Shub-Niggurath, the black goat of the woods Sanity Loss: 1D10/1D100 Sanity points. Yolanda Sanity Loss: no Sanity points loss to see Yolanda. Coub is YouTube for video loops. Interestingly, such ecstatic worship reminds us of Pan, the Greek god of shepherds, woodlands, and sexuality, and who (for some) later becomes entwined as a male aspect or avatar of Shub-Niggurath (see Great God Pan). One may also assume that the reference to many faces shines a light on Nodens apparent human form, which seems to jump straight out of human mythology. HASTALK (Great Old One) Seemingly formless, its touch corrupts entire worlds. It reforms in 2D100 years. Dream lore recounts a prophecy where, one day, Lilith will regain power enough to escape permanently from its Dreamland prison and travel to a place or temple between the worlds. This relatively small group continued into the 20th century, preferring to remain hidden and secretive in its undertakings. Posted by nicholas Bariola on 1st Jul 2020. Such worship may extend beyond the cities to the uncivilized and tribal groups of Kn-yanians said to inhabit the wildernesses and plains of that secretive underworld. On the following round, the target may be crushed (2D6 damage) or bitten (1D8+venom). Those surviving seem forever touched by the incident, afraid of the cold, afraid of mountains, and afraid of forest wildernesses. Each target within its 50-foot (15 m) wingspan can be attacked by one tendril. In time, Kruschtya devoted all of this time to this work, causing his professional work to suffer and was consequently dismissed from his employment. Those touched by Azathoth will either be knowing cultists, able to partially grasp Azathoths reality or those ignorant but able to perceive some fragment of the truth. Sanity Loss: 0/1D6 if receiving communications from Qyth-az; 1D6/2D10 if in the presence of the Old One. Most agree that this avatar seems to embody the Unspeakable Ones rage or hatred, if such emotions can be applied. Richard Watts: The Mother of Pus. 130 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS underground within ghoul-made catacombs and maze-like tunnels that are said to join this world to other places beyond human reckoning. Magic POW: 175 Magic Points: 35 Spells: Cloud Memory, Consume Memories, Fist of YogSothoth, Nightmares, The Red Sign, Utterance of Bile, Wrack; others as desired by the Keeper. Impaling weapons (incl. Whatever ones beliefs concerning this entity, most seem to agree that shaking hands with it is a bad idea if one wishes to continue to exist. Encounters Serpent Tentacle (mnvr): each looks like a huge snake, with eyes and mouth, and is capable of grabbing an opponent to then hold, crush (3D6 damage), or bring them to its main mouth to be eaten (2D6 damage). Here, we note that Janith was able to survive an encounter with Mguleloc as she was at the time hidden from view, due to some enchantment of invisibility bestowed by an artifact she calls the Sphere of Confusion. While scholars continue to debate the nature and existence of the Sphere of Confusion, its effect of turning its user invisible seem to have saved Janiths life, as when Mguleloc could find no sustenance after it has eaten Old Paul ( Janiths manservant), it departed back from whence it came. we will send you a discount coupon just before the Feaster, Possible Blessings None known. Historically, Gol-goroth appears to have been a popular deity in pre-human society, with numerous effigies or obelisks raised in its honor. With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. Face tentacles may extend and vary their thickness, causing them to be able to access small holes and other places people might try to hide. Encounters Un-seeable: the presence of Zu-che-quon causes earthly creatures painful discomfort to their eyes, with some even blinding themselves attempting to relive the torment. Named by some as the Nemesis Star, it roams the void of space, apparently free 87 CHAPTER 2 m a l have passed Earth in prehistory and alleged to have caused the CretaceousTertiary (K-T) extinction event that saw three-quarters of the planets life die some 66 million years ago. A bright light (powerful flashlight) delivers 1D6 damageif it waits still for the treatment. Unlike other Old Ones, Zu-che-quon appears not to have been imprisoned at the casting down of its kin by the Elder Gods, but rather brought to a state of continual torpor from which it alone cannot rise. the ability to move a group of people with Aforgomons blessing, but at the cost of all of their magic points. There is little consensus on the matter, which quickly becomes evident when one begins to search tomes of lore for mention of its name. With new illustrations throughout by master artist Loc Muzy, the many horrors of the Mythos are brought to stunning life. Such confusion over terminology is an example of the dangers of human reasoning when it comes to the Cthulhu Mythos. Aura Grab (mnvr): target is held and then, on the following round, gripped and strangled (1D6 damage per round) or pulled into its mass to be crushed (6D6 damage). Note: Azathoth is beyond all possible scales and, as an entity, it is meaningless to attempt combat with it. After the mysterious death of researcher, Robert Blake, the church building was raided by the local authorities but no books or artifacts were apparently recovered, or, if they were, such items were quietly locked away. Once you have these, it is simply a matter of determining hit points, damage bonus, and so on. The Ravening One, killer from the void Devour Brain (mnvr): if successful, target is entangled in writhing tentacles. Optionally, the individual may not wake up, as their dream-self (life force) is now trapped with the Old One, requiring colleagues and friends to deal with the situation and find a way to mount a rescue (probably using a magic ritual or similar). 