What problems are being identified? For example, with small children, socialization tends to focus on control of biological and emotional impulses, such as drinking from a cup rather than from a bottle or asking permission before picking something up. Bully victims often report experiencing headaches, extreme sadness, insomnia, stomachaches, and suicidal thoughts (Kaltiala-Heino, Rimpel, Marttunen, Rimpel, and Rantanen 1999). Incorporating technology into the classroom has also been suggested as a way to improve boys reading achievement, particularly through the use of the internet. The term became associated with school disciplinary procedures in 1994 when the Gun-Free Schools Act was passed in the United States, which required that students who possessed a firearm at school be expelled for no less than one year (Cerrone 1999). Summarize how streaming contributes to socialization in schools. These students did not have a strong peer group identity with one of the established school peer groups and were at the periphery of the school social scene. Specifically, Sprott (2004) found that emotional support in the classroom when children were between 10 and 13 years of age reduced violent behaviour in children two years later. She notes that style is perceived to be a voice of resistance among many girls, but also queries whether such an en masse expression of resistance through consumption of fashion and music can really be considered resistance if so many young people seem to be doing itat least to some extent. Not all school violence is overt. The physical and emotional abuse experienced by children from other childrenotherwise known as bullying. While gender roles are learned in primary socialization in the family, they can become further enforced or challenged in the school environment (Leaper and Friedman 2007). Mathematics and science, for example, are subjects in which males have historically outperformed females. Students may have to stand in orderly lines in order to have a drink of water. Peer victimizationrefers to physical and emotional abuse experienced by children from other childrenotherwise known as bullying. The outer ring consists of implicit moral instruction, where students are provided with moral exemplars in more sophisticated ways, such as through the curriculum of history and literature. Students who are less academically inclined are put into classes that better match their abilities and interests, like vocational training. Such instances spark debate around the role of schools in promoting particular social values. The Britney look consisted of tight jeans and midriff-baring tops, while the JLo look was characterized by figure-hugging velour track suits. Socialized Delinquency. This bottom-up approach to decision making has proven to be a very effective one for students who, for various reasons, were not successful in the mainstream system. Lamb, Bigler, Riben, and Green (2009) have also found that if teachers teach children to confront and challenge sexist stereotypes, the results can decrease gender stereotyping behaviour, particularly in girls. Character education is part of the official curriculum in some parts of the country. Such reading materials functioned as a type of social or cultural capital within their groups of friends. Canadian studies of the outcomes associated with home schooling are much less plentiful than in the United States, where the home schooling movement has been growing rapidly. Families and schools are major contributors to socialization, but there are other systems of socialization within ecological systems theory. All of these examples require the student to self-regulate his or her bodys physical actions in ways that the child may not have had to do in a family setting. It was emphasized that children have to learn how to be students and that the teacher is largely in charge of not only subject-specific education, but also the teaching of morals and values. Many children arrive at school with behavioural problems and emotional needs that are not met in the family environment. Although the mitigating factors clause was supposed to protect such students, the statistics indicated otherwise. Within the outer ring, teachers are also included as exemplars of moral behaviour (see Box 6.1). What group(s) were you in? They found that the young adults who had been home schooled had higher academic attainment in young adulthood than the average population. A possible reason for this is that teachers may talk in staff meetings about students whom they perceive as problematic, which may influence future teachers interactions with those students. Children who are accepted by their peers tend to have a more safe school environment, while those who have been rejected by their peers are at a greater risk of targeted harassment and bullying (Wentzel and Looney 2006). What is the Value of a Liberal Arts Degree? In other words, boys need to be in places where traditional expressions of masculinities can be fostered and nurtured because the current organization of school does not allow this. The first zone is called the core. Less overt ways of instilling values through curricular practices are also found in citizenship education, which teaches students about being good citizens. Citizenship education is present in the primary and secondary curricula of all Canadian provinces and territories (Evans 2006). Arai (2000) found in a study of Canadian parents who home schooled their children that most indicated that they objected to specific parts of public education rather than the institution as a whole. Because the school is such an important agent in the socialization of children, it can also have negative impacts on children who experience negative interactions with their teachers. Cooperating, taking turns, and practicing self-control are examples of social rules. Rules that students opposed were those that seemed pointless and arbitrary, particularly those around dress codes (Raby 2005). If students believe that their teacher has lower expectations of them, this can result in a self-fulfilling prophecy of low achievement. Being the member of a peer group that engages in deviant or rebellious behaviour, for example, may increase the bond of students within those groups but also serve to reinforce related attitudes and behaviours that result in poor school performance. The influence of social capital, however, does not always work in a manner than enhances academic achievement and prosocial behaviours. Students will be required to sit still during lessons. Finally, the question of how home schooling affects the socialization of children was addressed. 