Prefer a 9 mm. In reaching this conclusion, the FBI appeared to give too little weight to the tissue-crushing ability of the larger projectiles (.40 S& W; .45 Auto). Note how velocity is squared, and mass is halved. Got to love 45 in Army Guard 21 years. The gun was designed prior to WW1 and its main usage was close combat in regards to trench warfare. This was an interesting discussion. In his 1989 treatise, Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness, Supervisory Special Agent Urey Patrick explained that the goal of an officer in a life-threatening shooting incident is to incapacitate the adversary as quickly as possible. It would be nice if it were that simple but of course its not. They should have several different handguns depending on the shoot I myself at 6 to 200 pounds and have a large chance by far the best pistol Ive ever shot is the 1911. Request product info from top Ammunition companies. Okay all handgun are garbage. Again this is my opinion and it is based on personal COMBAT EXPERIENCE. I am sure the debate will go on till the last Cockroach dies . Dr. Peter Rhee is a trauma surgeon who operated on victims of the 2011 shooting at a political event in Tucson, Arizona, in which six people were killed and 13 wounded in a hail of 9mm bullets. The role of the gun industry in Americas gun violence epidemic. Our PD Captain has suggested that if I wish to carry, as a civilian, that I carry a .45 cal. Train! If the first bullet ricochets off the windshield, the succeeding rounds will make it through. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! Theres been many people shot and continue. That still dont make them experts but better than the average person. In the past, one of the standard tests performed to assess bullet and cartridge performance was the penetration of pine boards of various thicknesses. I shot Master for a while. My opinion is he got shot in the living room and after he kicked the door in. All this scientific garbage really sounds great, but if you need fifteen rounds to eliminate a threat you got real bad aiming habits. A tenured officer responded to a violent male mental on a *TD bus. The round severed Platts brachial artery, passing through the arm into his chest and almost entirely through his right lung. 3 rounds all center mass within 2 inches of each other. For a bullet to be effective for law enforcement, it must be able to penetrate the body between 12 and 18 inches to reach large vital organs to cause rapid blood loss. Makes no difference to me. Not to mention costs savings in ammo which is a big deal both in the government and civilian perspective. I carried an issue 45. 10..again 10 rounds landed on target. Let the operators in theater chose what they want. It has been reported by Heritage about how there are a number of personal protection gun uses that make the news in any given month, but are given a tiny fraction of the attention that mass shooters and other violent gun criminals receive. But for those of us that like to aim and make good hits Ill take the 45 as a primary with a compact 9 as a backup. Both calibers have been proven to be effectively lethal.. Ive usually have to chase guys shot with 9mm. I have most of the makers revolver & simi-auto, in most of the major calibers. Its hesitation that makes people miss. A 9mm round fired at close range to the skull with the correct ammunition will be fatal nearly all the time. The question isnt how many people die from being hit with a certain a round, but rather what do they do immediately after being hit?. finds relevant news, identifies important training information, Steel BB (0.170" ball bearing) at 200 ft/s will make a hole, but will not penetrate 4" plate glass. Episode 424 is the perfect companion to this post because we discuss caliber and it's relation to hit factor! Indeed, physiological factors play a very small part in rapid incapacitation of a target. Cool story for real. We began clearing the location and papa was lying face up in nothing but his white-e-tieties. Different bullets and guns have different patterns. If you have been hit with any kind of bullet large, fast, expanding, or otherwise please, Gunman Used Heavily Restricted Assault Weapon in California UPS Shooting. But this cartridge uses a half-grain bullet compared to 9mm. Indeed, you and bystanders in the immediate area are much more endangered by rounds that do not penetrate sufficiently than by rounds that overpenetrate.. Anyway great comments to all. The will to live and fight varies from person-to-person. The paramedics said he probably would not live. After the FBI, he served as a Massachusetts Deputy Inspector Generaland is currently a deputy sheriff for Plymouth County, Massachusetts. When you consider that almost all wounds from pistol caliber firearms were inflicted with SMGs, and when you consider that the most common German 9mm round issued during the war used a 90gr steel-core bullet loaded to do over 1400 ft/sec from pistol length barrels and 1800+ out of SMGs, and you compare this to the lumbering 230gr .45 caliber bullet that had less than half that velocity, it seems pretty plausible. A high-muzzle bullet, however, destroys whole areas of body. Also another fact is that my Kimber Colt 45 actually has less recoil than my 9mm with an aluminum frame when my 9mm has a full steel from. Most people get creatine through seafood and red meat though at levels far below those found in