The show follows homicide detectives from across the county during the first few days of murder investigations. Miami's independent source of Usually, it's some jacked addict playing around like a fool. The episode was never aired. Evans said Carter detailed that night with great specificity: "My friend pretended to buy drugs while I crouched behind the window. With a pair of murder charges on his record, he's struggled to find work or an apartment. All Rights Reserved. Sanchez seethed. Federal jurors deliberated less than three hours before deciding in Smarts favor. First 48 producer Allison Howard pleaded guilty last year to obstruction of justice after she lied about "copying, showing, or giving video footage she shot of the raid to third parties," Detroit prosecutors said. I catch it just at the beginning where the falling snow seems to fluoresce under a streetlight, the victim's jacket askew on top of the snow, in some field, next to another field, next to a rundown house.

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