WOW, thank you all for posting your experience! Since astrologers interpret square as a negative aspect in astrology, the partners might not enjoy this ride. I sort of feel the same with my situation. It is,also,very tender and,often,once in a lifetime. If you want to post your chart in my personal Readings Forum with this question, I could answer better. Im sure we could have an intense little fling, but Im not sure thats a good idea. Hi Ami! For now. I can not tear myself . I have a Libra Pluto square Capricorn Moon, so I have this with every single person in my Generation. This planet is impossible to control and it can turn your life into a disaster. In general, the Moon conjunct Pluto is filled with deep bonding, intense emotions, being overwhelmed, emotional pain and strong sexual chemistry. Its so unlike me as a Taurus sun, and him being a Cap. You should check the Nessus and Dejanira, too. Im the moon and shes te pluto and theres less than 1 degree difference. I also have experience with Sun square Sun, Mercury square Mercury, few more other aspects and Moon conjunct Pluto (I am the Pluto) and also had experience with Moon opposite Pluto (again I am the Pluto) and without my intent/wish/desire I had dreams about what they were doing when they were thinking about me. Im trying my best to stay away from him, I dont think our relationship stand a chance, and although we have DW, his Pluto is impacting ALL my planets except for Mars, even Chiron and NN. No words to describe this. I cursed at him more than Ive ever cursed at anyone in my life. Does this count as touching each others 7th house? I am a Cancer moon. More often than not, this leads to intense heartache. Her pluto in scorpio strongly trines my moon in capricorn. I always felt our relationship was more special than others. The thing is both of us are married. Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this. It gets insane day by day, loosing our minds, both of us. i have Pluto/moon opposition and he has a conjunction in his. Wow. When we reconciled recently he told me he is painfully attracted to me and and thinks and dreams of me often (12th house synastry I suppose) but he has been unfaithful to me in the past so I always end up running away. Well, the Moon/Pluto bug bit you, I can see! B could tend to dominate psychologically over A while A could react very spontaneously/ spasmodically towards B. There is attraction. Aldebaran and Betelgeus conj. I feel like I am completely unable to resist. Why he runs may be Chiron. My Midheaven square his Moon. ). He was Venus, I was pluto. Your venus in conjunction to my ascendant. Help! He told me that he had been watching me sleep for 20 minutes before waking me up. The weird thing for me is that I can understand that you run once. Its been 4 years we are not together but I tell you I cannot get him out of my mind for a single second till date! I like questions Is there a way to understand and communicate this? Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! List the aspects and degrees, please. Thats also why I found a new interest in astrology as it certainly provided me with answers in the past. They give you great honor, riches and respect BUT if you lose your integrity, you will go down and the fall will be bad. The Moon WILL be that way. We can be apart, very, very far apart, and we still feel each other. He is already talking about marriage and I have left my boyfriend for him and he is currently leaving his girlfriend for me. The push-pull is driving me nuts. This imbalance has been existing, and it will reveal itself to you during this event. Why dont you come and put your chart on my Forum E and you can ask all your preguntas , Recin creo haber entendido que me comentaste que estudias espaol,puede ser? But.I feel the heat! . The Pluto individual has great power to change the Moon individuals life. Its intense. His moon trine my neptune 4.56 These fears and experiences will lead to trust issues. Pluto conjunct Mars Just me trying to be karma! I have this mans Pluto on my Moon (and my Pluto on his Moon), but his Mars is also conjunct his Pluto. It`s so interesting! We also have Sun conjunct Pluto, Venus conjunct Sun, Venus conjunct Pluto, Mercury conjunct Sun, Mercury conjunct Pluto and Mercury conjunct Venus all in Libra in the 8th house in composite chart! Taurus Jupiter Pluto, as an astrological planet, has always been associated with magic, with dark, unexplored places, with deeper knowledge, esoteric, occult and alternative. The Moon Square Pluto synastry is going to generate some explosive passion. Also, my Pluto in Scorpio conjuncts his Venus / Mars / Mercury / Juno / Psyche. Thanks Ami, for answering. Chiron runs once and then it is done. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my. And soul. We have had sexual encounters after court and before. Ascendant Conjunction Mercury 011 175. His aspects win. His Pluto making two strong aspects to your inner planets means he has the upper hand. Welcome, Eric. Hola! If you are in a relationship with a Moon Square Pluto synastry, its time to break out some serious emotional maturity when evaluating this connection. He also looks like he could be related to me and there is much familiarity about him like I swear I know this man! That is LOVELY, M. It describes Moon/Pluto very well! You must be psychic too along with being an astrologer!! It drives me crazy, I still think a lot about him but if anything will happen, he will have to take the initiative. Ascendant Square Venus 137 -117. Thank you very much Ami! NOT in synastry, in the natal of each person. I also never had any children.) Yes. What do you make of all those Pluto aspects? My Venus also conjuncts his moon in Scorpio. Thank you for your kind words. Only why do that? My Neptune sextile his Mercury (exact). but I scared of having such an impact on me .. The Pluto conjunct Sun synastry aspect makes for a really deep and magnetic relationship. In his 8th house (cusp is Scorpio) falls my Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and Pluto. When the baby was born August 29 he told me it was his birthday and I asked specifically to make sure he meant it was his actual day of birth. It seems pretty deep . I am a bit afraid of too fast, too much Is it Neptune, is it Pluto, who knows. For me, I could care less about the person now lol, Hey, So question, me and this guy we have my moon(aquarias) square his pluto(scorpio) and again his moon(pieces) squares my pluto(scorpio) , the intensity is HIGH! My Ascendant? What do you think? What can I say, its extremely intense, like torture. Why do I love him with the intensity of an Obsessed Psycho? Isnt it pure bliss!? Uranus sextile Saturn 1.35 It was a fetish that he always had with me since we were 18. Ami, you described exactly how I feel for my beloved. The main moon aspects are listed above, particularly the Pluto/Moon trines we have both ways. We both have a religious/spiritual understanding. Is that what youre asking? I have discovered that there is Eros/Amor/ several fixed stars around between 10 and 19 Libra. and my venus sextile her pluto We have gotten along famously since day 1, and now that we dont live in the same house, maybe something could transpire, but he is SO much younger, it doesnt seem right.. We have incredible synastry, though! Over time, this will damage your relationship, your partner, and yourself. This relationship is very challenging, and it seems like there isn't light along the dark tunnel. He has a Pluto moon opposition natally (his moon in my eighth house), and I have Pluto conjunct ascendant natally. He scares me because he can make me feel so intensely but I love it. There will arise a lot of out-of-the-blue dramas which all stemmed from the past. Yes, its got to be! I have some questions, what does it mean to have sado conjunct sun, semisextile Uranus, semisquare neptune, and semisextile ascendent? My Mars trine his Pluto It does feel at times that we run hot and cold, and we are emotionally intense. Someones Planet Touches(Conjuncts) Your Ascendant Pardon Me, Madam. Perhaps, he feels overpowered but the Moon feels it as intensely as the Pluto imo. And untill now he didn`t want anything from me. Yes, an orb like that would kick up the intensity in a MAJOR way! *His mars opposites my mars (cancer/capricorn). I am so glad you were blessed by this article. my pluto has gone away for three months but asked to move in with me on his return. Uranus conj Dejanira is another one I have not seen either. BUT my question is how would it be if both our ascendents conjunct each others 7th house? a Cap Sun. His Pluto aspects my planets 6 times! My Pluto at 22 Virgo trine his Moon at 20 Capricorn. If individuals with a Moon Square Pluto synastry spend enough time together, sparks are going to fly. Hi Ami, Dont go against what you know is right imo. This is about someone Ill be working with soon, and whom I feel extremely attracted to. [woocommerce-edit-address-nonce] => Weird is exactly the right word, thank you Amiann! I feel like it would be easier to really figure out if I know others experiences, too! However, after a while, this emotional connection will become threadbare revealing the toxic qualities that have been driving it the