the debilitated Rahu and Ketu is highly dangerous to the native. Import-export, automobile businesses will flourish in this dasa. Mercury has been considered the factor of intellectual ability, so due to the influence of Mercury, you become an intelligent and tactful person. (i) At the 4th house gives land, wealth, harmony, amenities, and cordial relations with relatives. Rahu Mahadasha period is for 18 Years in a Horoscope when it gets active and effects as Antardasha period with all the planets. It will bring beneficial Get married as Mercury is the lord of the 9th house and situated at the 7th house of marriage. You can take an online astrology consultation from astrologer Chirag Bejan Daruwalla to know more about Rahu's effect. During This yoga will give you the knowledge, intelligence, success in science and research and will be gifted by good speech. discuss the benefic and malefic effect of the Rahu during its administration These periods are called 'dashas'. Rahu is a very unsteady and erratic force ruled by obsessive passions and unconcerned with ethical notions of right and wrong. Please make a note that your desires will not work, your aims will work. experiences. Relations with elder brothers and sisters are not satisfactory. Physically, the 1st house corresponds to the 1st part of our body, the head in general, and the skull and brain. It is the son of the Moon. Rahu Mahadasha affects the mental health of an individual, there will be a constant state of fear and mental pressure. You have to leave your judgmental thing while making decision for your life partner. And, one more thing I would like to remind you about the Baadhak house in your horoscope which is 11th house, the house of desires. ncha-bhanga = "unbungled" upagraha: Gulika, Mandi and more. It brings Your talent will not be recognised. You The only The native does not care for just and unjust ways for success and commits crimes to overcome all hindrances and hardships. It is extremely harmful during the period Dasha of Rahu and Antardasha of Saturn. conjunction of Mars with beneficial planets ensures a good result. Only the fact that I have Rahu in the 5th & the 2nd in my mouth allows me to present Hindu ideas and concepts in the U.S. Rahu in the 5 & 5th Lord has no associations with foreign ideas & creativity for the U.S. and therefore supports my thinking, I will use him to convey Hindu philosophies & doctrines. This type of combination from the fourth house leads to losses if mars is a valuable planet for the ascendant and Rahu is placed. 5. But it is rarely possible that your love relationship will convert into marriage. A sharp rise in personal ambition, a desire to experience increased social mobility, and a thrilling empowerment to take risks are all part of . You are fearful of Rahu Dasha as your astrologer has said it. Venus will take whatever good things she can get, but she doesnt care whether she gets hold of them; she is just gobbling them up, however. All of these are suggested, due to Saturns placement in your horoscope with Mars as well that have a conjunction of 3rd, 2nd, 11th house. The powerful Rahu Mahadasha makes the native Please find the answers to your questions related to marriage and career. During Moon(chandra) dasa of 10 years, self driving, swimming, adventure sports should be avoided. He would be extremely good at making strategies creatively. However, the My personal experience has also been very bad during the NOTE: Please make sure that he should not be the kind of person who has the attitude like, I am the person who is right, rest everybody is wrong what I think is correct and people should follow it These type of people are could be a very bad decision maker So please check that as there are strong possibilities that you might get a spouse who has this attitude. Will put in all their efforts to make sure that their company runs into good profits but they will be paid lesses than anticipated. period according to Vimshottari system of calculation. Which were later known . Required fields are marked *. Its vehicle is a white horse. [the 12th houses] is his palace of Pakka Ghar and can be shown to be auspicious in houses 3, 4, and 6. Rahu is a planet that is considered malefic and evil by its very nature, its Mahadasha is also featured with similar results. The Sun in the Kendra Sthan is beneficial and can get success in this phase of Mahadasha. The native remains unhappy with their father. But when Mars and Rahu are positive for the chart, the adverse outcomes of the impact will only manifest themselves in the kind of anger. You will lead a disciplined lifestyle with good, regular diet but differences with siblings or cousins will cause few problems. Its of Rajasik character, is very fortunate and likes to wear garments of different colors. like your office staff, any person with whom you deal. This type of combination in the second, 10th, or eleventh house may lead to amassing of wealth through questionable ways. Sarvguna Sampann could be Lord Rama, Shri Krishna, etc., not any normal human-being. a) Rahu is also known as the demon God plays the role of a mastermind, a magician, illusionist or the one who has huge desires like a luxury, foreign