Its not being from the south or north that makes a person ignorant. Oh and tobaggon in reference to a Winter cap, or what Northerners would call a Beanie, If someone does something uncalled for we say -there aint no sense in that, And my Grandma always used to say Ill swanee to my name! She could never explain exactly what it meant, but she used it in the context of I cant believe it!or I swear. (born in Louisiana, raised in Texas), to name just six. Actually, most geographers claim that it isnt apart of the South. No one in the south thinks that everything is communism, that the Bible is the only thing worth reading, or that science is of the devil. Now can we yanks truthfully say all that about ourselves? But not in a million years would I trade anything for my mamas fried chicken and cornbread. Waving to your neighbor, hugging ppl actually caring even if it means less for you. My yankee blood is nicely mixed with the blood of an American Indian Chief. See, we Southerners actually have quite the way with the English language, and have even produced a few much beloved wordsmiths over the years. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Id like to ask you to please just stop! Dumb as a box of rocks. southern people dont have bad grammar we all have accents they are different! Otherwise you are more than welcome to stay, but Shut-Up and Blend-In because this is OUR COUNTRY! That was my best memory of being surrounded by southern uneducated rednecks, Do what again? Elizabeth u honey are crazier than a shit house rat. Listen carefully and read the comments. We never had a lot of mosquito bites. True Southerners dont like going North because up there, if you ask for Coke, all yall get is freaking Pepsi. Sorry to inform you but AR is Southern Its still really determined primarily by the Civil War. In the meantime, try one of these options: Pptidos, Nutricin Intracelular e Inmunoregulador Antiaging, Proyecto REAL: VIVE Al estilo Antivejez en este nuevo orden. Snarky things said with a smile. Kerry spoke at length about individual freedoms, saying: No politician can shut out the world, however, after decades of planning, Morocco has stayed the course of several days to a week. Dont yall be makin fun my southern people. Instead of Chicken and Dumplings. Bless their little pea-pickin hearts. Im half north, half south, and I found your post fascinating!! Oh my God!!! Not just the south east. Its spelled superior. Especially if its I-75 in Georgia or Florida. Steve, I never heard anyone from here saying you all. after saying it a few times just now, it dont even sound right. Get an education you inbred morons, we are superior to you. You yankees were just jealous of what we had.You couldnt make it yourself so you came to steal it from southerners. Your post indicates a prejudice, naive, uneducated mind. Thats a south Georgia sayin. Just because we dont feel so insecure as to want to use higher tier vocabulary to feel self-important doesnt mean were any less intelligent than you Northern folk, Jon. I have said everything everything and more on those videos that is the funniest and the best thing I have seen all week I wish you could hear the way I talk because Im from Southern Middle Tennessee go Vols sorry but, our high school down here where I graduated from only had like 18 graduates that was the whole class and we were the Bulldogs so I can say go dogs when necessary. You can say this word while mad at someone, or you have been waiting for a good time to talk. Im sure it has nothing to do with the former [massive] sugar and tea plantations. anywho, how bad do we Northerners get judged for being from the North? I am WV born and bred, gold and blue. You are no different than those embarrassing confederate boasting southern pride people who do not understand the true cultural identity of being a pedigree blooded original settler. THEY ALL SUCK. Those who come to the south to retire at the beach are Transplants The south sucks it is for the weak and rejects of the country. , Is there a word for yes or yeah other than yessum?. We are the innovators who pay for your welfare, we are your leaders. It means something is messed up here.could be used in place of caddywompus. Im an American, and I live in the United States. In Northern states, iced tea is served with a box of sugar packets because Yankees are too lazy to actually blend sugar into the hot liquid to make sweet tea. Peepl frum Texas ar tha saam waa. OH GOD DONT GET ME STARTED ABOUT THE RAIN. Finding a good church is excellent advice. Yankee told me the South lost the Civil Warget over itI boxed him in the nose and said.We have yet begin to fight! I think you might want to add some midsouth vocabulary. Id put my SHIH-TZU up against any moron in Georgia.any time!! Miss Nancy, a yankee is anyone from north of the Mason Dixon line. Fricker! Now, you are a southern lady. Idioms with the word back, Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023. Is it because we are below the mason Dixon? Down here in Tennessee not only do we say Dumber than a box of rocks we add in Aint worth two dead flies. It really feels like English is testing us sometimes. being southern is a way of life and if your a yankee I reckon you better get a move on it and leave! Heres a couple of mean ones: The general IQ of the south has increased with migration from the west and north. I was fortunate to be raised that way. We use it in S.D. What about your a liar the truth aint in ya and Jesus doesnt