entire time. It signifies transformation and change. Hello. ? He very quickly became very important to me. We have known each other for 13 yrs and just kept in touch I was married. I have a question too, do you two not contact each other through text or calling and prefer to just obsess over them instead? Pluto conj Mars in synastry is great attraction that will likely get violent. Sorry I meant to say I really enjoyed reading your article, and I believe is very true in either way. Su venus en conjuncin a mi ascendente. With his influence. Also have But it can have a lasting influence on people. You can order one from me (first timers get a discount). I have this with my boss at work. There is no charge <3. WOW Thank you for that description, T, and Welcome! I am a woman and I just posted a long text on how my male friend (and former housemate) and I have double-whammy Pluto trine Moon in synastry, among other important things, such as Sun/Moon conjunction, his Sun, my Moon, in Pisces. A lot of longing, this kinda love is.Can I put my synastry up. My Venus trine his Sun (double whammy) The love is not of this world. Dont ask about my heart I could hear it beat He has Mr. Saturn at 4 degree Pisces, so he is cold as ice for one, he also have natal Pluto @12 degree Virgo, The chart would show why this is happening. Like all of you, it tends to feel unrequited! No major Nessus and Dejanira connections. do they have any chance to resist each other? This Pluto partner can bring out intense emotions from the Moon. Then slowly I started saying Hi Well meet in a few weeks. He brings you confidence. Jupiter trine Mars 2.04 Moon conj Pluto is rare. Check out theLove Relationship Compatibility Reportfor more insight! Adjust 5.00 ST 8.24 Lat 32.45 Long 88.01 Saturn Conjunction Mars 458 67 Obsessed is an understatement! But, who feels it more, yearns for it, needs it forever? With Fixed Stars, i think we allow a 2 degree orb, maybe 3 tops.It would be conj Saturn for you. Your Pluto touching his ASC is strong. I would hate it to be unrequited. He had already heard about a new famy moved in town. GREAT post, Lovelost Ill make this as short as possible. He hasnt called back since then. My Pluto sextile his Uranus I kinda feel like this could be a Rose and Jack titanic esque relationship lol, Do you think so? This position represents our hidden thoughts and feelings. I know the forum is down, which is so sad, although I understand why. My boyfriends Pluto (Scorpio) is trine my Moon (Cancer). My Mooon in Leo trine Venus in Sag values real love, and freedom I am sorry you are hurting. My venus in his 12th house makes me feel lost and I often dont know how he feels about me. Sun conjunct Rising 4.49 In mind, heart and soul forever. its just a my feeling they were before I met him I mean I found out about him and I had this feeling before I even talked to him, Im female) I specified the wrong form of the name in English. Do you have Aldebaran or Betelgues conj something. My Mars conj. The connection is not of this world. I had no idea it was even possible to feel the way I feel about him from a synastry aspect. YES, the Moon is heart. That is lovely, Eric. With the square, he may simmer with obsession but not be able to show it in a direct way.Is that the case, Lou? You better be careful. But our conversations always turn to someone this person knows whos died, or some deep trauma theyve been through, or questions abt. I have moon conjunct pluto in libra in natal chart. Mercury quincunx Venus 3.58 Im the Saturn.). She said she felt the intense longing but would hardly look at him or contact him ever. I have Moon trine Pluto and Venus, Venus in 8th House and Venus Conjunct Pluto in our synastry. Pluto sq Moon is putting your passions in a box and they come out another way like in an addiction or in rage. While this could mean a powerful fling, a long-term relationship with a Moon Square Pluto synastry is going to require a lot of emotional work and maturity on both individuals in order to succeed. We make each other feel from afar. My Taurus Moon trines his Capricorn Moon The torturous feeling is definitely the Moon-Pluto DW. A few squares make for passion and tension, so I would not think badly of this! From already thank you very much! the depth and intensity of the feelings I feel happening between us, I would really need to see the charts to answer well, but I would check the Nessus cuz that gives a tortuous feeling. We also have a double whammy my Moon in Aquarius trine his Pluto in Libra. No way of avoiding it though so off I go, Your post made me laugh. * We both have Pluto in our 8th house