articles, hi-tech things, and everything good in abundance. The (vii) Mixed results will be felt when the Node is put in the second or twelfth house, or the owner of the second or twelfth house has a relation with the Node. Your horoscope doesnt support the love marriage. During the inauspicious Rahu Mahadasha, you are likely to face many problems. Jupiter governs the realm of abstract thinking. etc. The natives of shadow planet Rahu would require to walk over a fragile path and would be made to confront many . (iii) The impact happening at the 4th house might prove troublesome. Rahu is the karaka of skill, while . The Shukra Antardasha with Rahu Mahadasha Experiencing the Mahadasha of Rahu is a given in the lifetime of a native, sooner or later. The career and personal lives are pejoratively impacted during the Rahu Mahadasha. And, Rahu Mahadasha is telling you to adjust and compromise and understand the circumstances. a) Huge financial losses due to which one may have to settle for a lowly job. adventurous decision if the planet Mars is aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter Antardasha with the Mahadasha of Rahu is generally good. malefic planets such as Mars, Sun and Saturn. (ii) This effect is worse in the 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th and twelfth houses. Moon Mahadasha - Result and Effect of Chandra Dasha Period He is the forerunner to any unexpected occurrence, whether it is an accident or a lottery win. Talk to Your Personal Astrologers! The negative impact can be lessened by chanting of Rahu Mantra, wearing dark blue color clothes, keeping a peacock feather at home and feeding dogs. Hence, it is important to b) Rahu Mahadasha is known to last for 18 years. Marriage happens late. Yes, you have strong chances of inter-caste marriage as Rahu is placed in your 7th house with the Nakshatra lord of Mercury who is also placed in the house of marriage 7th house So, there is a strong possibility of inter-caste marriage there is no doubt about it. Rahu Mahadasha Antardasha Complete Analysis Of 9 Planet FREE In this house, Rahu would never give an auspicious result.Jupiter aspects the 5th, 7th and the 9th house when it is placed in the Ascendant. The nature of the dispositor of the Node will be quite significant and the nature of the Node determined in the above way will be markedly altered by it. Have a diplomatic attitude, think about yourself first, for your personal development. During favorable mercury(budha) dasa of 17 years, you will be recognised as a multi-talented and efficient person at your work. For example; if the planet Rahu is posited in the house of Saturn, then it will bring the result of Saturn. R6 Kanya Parthya Para * Virgo ascendant * Vimshottari Dasha periods Rahu's mahadasha is a long period and goes on for 18yrs, a lot of things can occur in 18yrs! The native is restless but tactful and feels capable of achieving some success in his profession at last. What does Rahu represent in Vedic Astrology? The planet denotes the northern node and is a snowball of negative energy that affects all of us differently. Venus, Moon and Mercury dasas will not be favorable. In the Mahadasha of Rahu, the person remains unwell, the stomach remains upset, there is a possibility of delay in having a child, and there is a sudden loss. Women liked by you will cheat you and this will cause lot of mental disturbance. The The native could have difficulty from the government persons, or he might not get along with his father or elders of the family. Rahu in 1st House for Taurus Ascendant in Vedic Astrology. The person is brave and courageous. For Virgo Ascendant, Rahu in 11th house will be in Cancer Sign (ruled by moon). Will act courageous and prove everyone wrong by achieving what was thought to be impossible. b) Venus is said to bring to the native a stroke of luck. Marriage is also to make adjustments and compromise and support to be in a relationship as a life partner. Work comes in better condition. The planet Sun rules over the 12th house or the house of expenses if you belong to the ascendant Virgo. Rahu dasa of 18 years will be usually good for kanya lagna born and Ketu dasa of 7 years will give moderate results. We often appear to be seen as wealthy nations with struggling masses (poverty-stricken peoples in other countries) to those who are concerned with survival in the world. The bad effects of Rahu make the mind unstable, disputes in love life, and troubles in life. e) Malefic mercury can give you bad results like mental unhappiness, loss of speculation, fear and depression. They arent physical heavenly bodies, but their importance in predictive astrology is well recognized. It is not like that you will command over your spouse it is just that he will look after your thoughts and act accordingly. You would be responsible for your own gains through your own Karma that is due to Rahu in the 7th house. (iv) This type of combination from the 7th house will lead to an extremely disturbed married life. in life. Its quite likely to trigger aberrations from the native. When Rahu is placed with Sun in any planet, it creates a Graham Dosha. It runs for a period of 16 years based on the Vimshottari system of time