love you Thats what my dad says when he is pissed off.. Say answer me.. Examples of in a sentence 4. My best friend is a gay man and I am a woman. Amen June, amen. Nun Ya Holler if you need me. You are an embarrassment to humanity. I dont know Theres no controlling the remote in a Southern house. Ya done done it know what companies are owned by penske? So once again shut your mouth about things that dont concern you. I may have a mouth like a sailor, a horrible attitude, but let me tell you something, Im an 18 year old girl who would rather live in the south than the north cause there are so many stupid, idiotic, ignorant people in the north and to be completely honest not all of us yankees are stupid, Im far from being stupid. Ill make a pallet (bed constructed out of comforters, blankets, sheets, and pillows. Like a Lump on a Pickle- Lazy person who sits around all day! At first they told me you have an accent from the South. Wall eyed hissy fit and pitchin a conniption were familiar phrases. I mean, sheesh!, you HAVE! If we chose "phonology", however, we'd really have to move Southern Louisiana's vocabulary (neutral ground, banquette, etc.) Here's a sampling of words only Southerners say. I know people from here and from down the bayou (Dulac, Chauvin, Montegut, Point-aux-Chenes etc) who consider north Louisianaians yankees. I have also lived short term in Ohio, Indiana, and Iilinois and the majority of them have ties to the south. Only bein 16 Id picked up some of a northern accent and the only people that ever said anything were my closest buddies. I think you are mistaking the intro word-wse. #prochoice (22 votes) Very easy. TN is a bit lighter with wider syllables. Yu kin always till a southerner , because they often spek ta strangers and ad very friendly. It may just be where your mamaw grew up. Southern American English or Southern U.S. English is a regional dialect or collection of dialects of American English spoken throughout the Southern United States, though increasingly in more rural areas and primarily by White Southerners. They will give you a detention for it. Why do you think the rest of the world makes fun of us! Im gonna tan your hide; tha r dog just wont hunt; you couldnt hold a tune with a bucket; someone got hit by the ugly stick. First off, its the other way around. Another good saying is how we explain how drunk we got the night before Drunker than cooter brown. are some of the roots if not THE roots of the Southern accent. Idjit. WE APOLOGIZE FOR SHITTY ATTITUDES AND WE WILL DO BETTER BECAUSE WE REALIZE THE GROWTH WE ARE EXPERIENCING IN GA IS A RESULT FORM THE INDUSTRY BROUGHT DOWN BY THE NORTH CAUSE WES TOO STUPID, WE JUST A BUNCH OF REDNECKS, Clay, if you are referring to Southern People knowing how to drive correctlythats the fucking fucking thing I have heard since I moved to Georgia. I wanted to make sure I didnt miss any. 2 : not informed. But they are not dumbasses like the southeasterners. Honestly I think the North is even more racist than the South. We LOVE sweet tea! Pres. And dilly dally is the same as lollygaggin. Sorry to the owners of the blog for posting this, but dammit I cant deal with jackasses and not put them in there place. Honey, Texas IS the south you seceded from the Union on February 1, 1861 bless you heart. Third way. but down in deez hea parts we know how to have fun! However younguns is reserved for the wippersnappers. Report at a scam and speak to a recovery consultant for free. Honestly, what do we need to know? Speaking of which, well, South FL, southern/southeastern LA (New Orleans (new OR-luns) included), TX, northern VA, (or if, for whatever reasonnot necessarily the Census Bureauyou count the following as Southern,) DE, MD and DC arent the only areas of the South with substantial Roman Catholic populations. There is a reason they call it the dirty south. Hes a wounded combat veteran so we were looking to move somewhere warm, friendly, welcoming to veterans, and close to family. Nonetheless, I live in the suburbs and my neighbors are truly Southern in their ways and accents, which I love. Powerful stuff. Which is universal. I am a yankee born and bred, and on behalf of my people, I would like to apologize to all the southerners on this site for the ignorant opinions expressed by the northerners. I also say cold drink. North Carolina State University (the latter three in the practically adjacent cities of Chapel Hill, Durham, and Raleigh, NC, respectively)? They teach what they want u to know in school but Im sure you can search the web or hit up the good ole fashion library. We like our men to treat us ladies, and know our worth that our Daddys taught us how to take care of ourselves. And i like Pepsi and coke!!! Pret near most southern states. Well know youre a Yankee, or that your parents were Yankees, if you say you guys. But now, I don't have to . The Southern accent is one of the most iconic accents of the United States. I hope you freeze your ass off next winter up there! We are stronger, faster, more educated. PERIOD! We are not narrow minded like you dumb inbred asses. She doesnt have anything better to do than to see how us good ol folks talk? I live in Houston and everyone uses darn it here. Is nice to find that among all the rush and traffic and fake tans there are nice people who ask you your name before demanding something, that say hello in elevators or when they pass you in the street, that dont mind stopping so you can cross the street safely. Some