He explains that the interference with the aura in its natural, pure state by the mortal consciousness and by the misqualification of light creates negative colorations. The violet flame is a symbolic name that is given to the transformative abilities of spiritual energy. The Violet Flame is a gift on this planet from Ascended Master Saint Germain. I have very little fear in fact I live and move and have my being in my Beloved I AM and Sweet Holy Om Spirit Presence all day long. I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need. : Transform your life with 15 minutes of daily decreeing & create true abundance. I felt that they knew more than I did. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "afc02ac9727f082dcfe53fe949a28030" );document.getElementById("fa5933c6d6").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Our mission is to share the Teachings of the Ascended Masters on the Violet Flame to create positive changes in the lives of people, in their communities and the planet. It transmutes the negative energy into positive, revitalizes & restores your energy field. May we be forgiven for our mistakes. Imagine the memory being saturated with the violet flame until the form disappears. The Violet Flame is a high frequency energy that can help to burn, transmute, alchemize, clear and elevate the lower frequency consciousness that is prevalent on Gaia. We welcome you to try the decrees and meditations on our Violet Flame Resources page. This tingeing of the purple flame with the gold denotes the mastery of the light of peace within the solar plexus and is an indication that the individual is active in service to life. Hi I started using Violet flame last year. It can be used for different purposes such as healing physical, emotional problems and improves relationships. Like prayers, decrees are spoken petitions to God. Did you feel positive energy from this person in the dream? In recent times, behavioral researchers haveeffectively implemented the power of color through spaces what have been painted in specific colors for their healing qualities. A violet flame is a guide for self-transformation, but we must find the right mindset to make it work. I am so glad for you. Things have improved. See the violet flame come to life as if you were looking at a movie. I choose OM MANI PADME HUM, you can use one of your own, or pick one from these meditation mantras. Then my head started to feel funny, like I had a hat on.but I didnt. Not only does the violet flame dissolve your own karma, but it can also dissolve group or planetary karma that comes from such things as wars or accumulated injustices. We are in constant contact with news and crisis situations around the world. Blessings, Paula. This transmutation process is symbolic of the alchemy of self-transformation through violet flame meditation and healing. A Chohan or the Lord of Ray, is an ascended master in charge of one of the seven spiritual rays. However, the question about being an invoker made me feel uneasy, as if it was a permanent decision that had dark/unknown consequences. ~good Vibes~ So now I continue with it twice daily. You were never created by God with Fear only Love! The consciousness of the people of earth is being reborn and the spiritual fires of freedom are blessing each one, each family, each nation and the world. From child to death we are all being imprinted by others and our environment as to what we belief. It took almost a year of misinformation , wrong tests, to find out I had nerve blockages in my cervical. In the hermetic traditions of Egypt and Greece, colored stones, minerals, and crystals were used in chromotherapy, also known as color therapy. Thus, if we increase the light of purity and of the violet flame through our mantras and our prayers to God, we will also accelerate our consciousness on the white and violet rays. Violet Flame Meditation - Instant Energy Shift! - Ask-Angels I choose patterns of Perfection. Then ask your Beloved I AM Christ Self how to deal with these appearances of aches in body or lack in work and money, or problems with others, etc. The violet flame, or light, is the color of freedom and has the quality of mercy. I ask you to___________. Thank you for your response. The negative karma is like Pandora's box. We can see the beautiful violet flame and visualize its light over us, our families, our world. I input your name into the violet flame challenge page so here is your link to confirm: Why, with the violet flame in hand and heart as floral offering and as alchemist's kit, you never know what is just beyond the next turn in the road or the next wind in the mountain! I live in the kingdom of heaven being Bliss Consciousness every day and pretty much all the time as long as I dont allow other peoples issues to take me out of my Blissful State of being. I almost feel it overwhelmed me. Was the energy positive, peaceful and loving? I did enjoy using VF , but do you think it caused all that tightness in my neck? As you give the violet flame, pictures of past lives may come before your mind. My apologies for a very late response, a reply mechanism was not working. But when you close your eyes and concentrate on the energy center between your eyebrows, you can sometimes see the violet flame at work with your inner eye. . Apologies for late response! What a great gift has been given to mankind.all we need to do is believe! The violet flame is very powerful and transmutes all negativity and transgressions that you may have in this lifetime or past lifetimes. To begin Violet Flame Meditation you can start with something simple like, "I AM a Violet Flame of love and forgiveness.". Hi, I had a dream that I think involved this flame and wanted to know what you thought of it because I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Invoking spiritual energy through the use of dynamic decrees, visualization and divine feeling is also a great key that I would not overlook. Thank you Catherine and you are helping