why is 22 degrees a fatal degree in astrology? Outer planets have an effect on our personality too. 19- Libra degree. , Very sad to hear, I am sorry for your loss. I also heard that 25 degrees in Leo is pretty feared aspect (Ive got this placement in ascendent) And 22 moon in cancer. I also have few houses and ascendant at 8 Scorpio degree, I heard 8th degree also being critical since it belongs to Scorpio. I have an 18 degree Cancer sun in my 12th house and I think it shows because Im an extreme perfectionist especially in terms of being as kind as i can, so Im hypercritical of any mistakes I make. I have the most beautiful and loving parents. Makes you think youre just destined to be a mess. Do you think its an influence of this degree? I hope I could help! Im just learning about degrees. (10h) and my moon 12H pisces trine venus.. (sorry, just had to list the aspects for you to get a big picture) pls help! Im super worried bc I just looked through my cousins chart and her Rising sign is in Capricorn at 22 degrees. It has been quite helpful to me to have this free astrology reading report. Covid-19 was the eighth leading cause of death among children in recent months, according to a study published Monday. Thank you!. Oo these are a lot to interpret without having a look at the whole chart. I am confident they will be benefited from this site. For a more in-depth interpretation of your Mars in Capricorn, one must know which house is affected and the aspects. :)), I hope I could help! Kill Or Be Killed, Vol. Sun Sagittarius 22 I really hope youre still responding to these because I recently found out that 22 degrees was kill or be killed and I have 4 placements at that degree and its scary to me. nikola has found this degree in the birth charts of murderers + people that were murdered. 29 of Destruction. Maybe here? What does this mean? I have 18th degrees Neptune in my 7th house Scorpio. Those who have this degree found in the natal charts would have . Your blog article gives me some peace of mind. Im so sad, me and my mom have been so stressed over this, we wake up with a heavy heart everyday. Chapter 5 - THE SABBATH. With all my love, Niki, Ok this is scary. sun in 1h, i think this about my death. Could you please explain what these placements mean? Or you measure your words (22nd degree= Capricorn) in communication. i thought it was a fame indincator because leonardo dicapro has it keke palmer and so mnay others! Or maybe I am an unlucky person? . I am trying to understand a transit going on now with the new moon in Cancer @ 18 degrees. Capricorn degrees: 10 th degree and 22 nd degree. Wow, wonderful blog layout! can you relate? What about both degrees in a natal chart in three different positions? If you have any further interpretation on these placements, Ill be looking forward to the reply! I have 22 degrees in my third house which is Taurus and in my 9th house which Is scorpio. This is an introduction into the most famous degree in astrology. The most important are your Ascendant and the Sun to interpret. What food kills E. coli? Hello.. my daughter have moon 2247 in Gemini 12H , Im scared what does it mean ? thanks and have a lovely day. I believe to be a happy woman, one should master fulfil their Venus. Wish you all the best! This is an introduction into the most famous degree in astrology. I know it's the"kill or be killed" degree but any input on this would be helpful as i am a little scared. And 22 degrees in my North Node in Leo in the twelfth house. Leo qualities 3 times. Traditional Magicians know that the 18th degree is special too. Once you master your Neptune, miracles will happen. What does it mean ? good news, happy to hear that! Most likely, your relationship with your partner will experience a hiccup, or something else will cause your life to shift. Im scared, Ohh nooo I have my Midheaven in Scorpio at 22.37 What does this mean?? I love Nikolas work and Im still learning how to fully interpret it. Which is the native needs to have 3 different indicator in the chart, by transits, progression or profection to something life-alerting to happen. What does Venus rule in your chart? 25 degrees of the fixed for alcoholism or suicide. Thank you so much for your comforting words and explanation. Gratitude to the creator. Cause I know the degree 22 is "to kill or be killed" saying . If ever there was one, Susan Miller would be a blue-chip astrologer. Member. Welp. who knows, but what could they mean/what do I do? All of this has made me very stressed and I feel like I am doomed. I have a Virgo Venus at 22. I love degrees and trying to understand them as well. The 22nd degree is often known as 'to kill, or be killed'. A person murdered by father had most malefic at 21 Sagittarius and MC on 18 Scorpio. 1 TP Jan 18, 2017. Pluto is also in midheaven! Interesting!!! It can have many general interpretations, such as a long-lasting marrige, working together with the spouse, a more mature or older spouse etc. What does that mean ? Mars there makes things happen. My Mars is 18 degree in Libra and my boy friend has Venus in Libra 18. do you have any resources I can read that can help me better understand? Thanks! 