synthetically made creatine supplements. If it works for our troops no matter where it is made thats the one we want. For the spray and pray that they teach nowadays the high cap 9mm is good. But in the Kaos of combat (especially at dark:30) your intended target isnt usually going to present itself and just stand there for your perfect shot placement. F=MA is not applicable. It's estimated that chronic kidney disease affects about one in seven American adults. The officer fired three round from his 9mm Baretta 92F. Millenials and their bias arguments. Until someone actually compares a 9mm of comparable bullet weight and charge to a 45 acp of the same I will continue in my retirement to carry my tried and true 45acp with a third more bullet weight and very similar penetration even with biased testing of much different bullet weights and charges. laugh at the forensic expert and 2.) unless the guy is coming at you with body armor, if you have more than three bullets in your gun you dont really have a lot to worry about. But with my Kimber Colt 45 I hit first shot no problem and it left that watermellon in disaster. A pellet traveling at 450 fps (feet per second) can cause serious injury or death to a human depending on the type of pellet and the location of the impact. We put our money behind the 9mm round fired by an extremely well-trained marksman carrying a Glock 19, Mannweiler told Marine Corps Times. Over time, conditions that damage the liver can lead to scarring (cirrhosis), which can lead to liver failure, a life-threatening condition. Mine is easily concealable, accurate and has never failed to function. Blood poured out of his chest cavity, she wrote. All rights reserved. Because recoil obviously cant be observed and you have to shoot someone huh, I heard of a police officer shooting a dog 6 times with a 9 mm before being able to incapacitate the dog. and that the data you submit is exempt from Do Not Sell My Personal Information requests. Oh boy, that could start a whole new area of discussion 1911 vs 1926, most common bullet weights, etc. I have several 1911 pistols. Generous readers sustain our work. Have you ever saw the wound track from a .230 hst. In the woods my .45 r1 with cast is what I carry. So in other words, Science is also getting a kick back just so the 9mm gets so called, scientific proof! I personally dont find much difference in recoil between a compact 9mm and compact .40 S&W; but I recognize and am sympathetic to other shooters who do. 9mm Federal 150 grain Micro HST or Winchester 147 grain Ranger will expand 0.7", better than at least half the .45 defensive rounds out there (most common expansion is about 0.6", which is the same as many modern 9mm defense rounds), but there are also some.45 Secondly, if you you tube ballistic testing of the 9mm and 45acp, lets say using Federal HSTs you will see that the 9mm round is more than capable and every bit as functional as the 45 in getting the job done. Here is the money point: assume you will only get ONE shot at the perp. There are a number of reasons for a failure to incapacitate, including a lack of awareness of the wound, intense personal fortitude, extreme emotions or physiological effects both natural (adrenaline) or chemically-induced (drugs such as PCP, heroin and cocaine). I carry a 9mm myself, and train to rapid fire. What that means is that handgun bullets, as opposed to the devastating wound channels rifle projectiles can cause, are only just poking little holes in people. Asking that question around gun owners is like bringing up religion or politics at a party. What makes the .223 potentially deadlier than the .22 is its velocity. And while you might think that lethality by caliber is the main factor you should be looking for, the simple fact is that while a 22 rimfire is deadly, it is far from the best round for incapacitating an assailant in the here and now. Sign up for new product alerts, company updates, and more! We were already running +P for our 9 9mms. Browse our site today and place your order with confidence. Without fragmentation, temporary cavity wounds can be relatively minor. For this reason, some dismiss magnum rounds altogether and sing the praises of the S&W .40 round, which supposedly combines the best features of the .45 ACP and the 9mm. Some bullets are so fast, they dont deliver the force of the bullet. But I have some serious doubts about his understanding of external and terminal ballistics. U.S. Navy SeaBees m60 & 45 caliber was my issue. After all, its SIZE thats everything, right? Anyone using the term bullets to discuss weapon capacity knows little about firearms and has no business writing policy.on them. The fact is you will rarely ever have perfect conditions to take the well-placed shot. Americans have this impression, I think, that comes from watching too many old movies, that a bullet fired from a handgun is supposed to flip the bad guys ten feet into the air, if not disintegrate them altogether and leave a smoking pair of haji sandals on the pavement where they were. I am sorry for your incounter. Ships To Store. I also could not afford the astronomical price (astronomical in my current budget) shops are now asking for a 4 inch Ruger Redhawk. The temporary cavity is the hole in the target that briefly expands after immediate impact, only to collapse a fraction of a second later. In my own personal EXPERIENCE the .45 tends to put the assailant down with ONE