in a big fight, but Jessica tells him she isn't Katrina, and they'll have fun. To his disgust, it's his cold ex-wife, Katrina. Mr. Peanutbutter would continue to do this every yeardespite BoJack hating the parties, although he would always get extremely drunk by the end and would always tell the leaving guests to do it again next year. When Pickles tells Mr. Peanutbutter to take her to the park he agrees. This is showcased in Mr. Peanutbutter's Boos, where he didn't listen to Katrina when she begged him to not leave her alone at the party. As he and Mr. Peanutbutter leave Princess Carolyn's office, Todd suggests he and Maude go on a double date with Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles. Diane says she's good in small groups and shouts that she hates parties, which interrupts the party. Eventually, he goes back to the upstairs bedroom not noticing BoJack, Ruthie, Princess Carolyn or Diane, and asks Pickles if she wants whip cream with her drink, not realizing that Pickles was actually in the bathroom and wearing headphones. He proposes to her in the season finale to avoid admitting he cheated on her by sleeping with Diane.

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