(iii) The Scriptures are valuable for reproof. Deliberately he lit it. He had fully known his conversation: Thou hast fully know my doctrine, and manner of life; his manner of life was of a piece with his doctrine, and did not contradict it. No man is saved unless he is on fire to save his fellow-men. Men will be treacherous. By it we are thoroughly furnished for every good work. The Greek word is that men will become anosios ( G462) . So the same Greek is used of the same thing, Lu 14:28, 33, "intending (Greek, 'wishing') to build a tower counteth the cost.". Or are you going to develop a doctrine that is diametrically opposed to what Jesus said? It answers all the ends of divine revelation. Godly = adv. Proud member Confirmed that Noah was a real person and it was a real event. It is used in Matthew 8:28 to describe the two Gergesene demoniacs who met Jesus among the tombs. Their minds become corrupted and they ultimately become reprobate concerning the faith. "He read on, forgetful of time, through the hours of the night, and just as the dawn was breaking, he stood up and declared, 'I believe'.". There can come a time in a man's life when the company of good people and the presence of good things is simply an embarrassment. As Shakespeare had it: "Good name in man and woman, dear my lord. Now, there's nothing wrong with enjoying life. (ii) The Scriptures are of use in teaching. At the same time there is not the smallest slight of the only and abiding standard. What am I to believe about angels or the future? (2.) 2 Timothy 3:12 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous," the psalmist writes (Psalm 34:19).Peter supplies a partial answer to this in I Peter 4:12: "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you, as does Paul's statement in II Timothy 3:12: "Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer . And my full doctrinal concepts are premised upon the scriptures. It is profitable to us for all the purposes of the Christian life, for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. But it is asked, Must all men be martyrs? Paul goes on to other qualities of an apostle. 1. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Love of self is the basic sin, from which all others flow. And a hundred and fifty men can board it and they can submerge and go under the North Pole under the arctic ice. The cause of this is the present confusion, and accordingly the apostle brings a picture of it before Timothy's mind. How appropriate that "trucebreakers" is for this day. And for a person to take advantage of a child is unthinkable. It opened at the Sermon on the Mount. It will be getting better a little further down the road, but evil days are going to wax worse and worse, until the Lord takes His church out and then God judges the world for its unrighteousness and ungodliness. Then the apostle brings out most important directions for the days that were then coming in, but now come, and more. We must remember that the scripture of which Paul is writing is the Old Testament; as yet the New Testament had not come into being. The Greek word (prodotes, G4273) means nothing less than a traitor. (4.) On the whole we here see, [1.] It is in terms of these last days that Paul is thinking in this passage. The world easily puts up with the mask of a religion which depends on itself, but the piety which derives its vigor directly from Christ is as odious to modern Christians as it was to the ancient Jews [Bengel]. Jannes and Jambres were the names of the two magicians that withstood Moses. In certain of these books Jannes and Jambres figured largely. And this, I apprehend, is the reason. At the end of each reading, the brigand said: "That's a good book; we won't burn that one; give it to me." In other words, there is within the Old Testament so much concerning Jesus Christ that through the understanding and the study of the Old Testament you should logically be led to Jesus Christ. Here we come back to where we started; such men place their own wishes in the centre of life. We're going to drown in our own corruption. On the other hand, it is unholy to tamper with evil. In Greek writings these two words often went together; and they are both picturesque. Edited by David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ-centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Things will get worse as people turn away from those who teach the Scriptures, and listen to those who teach their own theories. Includes questions, verse by verse commentary, and applications on 2 Timothy 1 for life transformation. "In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. If what be claims for scripture is true of the Old Testament, how much truer it is of the still more precious words of the New. There was no despising natural links or spiritual here, far from it. When Job was talking to his friends and they were talking to him about the future, and Job said, Oh, I wish I were dead. (2Baruch 27). True, he is telling of something which happened later than this, but the wretched story would be the same (Irenaeus: Against Heresies, 1, 13, 3). The Kingdom had its price. Verse 1. Once Agesilaus, the Sparta king, was asked, "What shall we teach our boys?" You may be able to deceive people for a while, but ultimately, it's going to