OR TWO rounds. Now marine I hope your watching now instead of using glock 19 in a 9mm counterpart here is a better suggestion why dont you use a glock 21 4th gene to insure ur fellow colleges a better a faster on the spot accuracy with zero recoil it will enable them to be more successful in hitting targets. The biggest determining factors were and have always been budget and of course, what the inept FBI is carrying. We had competant and caring armorers and shooting instructors ( These guys gave a fuck and went out of their way for you ). My partner and I got to the apartment and the door was open. Trailing was easy in snow, but took nearly a mile to put down with another shot low through the heart. I have a Glock19 and Glock23 chambered .40S&W and that is a great round to. Hollow points also create a larger temporary cavity. Likewise, there was a big Army study on gunshot wounds and ammunition effectiveness in 1946-47, in which they mentioned that something they saw again and again in Europe was that 9mm bullets were far more likely to shatter bone in a way that contributed significantly to the damage done than any other pistol caliber, including .45. The .50 Regards Jim, Sorry for the typos are you speak to text because I cant text like my child. I dont have a dog in that race but it is important to give proper information, not just anything that will satisfy your viewpoint no matter how erroneous. I have a Ruger American 9 mm full size and its twin in a 45 caliber, I will say yes the 45 caliber is a larger round with more in a way push behind it, but I totally agree with the proper placement of that round when firing is the deciding factor. Because you are making a decision based on the fact that something (9mm) didnt work. 9mm, I carry 147 grain Hp. 0.177" Lead air gun pellet requires a minimum of 300 ft/s velocity to penetrate fresh human skin. If I ever have to use my firearm to defend myself or my family, I want all of the energy from that round to be expended in the target. Rifle rounds have an elongated, oblong shape and so they often tumble. Its not our opinion that makes us right. Physics says my 225 grain .45 ACP ,+P+ traveling at 1210 fps is more capable than ANY 9mm currently available. Love reading your stuff. Better get that imagination under control, tough guy! You, ordinary walking around citizen are likely to be accosted from very close range, within say 10 feet to up close. My opinion, for whatever its worth, is that were all overthinking this. When I left LE I traided for a S&W 39-2 9mm. Especially when it carries nearly double the mass with the bullet? The projectile, a 7.62 x 39 bullet, hit the House majority whip with between 370 and 1,550 foot-pounds of force. The sheriff convinced the county to issue all the deputies glock 9mms to standardize the weapons and ammunition within the department. Therefore, the 9mm is probably the correct choice. (My opinion) I have long advocated carrying 1911s with 8 extra magazines. I carry a number of different calibers depending on what Im wearing that day and where I intend to go; but I no longer even own a 9mm. The same companies make the 45acp and other calibers! Ballistic gel is a joke and not a valid substitute for actual flesh and bone. Hi, I have both. Its a High Point .40S&W. And since the FBI was the agency who failed in the first place well, why follow thier blind lead? and departments. Since doing some research on the new ammo for the .380 acp, Ive decided that 17-22 of penetration from Lehigh & Ruger Personal Defense rounds, I carry the Browning Black Label .380. Handgun wounds include the first three of these factors, but generally do not include the fourth. How about a discussion of American made vs foreign made weapons for our military? And the quicker the better when someones fanning a gun at you. Even minor and common factors can significantly impact the wounding ability of a round, including damage to a hollow point through contact with any intervening material, from glass to bone. At 880 fps a 230 grains projectile has 395 foot pounds of muzzle energy. If you notice in Police shootings, the gun is usually empty after the event is over. What, is that like an every day occurrence? The FBI just did the same thing. .45 ACP Damage Body Shots Head Shots Sounds Firing (9mm) Firing (.45 ACP) Reloading Swapping To Rarity The Vector is a rare SMG that spawns mainly in Hatchet Cases in the Hydra Bunker and rarely in the Storm Bunker (10% chance). What you provide is false true and true. Ive hunted with both 9 and 45. Yes, I will agree that air resistance is constantly at work against a bullet, thereby slowing it down as it travels toward its intended target. If I wanted to hit a little harder, I would maybe look for a WC .45 mold in the 220 to Matthew McConaughey tells the story of those killed in Uvalde in emotional plea for action on guns. Im no expert but i know how it feels to be in a shoot out, first of all when it goes down you better have some kind of firearm i dont care if its a P shooter, 2nd the person will be placed in a situation where they will have to make a business decision when here a pop coming from you. 45 standard velocity is 850 to 900 fps, NOT 500 fps. Practice more and dont be proud you cant shoot. Circulatory collapse will result in significant deprivation of oxygen to the brain. Ive got a good deal of ballistic and aeronautical knowledge under my belt, and I agree in flight friction