if these words are a matter of history and not area . WE ACTUALLY WORK FOR OUR MONEY. How many southerners you know who retire in yankeeland? Why do I stay, because you all want me to leave and you are not going to win. Yankees always irritate me so much thinkin yall are the only ones who know knowledge! The south is my place and livin on a farm is quite great and livin on 100 acres is awesome and not havin to worry about stupid city limits is also great. We say POKE instead of bag. So, I dont think you can separate slavery, states rights, and the war. Someone gonna git hurt sure enough The emancipation proclamation only applied to the Southern states not the border states that had slaves. Sure, they teased, but it was good fun and I enjoyed it. (You are confused) Dont go gettin all fussed up (dont get mad) and shot your mouth off with your pistol half cocked (getting upset without having all the facts) It snows in north Georgia all the time. Dont visit or move to any other region and expect to change people. I think we are seeing more and more cross culture, not just in America, but world wide with the feed of 24/7 information, huge leaps in entertainment what was considered local is becoming global . Let me tell yall something, I hate it up here. In a name of a town the v is heard, the illegal is kind of all lumped together Like Abbeville..the ll is not heard it is abbviule ( is more what it sounds like) Part of the problem is that they seem to waste most of their energy on being very judgmental, insincere (extremely fake manners and false charm), suspicious, nosy, competitive (especially with other women), manipulative, and downright nasty. . It is stronger and not soft like yall in the south who are charmin extra extra extra soft. The speech accent archive, suggests that the -dee ending is popular in the American Southeast, particularly in Louisville, Kentucky; Atlanta, Georgia; Belmont, Mississippi; Plantersville, Arkansas; Elmore, Alabama; and Pensacola, Florida.. Additionally, I invite you to google mondee tuesdee or mondy tuesdy . Non-rhoticity used to be a widespread feature of English in the American South. I know they dont accept concealed carry permits from Alabama but NC does. even though they always seem to show up in July, Im from Maryland (born in the District), I say yall, pocketbook and my favorite from my grandmother Corned ham son of a biscuit eater!. But most are ) ha! A very brief breakdown: The Red is for Christianity, The blue in the St. Andrews Cross is for purity, 13 Stars were the 13 States that succeeded from the Union, the middle Star/State was Maryland. Alabama and the only thing I have a problem with I have been a nurse for 33 years and during that time I have lived in Sacramento, Denver, Providence, and Akron. When someone was of a bad temper he was ill and if feeling poorly was stove up or even all stove up and if one overindulged at the table was full as a tick. I grew up in an educated, musical family. I say yall very frequently definin a group of people. Please, this is not the place for your comment. They say "aah" instead of "I" and "mah" instead of "my.". No one needs it. Learn how to say Atlanta with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.Definition and meaning can be found here: Brown paper bag . lived in the South; again, I promise.). I love the South, but I know theres just as many ignorant folks down here as up there. In the south we are taught to pray for everyone including the idiots, know that this southern girl is praying for you. dont go thinkn ya done got too big for ya own britches Im not sure if this is a true southern expression. He had no value for their lives. The CSA ( Confederate States of America ) the Confederacy was a government set in 2/8/1861. In Texas, and in Oklahoma, its still yall although in Oklahoma it is often closer to the full you all. But you guys rarely to never. If you ask for the substitute sweetener condiment it goes ignored Especially at a fast dood restaurant drive thru. Lagniappe- My Great Gramma was from France and taught us this as a small gift, not a bonus of something. Thanks, I am reading this site for the first time and beginning to wonder about SOME of my southern sisters. I moved my kids up north for one year, they breezed thru that year. One is the monophthization of the vowel sound "eye," as in the . All that Im trying to say is that there are coldhearted people everywhere, both North and South. What about people saying winda or winder, instead of window? Just so you all know, I am from Mississippi and the south was just like the north we won some and lost some. Nor did something merely make you laugh. Please I swear, I cannot understand the notions Northern folks have about Southerners. These are some of the most common (and not so common . My mamas from the south. Same thing for I-85 in the Carolinas. Keep all the snowbirds out of Florida. Record yourself saying 'southern' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen. Yankee: anyone from the North. The person who posted in the comment to which you referred (where said individual said, In the South, even Pepsi is Coke meant that in the South, carbonated soft drinks in general are often referred to as Coke, regardless of brand name or even whether the soft drink in question is a cola, period. Anyway. See? Cold as a wedge (Im not sure what a wedge is but Im assuming it is quite frigid) 3. When I moved there as a kid, they use to say we talked strange and thought that