61 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult Tidal Wave: the movement of its massive body combined with its will (2 magic points), creates monstrous tidal waves able to capsize boats and devastate coastal communities. A particularly loathsome cult resides around this Old One, with its members being undead servants. Tales describe Gnophkehs as being entombed in ice in the Northern Hemisphere, possibly in Iceland or, more likely, Greenland. From the slits between the shells came fleshy cylinders tipped with polypous appendages, while in the interior darkness was the suggestion of a horrific face. Disguised serpent folk, along with their human allies or servants, work in the modern era to prepare the world for the return of Tsathoggua and the reclamation of the planet for the serpent race. Aura A cloying dryness felt in the throat, and a strange and unnatural warmth are signifiers of the proximity of this Old One. Soon, it became clear that the mist was no feature of the weather but was pouring upward, out of the ocean itself. For the most part, this deity seems content to abide within its domain and receive offerings, although rumor exists of Mordiggians desire to expand its domain to the surface world and refashion both the Waking World and Dreamlands into one massive charnel house of death. For the sake of convenience, the terms deity and god are used throughout to refer to these immense Mythos entities. Given its ghoulish connections, it may be supposed that Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg enjoys consuming dead flesh, which the ghouls have in vast supply. Despite calls for Kruschtya to share the material he had found, he grew more secretive and refused, stating that he alone should be the one to produce the solution. The appearance of the Yellow Sign or the text of The King in Yellow may be the sparks that light the touch paper. Cult Encounters Organized worship of Ithaqua tends to be located within the boundaries of its earthly domain, although that does not stop such cults recruiting or expanding their interests outside of the sub-Arctic and Arctic regions; however, key sites and rituals normally take place within its sphere of influence. Tendril Pull (mnvr): latches or grabs onto a target, pulling them into its central body, where the victim is torn apart and eaten (5D6 damage per round). The POW is permanently lost, while additional magic points may be gained by burning hit points. Among the voormis still living are many who tend to Tsathoggua; their ministrations including supplying their god with sacrificial food and so forth. Gather (mnvr): each round 1D3 random investigators or other humans are grabbed by Hasturs ever-moving tentacles (if within 10 yards/meters). Once hooked by this entitys sounds, a person either comes to worship it or descends into madness, or both. It is the music of chaos unbound, unstoppable and all-consuming. Of course, some clever investigators may find a way to harm a Mythos deity and such wounds will be felt and reacted toconsider it like being stung by a waspthe entity will seek to be rid of such nuisances. Being eaten alive is painful as the digestive acids burn flesh and dissolve clothing and so forth (a Luck roll may be required to determine if items are lost or damaged). The tale ends with Sir Gilbert becoming the Toads last meal, and how a star was engraved into the stone door behind which the creature dwelled, trapping it with magic should it ever escape its confines. *Entity is probably destroyed, but reforms in 1D10 minutes and is now radioactive. Eventually, the lump bursts open, causing the host 1D6 damage. The details and mechanics of the Mythos Deities presented in this book were based upon the initial Call of Cthulhu game creations of the following authors: Scott David Aniolowski: Aforgomon, Ahtu, Aphoom-Zhah, Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg, Cthylla, Cxaxukluth, Death-Walker, The Dweller in Darkness, Lesser Elder Gods, Fthagghua, Ghizguth, Ghroth, Gnophkehs, The Great God Pan, The Green Man, Groth-golka, Han, Hziulquoigmnzhah, Iod, Kassogtha, The Keeper of the Moon-Lens, The Kruschtya Equation, Madam Yi, Mordiggian, Ossadagowah, Pharol, Qyth-az, Rhan-Tegoth, Rlim Shaikorth, Saaitii, Tawil atUmr, The Tick Tock Man, Trunembra, Ubbo-Sathla, Utulls-Hrher, Vorvadoss, Vulthoom, The Wailing Writher, Xada-Hgla, Yegg-ha, Yibb-Tstll, Yolanda, Zathog, Zoth Syra & Yoth Kala. If a sentient portion, The Black is capable of assuming and changing its physical shape, taking on human, animal, or alien form at will, although it retains its color and is unable to mimic other colors or textures. Combat Attacks per round: 1 (spell) or 4 (claw, bite, and/or entangle in monstrous form) The Queen does not usually engage in physical combat, preferring to use her devoted followers and lackeys to protect her, as well as her arsenal of spells.

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