coefficient is not something that plays a significant enough role in comparative analysis of 9mm and 45 Auto at practical ranges. I will never personally take a life if I have the chance to stop someone with a non lethal GSW. All rights reserved. One week later the detective in charge advised me that papa lived, walked out of the hospital and back to Mexico. Using the right bullet is where it counts. Also my pattern emptying a clip rapidly against someone with a 9mm, Ill win that as well all day everyday! A 45acp will deliver more damage to a human body that a 9mm. 1SGT. The 45 is the preferred for close combat, Common sense will tell you that if you are being overrun! If I put p++ in my 9 mm, its going to hurt like hell! The difference Is not all soldiers are comfortable shooting the heavy recoiling 45 round. for all the same reasons. We need to dial back our expectations of what a pistol cartridge can and cant do as an instrument of CQB. I am just way more comfortable with the way it shoots. As a non operator and someone who cant get to the range much an article I read made sense to me as simple as it may seem. According to the song the battle for New Orleans, canonbalks were fired from alligator mouths which showed resourcefulness. Slow-motion videos of ballistics tests clearly illustrate this difference. But I understand the 9 isnt on level with the 45 and know unless a headshot presents itself I will have to dump my mag 7+1 into whoever makes me engage them for a favorable outcome. May everyone who reads this have a Blessed Day! WebAnswer (1 of 16): It does vary, but most of the time a 5.56mm rifle cartridge will have much more destructive potential than a .45 caliber pistol load does. The rifle round, which is longer than a pistol projectile, likely also began tumbling after its point collided with his hip. The 45 acp caused significant damage to the human body. While there are uninformed opinions regarding stopping power, thankfully, there is also plenty of credible research. I served in the USMC and in combat. This post reported that the FBI Training Division had reevaluated which handgun round was best for FBI agents and reached the following conclusions: The 2014 FBI Training Division Report stated that the FBI had chosen the 9mm bullet (147 grain Speer Gold Dot G2) for FBI agents to carry because, The 9mm provides struggling shooters the best chance of success while improving the speed and accuracy of the most skilled shooters.. As someone just coming in your home or coming at you out of the blue. I am not old. Their explanation (other than increasing ammo capacity): bullet technology has come a long way since 1986. And I suspect it could very well be the Sig P320 as it is the epitome of modular.. Handgun Wounding Factors: A Caliber Effectiveness Guide for Self Defense and Body Damage, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, Best Self-Defense Caliber and Damage to the Human Body, Effectiveness of Bullet Wounds: How Gunshot Wounds Work, What Happens When You Get Shot: Damage to the Human Body. The average criminal etc. S&W was required to announce it due to SEC requirements as they are one of the only publicly-owner companies. Practice drawing the weapon, aiming it, and firing. Anyone who has seen Clint Eastwoods Dirty Harry movies is familiar with Sergeant Callahans favorite sidekick, his .44 magnum revolver. Oh, and Sgt. The .223 is carrying 335 foot-pounds of force, while the .22 carries 70 foot-pounds. and manufacturers. Were they not the agency who got thier asses handed to them that created this debate in the first place? Spread the word; knowledge is power! How higher speed, greater mass, and more surface area increase the damage that rounds can do to human bodies. So modern ammo IS NOT the reason to switch back to the 9mm. .45 acp is a good round and I prefer it used in close quarter environments becuse it is heavier and pack more energy. At 70, I choose to go small & straight! Of the nearly 250 million guns owned by Americans at that time, somewhere between 40 and 50 million of them were handguns. Testing shows terminal ballistics of modern 9mm is virtually the same as the .40S&W or the older .45ACP round. The only thing caliber has to do with it is 9mm is size efficient for capacity. So it should not come as a surprise that while the DoD's call for submissions for the new military Modular Handgun System XM17 contract doesn't specify a particular caliber or size, they will most likely settle on a new 9mm sidearm. First off when you call a magazine a CLIP, everything you say is null and void as far as Im concerned. Repeat over and over, and keep doing so even after proficiency is achieved. I know this is off topic. The FEE reports that there are between 2.1 and 2.5 million defensive gun uses annually, which means youre more likely to use a gun in self defense than you are to be killed in a car accident. We look forward to serving you. The only reason law enforcement and, military use a 9mm is budget. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Para Ordnance 12-45, officer size 1911 .45acp with 12 or 14 rd mags. I carry a S&W 9SDVE which I find can hold a good tight group. If you wound one man, you take three men out of battle, one injured & two to care for him. The 9 mm and the round for the 9 mm is by far the cheaper not the better choice! Glock 19 only playing catch up with those guns.

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