No one is going to beat you. John Lynn claims that Wierwille and at least four other trustees had sex with literally hundreds of women, many of whom Lynn and other ex-leaders have counseled personally.9 They also claim the Trustees fired long-time researcher John Schonheit for writing a brief paper summarizing the Bibles teaching against adultery. Mac OS X 10.7.5 Quartz PDFContext Conveniently situated in the Minh Khai part of Phu Ly (Ha Nam), this property puts you close . uuid:d7ca4186-7029-344b-a237-3b86f585aa59 Im going to say something rude here: my experience of adults in the Way is that they arent exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. The reason I created that thread was initial to gain some more insight. 15 H. A. Ironside, Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth (Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers, 1938) addresses the relation of the gospel to the church, the Bride and body of Christ, baptism, and related topics. Stiles, a leader in the early charismatic movement. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. They believed that God heals and if you believe enough he can heal anything. Like the new classes and the Disciples, this is a sign that The Way is striving to further restrict access to its activities, purge anyone who questions current Way leadership, increase control, and consolidate. I was raised "in the word" as they say, meaning I was a born into the cult. Ironside, which addresses aspects of ultradispensationalism.15 It is often perplexing to Wayers, though, that teachers Wierwille respected such as Bullinger, Kenyon, and Stiles staunchly held primary orthodox beliefs which Wierwille rejected, including Trinitarianism. Spirit and Truth Fellowship International. They did not understand that Wierwille preached another Jesus (who was only a man) and another spirit (not the Holy Spirit personally indwelling them). Christian can also help (ex-) Wayers through four basic steps of reorientation: 1) expose, 2) emotional reaction, 3) relearning, and 4) reconstruction. Most ex-Wayers are confused, not knowing where to turn, whom to trust, or what to believe. We ourselves have two articles in our website concerning that movement. She was loved by many because she was easy going, fit in with many and different groups - a legitimate interest in others, etc. These classes replace the Power for Abundant Living (PFAL) classes by Way founder, Victor Paul Wierwille, who died of cancer in 1985 after losing an eye to the disease and suffering strokes. Wierwilles writings on the topics of interpreting the Bible, soul sleep, the distinction of impersonal holy spirit from the Holy Spirit, ultradispensationalism, gospel harmony, and the mystery are all drawn from Bullinger. The Advanced Class was first presented in the fall of 1995. How come she was allowed non-Christian activities such as going to dances/concerts, have a boyfriend or a job prior to college and Way Disciples Training? For Feb 24, 2023 | Christian Articles, en Espanol. Nevertheless, The Ways situation has improved. Accordingly, several groups have arisen to try to meet these needs. Like Wierwille, Berg drew young people from the Jesus movement to form his own group, the Children of God (now called the Family of Love), which uses sexual promiscuity to win new followers. If you weren't in good standing, you didn't get tapes of the way singers or of "reverend" Martindale. Experiences, questions, observations about offshoots who trace their roots to The Way International. How about a little more candor, Vince? Although Wayers project a curt and indifferent attitude toward the many who have left the group, they have undoubtedly been hurt deeply in recent years. 35 0 obj <> endobj 60 0 obj <>stream The Way International fellowships are located throughout the United States, as well as over 30 countries. They use Wierwilles teachings, jargon, and writings, and have drawn off many of The Ways followers by accusing International of authoritarianism, misuse of power, adultery, misuse of funds, spiritual corruption, departure from the Word of God, and denominationalism. All of these classes are weeks long, have an enrollment fee, and have their own expensive materials (books, binders, etc.) That exes from his life are all crazy.. The crowd of 11,000 applauded the changes, hoping that this would help remedy the severe decline and turbulence of the past 10 years. There hasn't been a good gathering place for survivors since the Greasespot Cafe and I think there is a need for one. uuid:a0e7d6d5-45d0-8c4c-9602-8d6d3c43e9ff This book condemned not only the trustees but all Way leadership, including the clergy, headquarters staff, regional leaders, and Corps around the world. Your experience brings so many new things into perspective and reflects the things we noted about her 10yrs when we were younger but never questioned because well how much can a teenager really articulate? Heart-to-heart