22 Capricorn (292): A GENERAL ACCEPTING DEFEAT GRACEFULLY. My Mars is in libra at 22 (2nd house) and my north node is in Aquarius at 22 (6 house) Leo south at 22 ( 12th house). i have an aquarius moon in 18 degrees and its in the 11th house ): is this good? In general Uranus in the 2nd can indicate sudden incomes and sudden expenses. If you have an opportunity and can help me with that, it would be great! Leo degrees: 5 th degree and 17 th degree and 29 th degree. 22 Aquarius (322): A RUG PLACED ON A FLOOR FOR CHILDREN TO PLAY ON. Hi!!! North Node and South Node in the 12 Zodiac Signs. It's cheaper. I would sleep with my covers over my head to hide from perceived threats that felt paranormal. I was just wondering if you had any insight on how Venus in Aquarius at 22 and Mercury in Aquarius at 18 could impact someones life trajectory? and lastly scorpio midheaven at 22.44 By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. omg! According to the degree theory from the late and great Nikola Stojanovic, 12 degrees is the degree of Pisces. (Also really laughing at my Reddit handle right now how appropriate). However, in female chart Venus represent also the self-esteem and slef-worth. Actually star, your Uranus and 12th house are in the 23rd degree and your Venus is in the 22nd degree. my sun (libra) and moon (virgo) are in the 18th degree and its really freaking me out cause apparently im either connected to satan or will have a really bad illness and i dont know how to handle this information. Dont know how, tho, he never speaks about it (12th house Sun people! Ive had thousands of mystical experiences that came to me because its my rising sign, and a lifetime of learning important lessons of birth, transformation, death and rebirth. Im not sure if thats a correlation. For more information on these go here. I have an 18 degree in Taurus Saturn 8th house and 22 degrees in Taurus Mars 9th house. You did a great job explaining these often sensationalized degrees in a way that even those with a basic understanding of astrology can appreciate. The degrees just add more meaning or deeper insight. You are having a Venus return soon. Having your Venus in Virgo at the Virgo degree is like a double whammy Virgo energy. Hi Niki, I have cap Neptune 2259, Pisces Saturn 2251, Virgo rising 1850. First of all, aim to manifest the Scprio ascendant energy on the highest possible level, and the Neptune energy as well. if you could, can you please explain what these placements mean? South and North Node at 22, along with my Ascendant, Descendant (in Capricorn which is maybe helpful), Mercury, Ceres, Chiron, lot of fortune, and lot of spirit (in Virgo which is also maybe helpful). I have an 18 degree in venus, that is in Gemini, what does that brings to me? Pluto in Sag, 9H I really hope youre still responding to these because I recently found out that 22 degrees was kill or be killed and I have 4 placements at that degree and its scary to me. With Ed Sanders, Tom Bott, Montanna Thompson, Jack Binstead. Search: 22 Degrees Astrology. In 2022, I have my solar return ascending at Libra at the 22nd degree which natally is my 4th houseshould I be worried about my family in particular my mother? anything is possible and we create our reality. Search: 22 Degrees Astrology. Read My Chart I also have Leo sun in the 6th house at 25 degrees. Hi! 22 degree astrology kill or be killed. My boyfriend and I both have 22 degree placements. my dads mercury in Cancer is at 22degrees and his jupiter in taurus at 18 degrees.is that bad ???????? why? Channel that soft and gentle Moon energy in your work. aries in my 1st house Virgo degrees: 6 th degree and 18 th degree. hi! My daughter has 18 degree Saturn in her 2nd house Virgo. Both at 22 degrees. Hey Sabrina, Virgo Venus in a female chart is not a walk in a park at a young age Until the native learns how to be equal in relationships, learns to accept herself, (stops criticizing herself), develops healthy self-worth, etc. I have double virgo placements first and second house. Could you please give me some advice? Im scared as hell! try shadow work and manifestation. If you have a planet in the 22nd degree in the natal chart, then read on. At a young age, this combination can feel like a limitation (in that specific area of life) but later you can manifest stability with that. Since the north node is in the 12th house, I was wondering what you were doing. Im so happy that more people are taking about degrees because theyre my favorite thing in astrology. And what aspects do they have? us : +1 (888) 261-8481 22 degree is "kill or be killed" degree if, for example, venus is placed at 22 degrees leo in your natal chart, you may expect that year to be one in which romantic relationships become very significant and dramatic in your . I don't find the astrological analysis in the article terribly compelling. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I consider the darkness of the 18 to be the dark before the dawn. Eat or be eaten. but, i have about 4 Sagittarius placements alone, and 2 of them are at 15 degrees. I have gemini in saturn, 11th house, at the 22nd degree. People who have planets or points* at 2 wield supreme power and are well-positioned to make remarkable achievements, according to research work done by Serbian astrologer Nikola Stojanovic. However, upon the brothers' arrest, a photobooth picture was retrieved from his front pocket showing him, his brother and a female guest from the . I don't agree with this 22 degree theory at all.but, if we take a wider view of the phrase "kill or be killed", maybe :-. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. A community for asking questions about your birth chart, or astrology in general. Love and healing to everyone with these placements, Is there any significance to Most of the time the native manifests at the 18th degree Virgo qualities. Im so sorry for the loss of your father. Sharon Tate, the actress who was murdered by the Charlie Manson cult members. If its not squaring off with Mars, Uranus, Saturn, or Neptune in 18 degrees then youre fine. If a friend of Saturn (Venus and Mercury) even that hard aspect can bring great results later. It's forcing me to face. Shes a Capricorn sun. Thank you for your comment! same im really scared i have 4 22 degrees. I used to have severe asthma as a child, but not sure if that has relevance in my future. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Do you think I could hear your take on this? A 1 percent ratio (2 to 5 teaspoons) of garlic powder to two pounds of ground beef kills 90-97 percent of E. coli. His father committed suicide, a gun shot to the head. and i have to confess that i am struggling to forgive. My dad is a capricorn rising and my mum a virgo rising haha, My Capricorn sun is in the 22nd degree and Im not going to lie but that is scaring me lol. This was a nicely written blog. How can I turn this into something positive? my mars square pluto as well. All I find are Sabian symbols and they're so vague and unhelpful. But i also have my second house in libra with 22.7 degrees. Are these planets bring then positive if 22 degree? Omg so I was trying to figure out what the degrees in my chart mean and I looked up my sun degree. Thanks. Im a Leo sun with 22 degrees 44minutes in the 5th house. any insight? Chapter 7 - DESIRE, THE WORD OF GOD. 8th house sun in Taurus 22.31 degrees sextile mars and minor hard aspect to pluto My dad died when I was 4. How could I interpret that? Does that basically mean i will have to experience a serious illness? Fate is driving me insane. I have literally grieved him every year since, to the point of depression and weight loss, isolation, etc. Don't worry. If you want proof to calm your nerves, go to Astroseek, click "famous people database", then click "advanced astro search", then "planet search". Hi! I found out I had 2235 degrees in my Mercury that I also have cancer in. The 22nd degree is the Capricorn degree. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. And bizarrely on point. Sadly he passed away, so I can no longer ask him about my natal chart. Please help me , what can i do with my situation? Unfortunately, I dont know if there are good sources of information online about this topic. With all my love and hugs, Niki, My moon is in Pisces 22 degrees in my fifth house. I think that it can be considered for my Jupiter in Saggitarius (8th house) 13 to be sextiling my sun, but it might be a minor aspect, it doesnt show up sometimes in charts. Hopefully some light will shine on my life too. Natal Sagittarius sun at 22 degrees squaring Mars in Pisces 22 degrees, natal Jupiter in Sagittarius at 18 degrees. If I told you the details you would be completely horrified. 22, on the other hand, is a master number which may be why there are some positive aspects to this degree. Ive only read to kill or be killed and Im littarly scared.. Mercury is thinking, the lower mind and logic. I cant believe it, I have two 18 degree placements, in my ascendant and Mercury, both in Pisces. So, in January, when she appeared on CBS New York and predicted that 2020 would "be a great year, and it will be . I have my Sun 22 08 degree Virgo, Pluto 22 39 degree Virgo. Hey Olivia, I am very sorry for your loss! Sun and Moon at 18. It is a process that really helped me transform and let go of what was and the cool thing is it shows you your possible trajectory, your life path and its lessons. That is all so very interesting, I had no idea of fixed stars! Nicolas is no liar, but again, there are worse people with the most common degrees and placements as every other person. I have my Mars in Virgo at 18 in the 11th house and I have my sun in Taurus at 22 in the 7th house. That being said it doesnt mean over all murder. 5 of Erotica. I`m 39 but can`t live fully because of my health issues. Is there anything I should worry about? If most of the angles are 29 degrees then the native would have a violent death for certain. (Or maybe it already happened.) thats interesting because I have jupiter in pisces in 18 degrees in 7th house as the SNode and Virgo in 0 as Ascendant, the NN in 1st house. If you have more questions about your Virgo Venus, Im always one mail away. Ive made some other comments on 22 degrees if you want me to tag you in those posts.

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