natal charts. But their are other aspects that worries me. I have this aspect with tons of people..My moon is quirky this way?but It squares exactly with a man that I care very passionately and very deeply.. He has scorp asc, scorp moon, pisces venus, scorp pluto, moon conjunct pluto, mars square pluto in his natal! This is your internal emotional world that few people in your life will ever gain access to. They find each other completely fascinating, absorbing, and even hypnotic. It feels intense but Im also wary of him if hes serious or just playing mind games.. His Moon and Uranus conjuncts his Pluto in Libra. The love is not of this world. Do you think this would be memorable or have some kind of impact on any of us? Makes sense, my Friend. *His Venus squares my venus (libra/capricorn). My venus square your Mars They are energetic forces, in the manner of magnets lol. Trust me; it will wreak havoc in it. I cant focus, forget to eat, cant sleep. Wow, you both feel it! Like Venus-Mars inter-aspects, mars moon inter-aspects represent the male/female or yin/yang energy between couples. Pisces mercury But the thought of this guy is still haunting me. I will post the charts in the forum and see what you think of our aspects. His Pluto (in Libra) trines my Moon (in Gemini) at a 0.3 orb (i dont know much about astrology but i found it on a synastry calculator). It does not seem like it should from what you say. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. Or is it because he is still processing the divorce from the mother of his kids? I do have Neptune-Sun, Neptune-Mercury (double whammy), and Neptune-Moon with mine, so I know this all adds a very peaceful, loving, and dreamy atmosphere to it all, too. But Pluto rules over mystery and secrets. Pisces Jupiter The work situation is a bit of a barrier though for the time being. : he has ascendant conjunction pluto in his natal chart, too So! I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. What kind of a doctor gets sexual with his pregnant patient, says he wants to help her, drawn to her, liked her a lot, cant get enough of her, then disappears after the birth? Why would he lie about his birthday to make me think my baby and him share a birthday??? WE call it a Double Whammy lol, You mean it would be no possible to resist such combination even if you try hard?? which aspect wins.though? He would constantly compliment me and he bring up our beautiful memories that we once shared. I met him last year, so I haven't really had the time for other flings, but I absolutely couldn't imagine them, indeed. Recently she found out through a mutual friend and blocked that one too. lmao. Mars Trine Venus 229 63 Hm.InterestingOk. And the others youve spoken to with this placementdo you know if they are the Moon or the Pluto? My Sun Mars conjunction lands in her 8th house and is exactly trine to her Scorpio Mars. There's also a possibility that Pluto, having the upper hand in the relationship, can control the Moon. This function compares the active chart to a file chart. YES. Theres so much LONGING. With this, the person whose planets are in the square can detect the inner challenges. Theyre going to need to know how to set and respect the Moon individuals boundaries as well as how to change the Moon individual for the better rather than the worse. i mean i wasnt really going for an individual aspect synopsis, i just wanted to know if the intensity of all those Pluto to personal planets contacts would create a mutual infatuation/attraction or if its likely to be unrequited/repulsion. Hes already have personal issues , bring that to synastry voila! My venus conjunction to your Uranus Pluto sextile Chiron 1.39 It deals with our motherly personality, which can induce the gentle and caring side of people. I think ones soul has to be deeply connected to anothers to be able to feel them on such a profound level, such that they end up in the same place. The girl I have recently spoken with was pluto and she could attest to the obsession on her part. And yet when you meet, its like no time at all passed, right? Does this fit? Because of this strong emotional connection, the Moon person is likely to feel obsessed with the Pluto person; the Moon person easily becomes addicted to the emotional intensity the relationship. On a whole other level. Exactly whst u described as the moon person is how i feel. He has Cap sun and Virgo moon and Venus, Mars And Mercury in Cap and I have Sun in sag, moon in libra and the same cap stellium in Venus, Mercury and Mars. Its just that its torturous being kept apart. I am going through Pluto Trine Moon 3 (I am the Moon) and Pluto sextile Venus 0 (I am the Pluto here) Its so strange, strong and crazy, that I even start to belive in Astrology. However because of our moon/neptune conjunction things never really got off the ground properly, which you are also right about (the moon/neptune conjunction issue)! And woman has moon opposite pluto in her natal chart. Angles touching angles gives intimacy. It may help you understand why such situations occur, where is it rooted, and why your partner is acting that way. However, I think Moon/Pluto will be very strong, in synastry, for these people and anyone. OMG similar synastry Saturn opp his Saturn Sun, My moon trine his Pluto (tight orb), my Pluto conjunct my moon (less tight), Junos trine, Chirons trine In composite all 5 personal planets conjunct Neptune in H7.In Davison, five planets retrograde. Is this his fear or is this pure cruelty? His moon sextile both of my Pluto and Venus. I have them conj Venus and the Sun, respectively. I can not get it from I crash I can not refuse him . In astrology, Pluto is a feared planet, and this is not without any reason. Scorpio 1405. Where each of the ten planets is positioned depends on your exact time of birth. He always asks what have I done to him. I have a venus-pluto dw, moon-pluto dw, sun-moon dw, sun-pluto dw, moon-jupiter dw and venus-mars dw with my crush that I am already claiming as my future husband lol, is it safe to say he is equally obsessed as me? So, when the Moon and Pluto are in a square position, such a connection indicates that people, who have this aspect, truly have difficulty expressing their emotions because this aspect blocks them. Thanks so much for your post and Welcome Renegade! Our Moons sextile and his Sun conjuncts my Moon and my Sun trines his Moon and our Suns, Venuss and Mars are opposite. If this is the most exact aspect between your charts, your main relationship theme concerns managing the deep feelings you arouse in each other. As you might expect we have close sun moon synastry lots more of the usual sun venus/venus mars/ mars mars. His Sun at 5 degrees Pisces conjunct my Moon at 7 Pisces (with his Pluto trining in there). I am 13 years his senior and this is just way out of the ordinary for me. I think we both have this fear.of rejection, naturally. I feel like I look at him and see myself reflected back. , You're absolutely right it feels like HOME! Thank YOU for your sweet words, Mirra! The combination of Venus and Pluto has been called the "magnificent obsession." No amount of love, affection, or attention fully satisfies the insatiability. Hi Ava! Would love to know how these aspects might be effecting him. Goodness, this haunts me terribly, because its so true. My Mars squaring your Jupiter All that I know is I am pretty crazy about him and it shows (the crazy, that is, ???). Can you explain the question more, D. I dont understand. We cant get enough of each other. I run from mine. Sun Square Pluto Synastry: How Will The Light Work, Sun Square Venus Synastry: Will The Light-Love, Sun Conjunct Pluto: How To Navigate With The Light, Saturn Conjunct Neptune: When Things Are Dark,, Venus Square Moon Synastry: Getting Past The Tension, Mercury Conjunct Venus Synastry: Will There Be An. In its more self-destructive phase, it can be a wish for death. I have never felt this strong a need to be around someone or hear his voice, or for them to reach out and touch me, in my entire life. Anyone else noticed the assistance of asteroids or retro planets with their moon-pluto connections? Its tough for me to figure out which planet is causing me to feel this so strongly, as its a double-whammy. You would have to teach me! Moon oppose Pluto is sexy kind of fighting. Poor Pluto, Also he is a Scorpio sun, I am a Cancer sun suns trine so Moon/Pluto is our sun signs respective rulers! Thats how it was the first time this happened (with the Full Moon one back in April, I think it was). My Mars conj. Id just literally felt him all day, and though I dont know if I expected to see him as such, it had felt all along like he was with me because of how powerfully I felt him. With this, the person whose planets are in the square can detect the inner challenges. Pluto Conjunct Sun Synastry. Their partners may become more in tune with their feelings. The Pluto wants to control the gentle, fragile Moon. What if his Pluto squares my Sun / Moon / Mercury? Mi marte cuadratura a su jupiter Moon conjuct pluto in 10 degrees That give these aspects bigger significance for both parties. Strong attachment and pull toward each other.

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