we were from the North simply because we had a slightly different regional accent from theirs. I am from a long lineage of Southerners, and we are anything but ignorant (like yourself). I've heard two different pronunciations, /h:v/, apparently said by middle-aged people, and /hv/, which sounds closer to how Americans pronounce it. Are you fo REAL!? Don't take any wooden nickels. if by arrogant, you mean awesome, well, my dear..youre right! Fixina- About to- Fixina tap Tomato/ mater Oh yes! I like your opinion. So ya, it was about slaves and Iraq was about 911, sure thats it. Tip 1: Out and About. Ugly as homemade sin. We use the words yonder and reckon but what a lot of people dont realize is that these two words were not made up by Southerners. I was in basic classes up there in school, but when i moved down south I was 2 grades ahead of my normal grade. ha! They also said you guys moreand while yall was used, it wasnt as common. I also say sweeper, rather than a vacuum. Well rise again long before you get a social life and stop trying to pick fights over the internet with people you dont have to face, because you aint got the guts. Call me a Yankee if yall want to but Id rather live in the south. rustier than a pitch fork in the barn I once taught some Spaniards (in Spain) the contraction itnt (aka isnt). . that was used a lot back in north Georgia where I grew up. Backer/ tobacco I live in the alpharetta area. Im lovin yall here in south eastern Alabama! Also you are poor trailer trash. The NORTHEAST!! If you werent comin down here like the damn idjit you are, you wouldnt have to listen to our accents. My parents left Tennessee when they were still young enough to learn how ignorant it was. But I read every comment because the language is so colorful makes a great read. It contributes to our non southern hospitality because were too busy trying to be complete jackasses to convince you to move back up north. When you go west to KS it feels more Great Plains. My father was from Georgia and used to say finny instead of fixin. If youda made that turn there right on that turnpike youda been goin back south. Reading these posts just made me sad for those who are so hateful and close minded. Well shit fire usually followd w/ save matches by a second person. Ohio most certainly is Yankee. (Im from NC) Also, my two cousins, my grandma, and I were all born in June, so my grandma referred to us as the Junebugs. Yes, we may have an accent, but we are also very good at being polished speakers and writers. *The . Thanks, Make that (they rarely if ever in NYC or Hudson County, NJ even say oi in place of er *or* vice versa). Where I live someone who lives passed the Jackson or the Tupelo area in Mississippi is a Yankee. He moved here in May of 2020 thanks to a recommendation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums' (AZA) White Rhino Species Survival Plan (SSP). Also, from all of the yankee posts here I would ask you, If the south is so bad why is all the migration from north TO south instead of the other way around? I miss Texas! Bean pole/ a stick or rod used in a garden to provide support to bean vegetation, usually but not always a bamboo stick, used to describe a sickly skinny person. A mess is not clutter in the house, but a group of vegetables to cook We know how to cook, fix things, and take care of our own kind. You lost the war for a reason. I absolutely LOVE this one and have never heard fucked up as a football bat. So awesome. Ur idiots. LOL, I heard this way back, but I cant remember if it was in the south or in the north. We'll know you're a Yankee, or that your parents were Yankees, if you say "you guys". They probably dont even know what its like to be outside of their state, much less a different region of the United States. And if there is some residual feeling about the Civil War, it might help to remember that it wasnt really South vs. North, but Union vs. Secession. I was up there for many years and only found one family whose grandparents were native to Michigan. THe reason our schools are so screwed up down here is because the federal government wanted to make it easier so the blacks could make better grades. Well shut my mouth, arent the the cutest little thing. Ive lived in NC (from PA) since 1999 and most of the locals already have life-long friends and dont seem to be interested in making any more. And I have never seen snow whats its like. @Denise I dont hear that up north. ( not all northerners are judge mental ass holes.. 15. Is the letter I its not iee but aaa but other than I havent heard it called a beanie yet. Pretty sure I out southern most southerners. And, even though they did increase their fortune by moving, they still could have been just as wealthy by now if they had just stayed in their Upper East Side brownstones. In the south we offered funeral cake, funeral casserole, etc. Wheres your attitude from honey? We kicked your stupid inbred asses in the civil war. 6.) *Bible Good business man as a general rule equates to heartless vulture no matter where you are. Now people in Virginia say both yall and you guys, like most of the South, people are not saying Yall as much. My family is from Tennessee and Kentucky, mamaw and papaw spoke in the most beautiful twangy tone Id ever heard. He was a Bible thumper. I am from Georiga. Alas, Yankees didnt get that drink until relatively recently, bless their soda-pop sippin little hearts. Keep to themselves. NORTHERN-SUPREMACY. Id put your question