sharing with those who have . The share and contributions of another Reddit member way help you with perspective and provide some form of comfort or solace as you and your family are ensuring the struggle currently. John P. Juedes is the pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church in Highland, California, and has written extensively on The Way International. Although Guideposts helped popularize Cliffes writings and he claimed to be Anglican, Cliffe held New Thought beliefs, seeing God as impersonal principle. CES holds two national meetings per year in Chicago (drawing about 150 people per meeting), publishes Dialogue magazine bi-monthly, circulates periodic newsletters, and distributes tapes. She was loved by many, the brightest light and simply someone you could not avoid noticing. We are near 70 years of age now, but the "Way" still affects us. 1 See The Way Tree Is Splintering, Christian Research Journal, Fall 1988. 2 John P. Juedes and Jay Valusek, Will the Real Author Please Stand Up? It has shrunk in size and, as often is the case in cults when the original leader dies, splintered into various rival movements. A Profile of The Way, International As a result, many Wayers view Geer as being the true spiritual heir to Wierwille. This is his first book, and the first book produced by this Biblical Research and Teaching ministry in over 10 years. And as much I would dislike the idea of looking into my own rear view mirror her close friends and myself would deeply appreciate your vulnerability and transparency. The most prominent of these groups are John Lynns Christian Educational Services (CES) and Chris Geers The Way of Great Britain. I had been a professional lead singer and performer since I was 16, and although I . Boy howdy that was an ear-full. When Wierwille wrote, he commonly used these mens writings and copied them, idea by idea and often word by word. This article first appeared in the Christian Research Journal, volume 44, number 2 (2021). The Way To Happiness International. He also hopes to produce more printed materials, provide a network of fellowships, and serve as a traveling teacher. There are certain rules Mandalorians must adhere to . This is very hard. If you have done your reading about cults, then you are probably familiar with Dr. Steve Hassan's BITE model. Gross, right? The Way, International, page 2 (New Knoxville, OH: American Christian Press, 1972), x. First, the assumptions and structure of the new groups are like The Way International. Reportedly, a few people have even considered suicide or entered mental institutions. And they were pretty insistent on saying that the Holocaust did happen but not nearly to the extent that Jewish people say it did, and that their agenda is to make us feel sorry for them and legitimize Judaism over Christianity. In spite of its name, however, The Way . See also pp.38 and 52. application/pdf Their arguments included: women who traveled with Jesus and Paul supplied them with sex because it satisfied their legitimate needs; men have needs for sex with a variety of women and God provides for this; all things are lawful when done in faith (Rom. With the more aggressive and cultic mindset of current Way leadership, followers can expect more years of turbulence and change. See John P. Juedes, Looking at Lamsa, Personal Freedom Outreach Newsletter (Jan.-Mar. Experiences, questions, observations about offshoots who trace their roots to The Way International, Off-shoot of The Way (formerly Christian Educational Services), Accused sex predator Victor Barnard a victim's story. 7:15). Leonards book and course syllabus called The Gifts of the Spirit are still in print. There is a great diversity of emotions and viewpoints among those who have left The Way International. Eventually someone outside the house stepped in because they knew what was wrong and got me to the hospital. Almost every long-time member has had at least one question such as: Why did Dr. Wierwille never speak against adultery in his Christian Family and Sex class? Why does my Limb leader often spend the night with certain twig leaders of the opposite sex? Why did our womens meeting leave the impression that a woman should satisfy any physical desire of visiting Way leaders? Why do Way leaders give contradictory answers when I ask about the biblical stance on sex outside of marriage? Why did the twig leader make sexual advances toward me the first time I attended?10, Ex-Wayers are increasingly charging The Way with false teaching and scholarship. Sann also circulates periodic newsletters and regularly publishes teaching tapes. There was a Corp program called LEAD where participants had to hitchhike from Indiana/Ohio to New Mexico in a short period of time with very little money (less than $20 if I remember correctly) to go mountain climbing. I dont know if any of this is helpful to you. This means that we live in the world, but that doesnt have to impact our relationship with God. Juedes is a Lutheran paster who has written extensively on the Way. Its not interested in interrogating deep questions of being and it doesnt hold up well to fact based challenges. 