everyone worldwide as well! You may want to use a visual aid like a photo or magazine cutout in front of you. My I AM Presence is moving my pendulum as someone said she saw white light go into my Crown when I asked a question. The Violet Flame Is the Flame of Forgiveness and Mercy. Everyone needs to do this individually and collectively as you . Join the oncoming wave of Spiritual Light as the violet flame sweeps across the planet. During his first revelations about the Violet Flame, Saint Germain has said The use of the violet consuming flame is more valuable to you and to all mankind than all the wealth, all the gold and all the jewels of this planet. (The Voice of the I AM January 1941 p. 20). Saints and adepts have long known how to use the violet flame. She also could see a tall fellow behind me. Prices pulled from the Amazon Product Advertising API on: Who Is Saint Germain of the Violet Flame? He was a French philosopher, inventor, courtier, pianist, violinist, and poet. This is where the visual aid you chose may help. This interaction sets up an oscillation, a vibration that dislodges the density. the gift of spiritual alchemy from Saint Germain. It also contains Adamantine Particles of Love/Light which are offered as a gift, a Divine dispensation; however, they must be activated by the frequencies of a loving, compassionate heart. It is hard to keep the meditation going. Hisuian Zoroark is a dangerous threat that should be accounted for in the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's metagame. Shine the powerful Light of the Violet Flame wherever you desire change. I then had a thought one day..maybe this isnt an awakening maybe its my health. For instance, the aura of someone who is in a state of contemplation, study or meditation might have the presence of a yellow light, a violet light and even a blue lightthe blue indicating faith in God. If you are just beginning to study and practice the violet flame, there is a 30 day introductory series called the Violet Flame Challenge on this site: Take the Violet Flame Challenge. When the time came, the Master Saint Germain again revealed the teachings on the Violet Flame to mankind. It also denotes mastery of the throat chakra in the spoken Word. If youve ever seen a popular depiction of an alchemist, witch or magi, theres often a concoction being mixed up in a fire, with the flame turning into a violet color when the potion is successful. The violet flame is an invisible spiritual energy. I never forgot this and I always wanted to share with a group try to understand this experience. Previously, only those in the spiritual retreats knew of the violet flame. The visualization, affirmation, and meditation on the violet flame consumes this negative energy transmutes it to positive energy. Prior Chapter: Creativity|Next Chapter: Your Aura as a Giant Beacon. I also asked if the violet flame can heal it got no only Divine Mother can heal it? Keep this visualization in mind while you are decreeing and throughout the day. Violet Flame never is the cause of any dis-ease in the physical body, or mental or emotional bodies. Our vibration is raised and propels us into a more spiritual state of being. Yesterday I was at a energy expo and someone mentioned that from behind she thought I was someone else because she could see violet in my aura. I remember thinking Okay, this is actually real, but what is my power?. Not only that, but the color violetstimulates our openness to divine wisdom, promotes selflessness and speeds up our natural healing process. You never know when on that pathway you will meet your mentor Saint Germain face-to-face. Is this the same flame? Be Inspired. The Violet Flame is a form of Spiritual Fire (invisible spiritual energy) that is unbelievably powerful for transmuting lower energies, bringing healing and accelerating spiritual growth and development. Saint Germain teaches that the violet flame has the ability to change physical conditions because of all the spiritual flames; the violet is closest in vibration to the components of matter. This is why violet-flame angels have that motto of keeping on keeping on. Yes there will be body symptoms with energy and spiritual work as the density we have created with our thoughts and emotions are creating the density. Once you start, keep on going. I live in Florida. Having followed the masters and using the violet flame for many years, I can tell you without equivocation it is miraculous. Thanks so much! For centuries, alchemists have sought to change lead metals into gold. The violet flame neither takes away our problems nor removes all the negativity surrounding us. Went to Chiropractors, Osteopath, doctors.many tests.it was awful . The color violet is usually associated with transformation. The love of my life tells me that I dont understand what meditation is, and that its about concentrating and actually closing your mind off from anything like what Im afraid of. Violet flame decrees are an all-consuming spiritual fire. It feels like the muscles are all seizing up and tightening up inside the ribcage. May your journey with the Ascended Masters be an adventure as life was meant to be! Any guidence? The flames rise and pulsate around you in different shades of purple, pink and violet. Therefore, we are transformed. Doing the Decrees is working your Throat Chakra so it may have just brought it up to the surface faster than if you did no decrees. The ascended master called Saint Germain had released his teachings about the power of violet energy. It sets us free from all the hatred of our past scars and painful memories. Where your attention goes energy flows so watch your thoughts and start immediately clearing it into the violet flame for transmutation when you think fear thoughts! Every day I give my heartfelt thanks to Saint Germaine , ArchAngel Michael and the violet flame.for giving me tools to rise my vibration , rise above the darkness and help others.

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