calculation. (i) from the first house causes venereal and sinus diseases, (ii) from the 8th house, it gives rise to immorality, as well as. Rahu is seen to work well with air and water signs. Contact Form -Privacy. The native is not attractive in appearance. Rahu has wonderful karma. In many combinations, Rahu has highly malefic effects. Foreign travel becomes the sum of the settlement. Mercury Mahadasha works best with planets like Venus, Sun, and Moon. Rahu Mahadasha with the Moon Antardasha is usually not good. With these approaches you are also requested to leave all the emotional factors, look after the actual truth behind it. family members for a long span of time. Rahu Mahadasha and Ketu Antardasha can only bring good result if it gets of If talking in terms of zodiacs, the most beneficent ascendants in budh Mahadasha are Gemini, Taurus, and Virgo. Rahu is better in some houses of the horoscope, such as the sixth house. Else Rahu is making you confused already. Page rendered in 0.0671 seconds, 2023 Personal Life & Relationship Report, Jupiter Transit (time For Growth & Progress). Is Jupiter bad for someone with Virgo Lagna? How will Jupiter Mahadasha Rahu is the planet that is impacting all of these things and here Rahu is under the Nakshatra of Mercury only who is situated with Rahu itself. dispute with political, administrative or bureaucratic people. Possibility of traveling abroad. friendly-signed in the 4th, 7th, 9th, 10th After the Shukra Mahadasha (20 years) and Shani Mahadasha (19 years), the Rahu Mahadasha is 18 years long in Vimshottari dasa system in Vedic Astrology. To overcome few of these ill-effects of jupiter dasa, performing Sudarsana Homam is best remedy. and 12th house in the Kundli. Its fearful to look at. Its courageous, a skillful speaker, vengeful, smart, liberal, slim, of a changeable disposition, is wrathful, adventurous, and capable of causing hurts. You might have Generally speaking, any planet can be beneficial if it is the lord of the 11 th house. If you are in literature, accounting, banking etc, you will achieve topmost position. negative Mars Antardasha with Dasha of Rahu can immensely harm the native. When a node is in exaltation, or under the influence of these planets which provide overall good results in his day, but the element of itll fear of things going awry at any point will persist suddenly and also a fear of things going awry at any stage will persist. And then, Rahu's mahadasha and his sub-periods in the other planets Mahadashas do occur at any point of life. The number chanting should be It becomes more evil when it is posited in a malefic house. Virgo Ascendant is an earthy, common and feminine sign; even, barren, narrow and short sign: single house, night times, end part of a street; hospital; pharmacy; first aid; dress and food; grain godowns: library: gardens; black or grey in colo,ur; city; south west in direction; calm and semi-fruitful sign; human; shows affinity; expertise. Above predictions for dasa results will vary based on constellations and subdivisions occupied by those planets and also slight modifications will be done based on transit of planets. They like to be in a state of rest. Because there won't be much to deal with by them in their life, they will be calm and peaceful in handling these things in life. One of the worst effects of Rahu Mahadasha is that it makes the native undergo highly unstable and distressed mentally. depression, fear from water, suicidal tendency, quarrel with friends, bad the native. Ganesha says, the Scorpio natives will have a hard time in their professional life because of Rahu. c) If your Mercury is well placed in your birth chart, you can get beneficial results. Saturn Mahadasha-Effects, Remedy, Antardasha For All Ascendant The planet Rahu Dasha will accelerate the result if gets aspect of the Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Mercury. Rahu is a planet that is considered malefic and evil by its very nature, its Mahadasha is also featured with similar results. Rahu Mahadasha Effects and Remedies - Vinay Bajrangi The Mahadasha of Jupiter is known as the Guru Mahadasha. Analysis, Rahu in 5th, Ketu in 11th house - psychologically astrology So the control or we say the management power would be in the hands of your spouse. You have the Lagna lord in this house; therefore, it is an important house. electricity. Guru Antardasha. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mahadasha_com-portrait-1','ezslot_27',169,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mahadasha_com-portrait-1-0');Rahu is very important in giving worldly results, Ketu for spiritual or religious ones. It creates some major bothersome issues in your professional life, which you need to handle completely with patience. b) If you are going through this phase, you need to be very careful and try to avoid legal issues. If Saturn is placed in the house earlier, then Rahu can provide highly beneficial effects. Saturn is referred to as the serpent, and Rahu is said to be the head and the tail is regarded as a demon. The sub or major periods of Rahu or Ketu can be unpleasant if any of them is at the asterism of Ketu. The career achievement is also featured with overseas travel. This