5 Christopher C. Geer, The Passing of a Patriarch (Attrincham, Cheshire, U.K.: European Christian Press, n.d.), 34. Some retain great respect for Wierwille, while a few joke about him. I'm a robot. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. As Wayers recognize false teachings, they further see the inaccurate scholarship Wierwille used to defend his teachings.11 Therefore, they also criticize Wierwilles skill as a Bible researcher and teacher and call into question everything they learned from him. Nonetheless, many ex-Wayers desire publications, traveling teachers, regional meetings, and a network of fellowships similar to those they had in The Way. How do they suffocate you as a person? (New Knoxville, OH: American Christian Press, 1972), 209, 174, for Wierwilles claim that his book is the most original coverage of the subject, and p. 178 for his claim that God audibly promised to teach him directly and personally. Sometime after reading that I came across Religion Trauma Syndrome (RTS) and learned about repressive cognitive dissonance. As well as the original post questions. Its current headquarters are in New Knoxville, Ohio; estimates of its membership range from 3,000 to 20,000. Off-shoot of The Way (formerly Christian Educational Services) 6.3k posts. I just wanted to paint a picture here of the laid back approach to Christian faith that makes the Way appealing to people. I mention these because these are classic isolating manipulation tactics. Lynn retains all the critical Way doctrines of concern to Christians, such as anti-Trinitarianism, ultradispensationalism, soul sleep, and the belief that speaking in tongues is infallible and essential proof that one is saved. They have been active and effective at exposing problems in The Way through personal influence and meetings of Wayers around the nation. The crowd of 11,000 applauded the changes, hoping that this would help remedy the severe decline and turbulence of the past 10 years. She was born into it and her home was a Twig if my verbiage is correct. After all, it is their friends who have left and made accusations of severe error against The Way leadership. Thank you thank you for replying and contributing to the thread. In addition, anyone who is well-acquainted with Wierwilles writings and reads Kenyons and Bullingers books is struck by the close parallels, even though one cannot always trace exact word-for-word plagiarism. However, we are still driven by their nefarious existence. 8 Whiteside, 197-200. In response, he defends such Way teachings as that on interpretation of tongues.14 Ralph Dubofsky told the May 1988 CES meeting that the reason they like so much of E.W. Okay. And Im not sure I can completely answer your question about stepping out of line and facing consequences. Personally I was depressed and suicidal most of the 5 years I lived there and for years after until I was able to seek help. I know this is a bit long, but I hope it gives you some insight into what it's like to be inside this group. I did not take your explanation about The Way members as rude. Still involved. In my research since leaving in 2013 I have found a number of people who reported that their loved ones died in the way dating back to the 70s. Eventually, all you have is them and all you know is that they love you and that's why they're abusing you, because they've convinced you you're terrible and you deserve the abuse because it's helping you get closer in your relationship with God. Take The Diary of Anne Frank for example. Beep. Disgusting. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. In the meantime, I want to share about her thread with you. The stories which former (and current) Way insiders hear include many more specific charges about shocking events. Each fellowship was just one small twig connected to a branch, then a limb, then a trunk and so on. Each link takes you to a menu of articles on that topic, most by Dr. John P. Juedes, who has researched TWI for 30 years. Wierwille as father, friend, and teacher, but both the Scriptures and the empirical evidence demand it. We could go into particulars like the Holocaust denying, the speaking in tongues, how women are supposed to be subservient to men, the homophobia but I just wanted to provide you with some context. The Way president is accustomed to using crude speech and profanity, even in public settings. One response still in print is Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth by H.A. 5 Lamsa considered himself an apostle and believed in clairvoyance and universalism. He rightly exhorted them to reactivate critical thought rather than just change from being a Wierwille disciple to a Bullinger disciple.

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