5. As noted by Raby (2005), the language of school codes of conduct suggests that young people are seen to be incomplete, at risk, and in need of guidance, a position that legitimizes school rules and their enforcement (p. 73). Describe how school rules, codes of conduct, and dress codes impact on the socialization of students. Structural and Social Inequalities in Schooling, After reading this chapter, you will be able to. As Table 6.1 illustrates, there are many new things for children to get used to in the school setting. The OHRC also found that racial minority students were also disproportionately represented among those who had been disciplined with suspensions and expulsions under the act. 1982). Peer groups can also be thought of as a form of social capital (see Chapter 2). School settings often place children in heterogeneous classes with large groups of children of the same age, where they participate in very specific school-oriented activities and events. This is a community-based school that offers mentoring to marginalized children and youth. 2. Like the deviants (below) they had a higher likelihood of alcohol use and sexual behaviour. Previous explanations of males outperformance of females in science and mathematics suggested that biological factors predisposed males to be better at more technical subjects than females. Obviously, students in schools are expected to follow the school codes or face some type of reprimand. Sources: Manitoba Education www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/parents/senior/math.html Reproduced with permission from Manitoba Education. As discussed above, the teacher becomes an important new figure of authority for young children when they first begin formal schooling. In addition to social class distinctions in streaming, racial minority students are also overrepresented in the bottom groups of streaming ability (Oakes 2005). Homeschooled children have stronger relationships with their parents and As Krahn and Taylor (2007) argue, students from disadvantaged backgrounds may have the ability to succeed in advanced academic courses, but an assortment of other factors may be reducing their likelihood of taking these courses. The media, in particular, have been quick to endorse a position that suggests that the main problem can be found in the ongoing feminization of schooling. Home schooled children typically follow the curriculum of their province of residence. The girls argued that they were honouring a school tradition by wearing duct tape clothing to the game and that their attire was modest. Peer-rejected children, however, are not only aggressive children. Peer-rejected children often display social skills that make them undesirable playmates and friends to other children. The family still remains an important part of childrens socialization, even when they enter into school. If she shows too much of her body, males will become distracted (which is her fault). The school as a site of secondary socialization was presented, with the differences between the family (primary socialization) environment and the school environment being highlighted. 2010). 2003. http://www.education.alberta.ca/media/645805/srhelapofs.pdf pp. Within the general category of elites, such peer groups as populars, student union members, and preppies were found. The first of these dimensions is behavioural conformity. One final agent of socialization is religion, discussed further in Studies have found that classrooms in the lower tracks have a variety of less desirable characteristics that undoubtedly impact on the learning of students such as less experienced teachers, less challenging coursework, and teachers with lower expectations of students (Katz 1999). Victims also tend to experience irritability (Sharp 1995), anxiety (Olweus 1978; Salmon and James 1998; Sharp 1995; Slee 1994), and anger and self-pity (Borg 1998). As discussed in Chapter 2, while policymakers have made recent attempts to mix the vocational and academic trajectories together in high school in order to make them more comparable, students expressed that, based upon the feedback they received from teachers, academic trajectories were preferred and that vocational paths were stigmatized (Taylor 2010). The term streaming(also known as tracking) refers to the series of courses a student should take that best matches his or her abilities and aptitudes. Sociology of Education in Canada by Dr. Karen L. Robson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Recognizing that such negative peer interactions can have a profound impact on childhood socialization and later-life well-being (Canadian Council on Learning 2008), many schools have adopted strict anti-bullying policies that are incorporated into their school rules. Within these two generalizations, however, much differentiation existed regarding the amount of money spent on the clothing. Kelly, Pomerantz, and Currie (2005), for example, found that self-described skater girls (i.e., girls who associate with skateboard culture) were expressing their rejection of contemporary ideals of femininity. Skelton (2001) has noted, however, that the predominance of female teachers is not a new thing but has been the status quo since the nineteenth century. Asked about the inappropriateness of their behaviour, one student was quoted as saying, Theyre not setting a good example if theyre going to be doing that. In Chapter 4, for example, research by Willms (2008) was considered which argued that French immersion programs act as an informal streaming mechanism as French immersion students tend to be from significantly higher socio-economic backgrounds and less likely to have a learning