period usually lasts for around 19 years and along with its slow transit can cause havoc in our life. Rahu in Virgo - Rahu in Kanya Rashi - Vedic Astrology Rahu is referred to as chaya graha (Shadow Planet) because he is not a material manifestation. When theres a market of asterisms between Rahu and Saturn and theres the participation of the 8th house in this combination, it could make the native predisposed towards paralytic strokes. This is one of the most powerful Vishomttari administration period of Sun that continues for 6 years. b) Acquiring new land and properties Saturn in the 10th and 11th house brings beneficial signed and friendly Saturn can bring immense success in the life. It is adaptable. The native increases his occupation and feels satisfied and happy. My relationship with my in-laws whether it will be smooth or not. 18,000. my personal experience with the people, the Jupiter Antardasha has not been It might be possible that you had any love relationship in your past at your work place or might be in present. (v) When the combination takes place at the 10th house, the indigenous might reach a high position if the two planets are favorable to the chart but its also indicative of what the native might endure a drop from a high position. Main Planet to take care of all your needs and fulfillment is RAHU(I will share the Rahu Yantra model as well, place it at your temple or workplace). the benefic Mahadasha of Rahu, the person becomes optimistic, audacious, Copyright 2023 Wellness Technologies Private Limited, For 100% Privacy, Security & Easy Access To Expert Astrologers, You will receive a 4 digit code for verification, Enter Your 4 Digit OTP Code on+91 7201040060Change. possible of the fear from fire and electricity, danger through poison, health This stretch of the Rahu Mahadasha lasts for a period of eighteen years. A good placement can ensure multiple accolades, positivity, and better linkages and social status. Rahu dasa of 18 years will be usually good for kanya lagna born and Ketu dasa of 7 years will give moderate results. Rahu in 6th House for Leo Ascendant Vedic Astrology The Nodes, called Ketu and Rahu in Hindu astrology, are points of intersection between the path of the Moon along with the apparent path of the Sun in the sky. It is thus highly recommended that the native under such a condition should keep away from weapons, fire, poison and all kinds of infections. Rahu in 1st House for Virgo Ascendant in Vedic Astrology A Node will give the results of the house in of its dispositor, and of the planets, with that, its got a relation. To Get Your Personalized Solutions, Talk To An Astrologer Now! if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'mahadasha_com-netboard-2','ezslot_26',156,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mahadasha_com-netboard-2-0');Rahu put in relation with the owner of an angle and triangular house shall give high standing and prosperity during its sub or major periods. It might be an attractiveness kind of something, nothing more than that. However, your Ascendants lord Saturn is situated at the 8th house which is of research and analysis, ups and downs, etc. When Rahu is properly positioned or exalted, it can bestow strength, fame, political success, wealth, and physical beauty (i.e., attraction). many beneficial results in the life. result of the Budh Antardasha with Rahu Mahadahsa can be highly benefical if Few will learn ancient languages and sciences. An intriguing statement has been made at Brihat Parashar Hora Sastra. Of course, he is correct. Get 15+ Pages of FREE HOROSCOPE and DASHA PREDICTIONS (, Rahu Mahadasha and Antardasha Analysis with All Planets. The Sun Mahadasha is synonymously called Surya Mahadasha and the duration of the Surya Mahadasha is 6 years. There is discord in married life, there is a loss in partnership work, relations with the father are not good, and the person is an atheist, and travels abroad. Here is one amazing thing is that your entire life and fulfillment of desires depend upon your thinking only. Ganesha says, For Taurus natives, they might have a hard time at the start of the transit but after some time the issues and problems will be reduced and wont give you much of a hard time in life. The Rahu Ganesha says, the Leo natives might have a tough time in life and deal with it throughout. Since The type of family would also be good but there is a strong possibility that he might be depended upon his siblings so you are requested to check that also make sure that he is not dependent on any ancestors money. in the exalted, own-sign and friendly sign etc. Its active. Mars Mahadasha period and effects remain to exist till 7 Years in a Horoscope when it becomes active. Therefore with this placement, you might possess chances of being involved in the hospital or legal matters. (iv) This combination anyplace in the horoscope, unless well aspected or both the planets being beneficial to the graph, causes distaste for religion in the indigenous. The twentieth day following birth will be critical. There are certain remedies which are available, but they vary as per the other planet which is involved.

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