back to you: how would you define yourself as a Yankee? Im scared to death of those critters!! You better keep your mouth shut. It is believed that he ended slavery but this also is untrue. True Mississippians say natch-uss, whereas outsiders pronounce it how it looks, nat-chezz. The truth is is that probably over half of the people that you hear yelling something negative about the Yankees or the north havent even been there. The North had more metro areas, because most of the industries were in the North. It amazes me how a lot of southerners do really judge and stereotype people just because they are not from the south (Yankees). Southern accents over time have developed their own vocabulary. Edge Fitness Membership, I think that is only south LA with Maw Maw . Only the strong can make it through a Northern winter, Have YOU forgotten about the polar vortex breakdowns of the winter of 2013-2014 (especially the latter)? We tell people who are especially rude. We dont have hate for you poor misguided folks that have that opinion of Southerners, we just want to say, Bless his heart and try to ignore your ignorance. Cory, you sure are making a lot of grammatical errors to have more common sense than us Southerners. Union Admiral Farragut and General Thomas (the Rock of Chickamauga) were both Southerners. Here are "12 Ways to P*ss Off Someone from Atlanta.". Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. A mansion in the north is at least double the cost for a reason. We were always told not to forget our grinds and lockets, usually in reference to bathing, and I still have no idea what those are. That being said, my entire family are Southerners (parents included) and much of our area of Cincinnati are descended from Southerners who moved to the area for work in the 1960s. Coldrn a well diggers ass (for your information real Skins are racists at all). I lived in the south for years, and I heard people say your alls. I live in Ga too, heard and say all them words put in that little essay thing. Gonna open up a can whop ass on you Papaw and Granny YONDER: Damn Yankees always got sumin to say when grown folks talking. We have the best education ( IVY LEAGUE, you have none MIT,Harvard, Cornell, Browning,Stanford,Columbia, ETC. Yeah, it has changed alright, and has NOT for the better, Thank You Very Much. of the peanut butter crackers eat-a-snacks. In fact I get confused for bein from Georgia all the time! There aint nobody got more n deepa southen roots then yours truly. I went up North and I mingled with the people of Michigan. is working on the highway, theres only one road to get back on your route again and its via an access road or main road. It's instantly recognizable and difficult to replicate. I am a northerner, but I appreciate Southern culture and the emphasis on tradition, family, faith, and good manners. There are so many choices out there that Just because the women talk sweetly, do NOT mistake this for that they are dumb or not strong women. When the north completely collapses because of liberalism and immorality the country will assimilate the Southern culture of self-reliance, honor, and the Federal government being subservient to the States (the way the system was set up in the Constitution-see the 10th amendment). Good southerners love and welcome everyone as well. Im sure it goes the other way as well. Atlanta has no ts in it. westboro baptist church lauren. he/shes madder than a wet hen Honey Boo Boo is supposedly Southern, but shes just some 6yo in Georgia that talks just like any DMV clerk in Brooklyn. Id send it back, cause its broke! My familys all from good ol Tennessee, and we use the sayin Thats just as fucked up as a football bat, just as much as supper instead of dinner like them white people up near Oregon say and shit. I also want to say that, as the great-great-grandson of a Union volunteer who lost an arm in the Battle of the Wilderness, I hold no enmity toward those who fought for the CSA, and I respect anyone who wants to honor their memory. But in NOLA, your poboy could even have plain deli meat. Talk about uneducated! Ill add a few more. It was what I grew up on, I cant change it. I would like to say on behalf of my fellow Southerners that we are not all racists, or drunks, or homosexuals. I was always in either Florida or Georgia when I was growing up. but needs to put up with locals who are ignorant, intolerant and dont believe in science or much of anything else other than da baaable. Most of my friends down here are not from the South but there are a couple and they use ALL of these phrases. Htels & Rsidences de tourisme; tablissements recevant du public; Habitats individuels & collectifs; Amnagements extrieurs; Design, Mobilier & Tapisseries Folks who work Downtown have two parks to choose . Hold your breath Its not happenin.. And just so all yall Yankees know we in the South dont care how yall do it up North! Then I might detail the fallacy of relying on prejudices and uninformed stereotypes to categorize any human being or their culture. But don't expect to hear a lot of Southern accents. The article was interesting to say the least! You can tell the recent transplants on the news because they say the second T. Justin Farmer on WSB doesn't -- but then again he grew up here. The South must Secede again. Y o u n e e d t o g e t y o u r a s s o f f t h e Im from FL just moved to GA But I have to say this Florida is the south!

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