catch up, even as it did with Jannes. If there is no human affection, the family cannot exist. Not only did he become a Christian; he devoted the rest of his life to the distribution of the Scriptures in the forgotten villages of northern Chile. John 15:19; Matthew 10:22; Matthew 10:38-39, Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus,. All that live according to the will of God revealed in his word; and to the glory of God, as the end of all their actions; and which the grace of God in the Gospel, and in their own hearts, teaches them; and who have the principles of a godly life from Christ, and derive the fresh supplies of grace and life from him, to maintain it; in whom their life is hid, and who live by faith upon him; all such that live, and that will live so, are desirous of living after this manner; in whom God has wrought in them both to will and to do, and are concerned when it is otherwise with them: these. It is a great happiness to know the holy scriptures from our childhood; and children should betimes get the knowledge of the scriptures. Now you'd think that the world would treat a person like that very cordially. Look at our attitudes towards morality. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear" (it was what Timothy was manifesting), "but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. He opened out the pages to make it burn more easily. But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: a. Even an unbeliever is acting unfairly unless he tries to read it. "I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers, with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day, greatly desiring to see thee, being mindful of thy tears." As Timothy was about to enter upon a new phase of his ministry, without the apostle's presence or living counsel, the latter charges him with great emphasis, "before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word, be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine." godly, Godfearingly. The word is huperephanos ( G5244) . These things may be expected in the best times, and under the most favorable circumstances; and it is known that a large part of the history of the world, in its relation to the church, is nothing more than a history of persecution. But they do enshrine the permanent truth that some time there must come the consummation when evil meets God in head-on collision and there comes the final triumph of God. Lipscomb's Commentary on Selected NT Books, Verse 12. It is not the question of discipline dealing With evil ways; but here we are in a state of things where we are in danger of being mixed up with vessels unto the Lord's dishonour. It is one thing to start an evil and untrue report on its malicious way; it is entirely another thing to stop it. Paul's life: one of longsuffering, one of love and one of patience. Now many people have a legitimate and proper desire to be used of God. 12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. There was the road from the south which centred the trade of the Maeander valley in Ephesus. Socrates skid that they were to be found in every walk of life but were worst of all in politics. There was no longer the freshness of a new thing; and where the heart was not kept up in communion with the Lord, the value of divine things was less felt, if it did not quite fade away. Parakolouthein ( G3877) is indeed the word for the disciple, for it includes the unwavering loyalty of the true comrade, the full understanding of the true scholar and the complete obedience of the dedicated servant. And then again "the husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits." This present age was altogether evil; and the age to come would be the golden age of God. Noah, the earth was really flooded? Wow, watch out now because Jesus bought it. Then the apostle puts before them a blessed model of that which he had before his own soul. In all life there is nothing so creative of really productive effort as a clear consciousness of a purpose. Closely allied with the braggart, but--as we shall see--even worse, is the man who is arrogant. At the same time he shows also his sense of the kindness of a particular individual and his family. Again and again Scripture has opened for men and women the way to God. The great thing is to do the will of God, let others say what they please; and so the apostle Paul exhorts Timothy. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Men will be inflated with conceit (tetuphomenos, G5187) . Why does the world hate Christians? Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. The way of sin is down-hill; for such proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. It is of use to all, for we all need to be instructed, corrected, and reproved: it is of special use to ministers, who are to give instruction, correction, and reproof; and whence can they fetch it better than from the scripture? Now you get out your, you know, your green and blue pens and for the inspired ones, we'll underline those with blue and we'll use red, maybe, to underline those that are not inspired, you know and, and so here I am, I'm the authority.Well, the next liberal comes along and he says, Well, no, no, no, he was wrong on that one.

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