disability. Socializing This is the complete list of articles we have written about socializing. Especially in early grades, the relationship that a child has with his or her teacher has a very important impact on emotional, social, behavioural, and academic adjustment (Pianta 1999). The goal of such acts is to damage others reputations and social standings within the peer group. Unless a child attended preschool or nursery, the structure and routines of the school day and the social relationships within the school setting must be entirely learned. Schools socialize children by teaching them their formal curricula but also a hidden curriculum that imparts the cultural values of the society in which the schools are found. One of these values is the need to respect authority, as evidenced by these children standing in line. Children gain an impression of how people perceive them as the Resistance by youth to the socialization forces of the school and its inherent power relationships can be expressed in a variety of ways. The popular girls self-described their sense of fashion and interest in their appearance and popular culture. Theories in the Sociology of Education, 3. The failure of children to be socially accepted by their peers. Critics (see Apple 2000) also object to the presentation of the public schooling system as a failure and argue that the home schooling movement, particularly the neo-conservative home schooling movement in the United States, serves to segment and divide the population, essentially creating more problems than it actually solves. Young people are more likely to agree with rules that they accept as offering them protection. Students may not touch other students. These ideals are normatively approved and accepted models of what a student should be like to fit into schooling contexts, not only in North America but in virtually all places where formal schooling occurs. Martino and Kehler (2006, 2007) have argued that such demands for male teachers to fix the problem of boys underachievement is actually a subtle ploy to re-traditionalize schools using a strategy of normalizing hegemonic masculinities (discussed in Chapter 2). In Canada, research using data from the Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth has found that the social climate within schools and classrooms has important effects on children who display early signs of behavioural problems. In April 2010, it was announced that the teachers would no longer be employed at the high school. Girls who were verbally abused by teachers during childhood were also less likely to finish high school (Brendgen et al. Schools are directly responsible for making people worthwhile in their respective societies. Schools with the most severe discipline problems usually have the worst social climates as well. Because computer use is seen as a masculine activity by both boys and girls (Sokal 2002, 2010), the use of computers in literacy teaching may neutralize the idea that reading is a feminine task. Not only does a childs behaviour have to be modified from a set of learned family-appropriate behaviours, but the setting itself has many new structural features to which a child must become accustomed. First, it teaches members the skills necessary to satisfy basic human needs and to defend themselves against danger, thus ensuring that society itself will continue to exist. The role of teachers as a new authority figure in students lives was introduced earlier. The findings of research on the impact of school uniforms on school safety has, in general, not supported the premise of reduced behavioural problems in students (Han 2010) or school achievement (Yeung 2009). 2010). Introduction to the Sociology of Education, A Case Study of a Major Education-Related News Item in Canada, Using the Sociology of Education to Help Understand the Events in Attawapiskat, Bronfenbrenner and Ecological Systems Theory, The Development of Education in the Rest of Canada, The History of Aboriginal Education in Canada, Funding of Primary and Secondary Education in Canada, Public and Private Post-secondary Education, Historical Events in Canadian Curriculum Development. What kinds of resources are available on their websites? Social approval is obtained when children accept the sanctioned goals of the school setting and they are rewarded and reinforced on a consistent basis through social acceptance by teachers and other students (Wentzel and Looney 2006). This group tended to care the least about schoolwork and did not participate in extracurricular activities. Recent immigrant youth may also be placed in lower tracks due to their English language skills, rather than their overall academic ability (Sweet et al. The number of children who are home schooled is on the rise in Canada. What is the relationship between school rules and the socialization of students? Not all post-secondary institutions, however, accept ELA 30-2 for entry. Similar to peer victimized children, peer rejection may occur simply because a child is perceived as being different in some way from other members of the peer group. In an analysis of streaming processes by province, Krahn and Taylor (2007) examined how course selection limited the post-secondary education options available to students in selected provinces. Brint (1998) identifies three major zones of socialization within classrooms (see Figure 6.2). Such negative relationships can put students at risk for social maladjustment as well as emotional and behavioural problems. These 1400 hours in the school setting per year do not include extracurricular activities and school preparatory work, like homework. What are the outcomes of home schooling in terms of the socialization of children? Jussim and Harber (2005) found that the expectations that teachers have about their students influenced how they behaved toward them. Define peer victimization, peer rejection, and relational aggression. Favourable school climates are characterized by non-arbitrary rule enforcement, rewarding of appropriate behaviour, and positive interactions between students and teachers (Reinke and Herman 2002).

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