93L, s.v. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which temples were Greek and which were Roman?, When was the Temple of Zeus at Olympia built?, What the features of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia? Mactare is another ritual performed on animals (referred to as hostiae and victimae) at an altar, but also on porridge (Nonius 539L). "useRatesEcommerce": false Dogs: Fest. differences between Roman eadem paupertas etiam populo Romano imperium a primordio fundavit, proque eo in odiernum diis immortalibus simpulo et catino fictili sacrificat. 76. ), the Romans followed instructions from the Sibylline Books to bury alive pairs of Gauls and Greeks, one man and one woman of each, in the Forum Boarium. Comparative mythology has served a variety of academic purposes. hasContentIssue true, Copyright The Author(s) 2016. There are at least two other rituals that the Romans performed that also required the death of a person. 32 For example, Ares is the Greek For an argument that wild animals are more common in ancient Mediterranean, and specifically in Etruscan, sacrifice than is generally acknowledged, see Rask Reference Rask2014. 3.3.2, citing the late republican jurist Trebatius; Prescendi Reference Prescendi2007: 256. According to Pliny, Curius declared under oath that he had appropriated for himself no booty praeter guttum faginum, quo sacrificaret (N.H. 16.185). History Greek & Roman Civilization - studocu.com Macr., Sat. favisae. aryxnewland. 1 wine,Footnote mactus; Walde and Hofmann Reference Walde and Hofmann1954: 2.4 s.v. At her birth, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, sprang directly from the head of Zeus. WebIt housed an altar for animal sacrifice and was said to constantly burn incense. 16 9 Hermes, who had winged feet, was the messenger of the gods and could fly anywhere with great speed. 450 Krenkel; Hor., Sat. 56 } 13 Peter=FRH F17. Differences between Greek and Roman sacrifices Flashcards Thus the most likely reading of the passage in Pliny is that Curius sacrificed the guttum faginum to the gods. Greek and Roman ), Dictionnaire tymologique de la langue latine, Interpreting sacrificial ritual in Roman poetry: disciplines and their models, Rituals in Ink: A Conference on Religion and Literary Production in Ancient Rome, La mise mort sacrificielle sur les reliefs romains, La Violence dans les mondes grec et romain, Le sacrifice disparu: les reliefs de boucherie, Sacrifices, march de la viande et pratiques alimentaires dans les cits du monde romain, I reperti ossei animali nell'area archeologica di S. Omobono (19621964), Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia, Animal remains from temples in Roman Britain, The symbolic meaning of the cock: the animal remains from the, Roman Mithraism: the Evidence of the Small Finds, Archologie du sacrifice animal en Gaule romaine, Prodigy and Expiation: A Study in Religion and Politics in Republican Rome, Production and Consumption of Animals in Roman Italy, Re-thinking sacred rubbish: the ritual deposits of the temple of Mithras at Tienen (Belgium), Beyond Sacred Violence: A Comparative Study of Sacrifice, The Insider/Outsider Problem in the Study of Religion: A Reader, Views from inside and outside: integrating emic and etic insights about culture and justice judgment, Ricerche nell'area dei templi di Fortuna e Mater Matuta, Revue de philologie, de littrature et d'histoire anciennes, Etruscan Italy: Etruscan Influences on the Civilizations of Italy from Antiquity to the Modern Era, Why were the Vestals virgins? Another example of a ritual that looks a lot like sacrificium but is not identical to it is polluctum. 5 The equation of sacrifice with the offering of an animal is not completely divorced from the ancient sources. It appears that if a worshipper could not afford to sacrifice something that was itself tasty, he might fulfill his obligation by giving something that evoked the idea of it.Footnote WebThe gods, heroes, and humans of Greek mythology were flawed. Plut., RQ 52=Mor. van Straten has offered a stronger explanation: the absence of slaughter scenes in Greek art is due to a lack of interest in this particular aspect of sacrifice on the part of those Greeks whose religious beliefs are reflected in this material, shall we say, the common people of the Classical period.Footnote Greeks call the queen Hera, whereas Romans queen of gods is Juno. One can also pollucere grain, wine, oil, cheese, meat, fish with scales, a host of other food items, and even unidentified (and presumably inedible) goods.Footnote pop. I also thank the anonymous reviewers for helpful comments, suggestions and objections that have greatly improved this piece. wheat,Footnote Aldrete's survey of images commonly identified as sacrifice scenes makes clear that Roman art depicts different procedures (hitting with a hammer, chopping with an axe) and implements (hammers, axes, knives), and that the preference of implement changes over time. The issue remains active in religious studies, as it does in cultural anthropology more widely. The expanded range of sacrificium suggests that meat and vegetal produce were both welcomed by the gods, and that we should not assume that meat offerings were necessarily privileged over other gifts in every circumstance. 40 WebRomans invested much of their time serving the gods, performing rituals and sacrifices in honor of them. 15, The apparent alignment of emic (Roman) and etic (modern) perceptions of the centrality of slaughter to the Roman sacrificial process, however, is not complete. The argument I lay out here pertains to sacrificial practice as it was conceived by Romans living in Rome and those areas of Italy that came under their control early on, during the Republic and the early Empire. 38 Differences Now, the Romans did not eat people, so how does their performance of human sacrifice reinforce the link between sacrifice and dining? In fact, devotio is viewed positively by the Romans as a selfless, almost superhuman act of true leadership.Footnote While vegetal and meat offerings were on a par, inedible gifts could be sacrificed only as substitutes for edible offerings when money was a concern. 39 Render date: 2023-03-04T10:22:59.089Z The Gods in Greek and Roman mythology, while initially having almost no differentiation (we could easily lose in the Spot the difference game), yet started slowly being more dependent on the civilization where they were worshiped. Flashcards. 55 The burial of Gauls and Greeks was a sacrifice, but one that Romans ought not to have performed. Modern etymologists disagree on the origin of the term. Sacrificium included vegetal and inedible offerings, and it was not the only Roman ritual that had living victims. 20 Has data issue: true 87 Greek governments varied from kings and oligarchs to the totalitarian, racist, warrior culture of Sparta and the direct democracy of Athens, whereas Roman kings gave Despite the fact that the Romans buried broken or superfluous gifts to the gods in deposits for hundreds of years, there are to my knowledge only two references to the practice in all of Latin literature.Footnote 344L and 345L, s.v. In both the passages from Pliny and Apuleius, the ritual implements are of diminutive size. As the most extensive survey of meat production in Roman Italy has concluded, Dogs were variously trained as guards, protectors, companions, and pets, but they were not raised to be eaten (MacKinnon Reference MacKinnon2004: 74). The distinction between sacrificare and mactare was lost by Late Antiquity, but it was still active in the Republic and early Empire.Footnote The Ancient Greek Underworld 30 We do not know what name the Romans gave the ritual burial of an unchaste Vestal Virgin, but we know it was not sacrifice. 13 The most famous vegetal offering occurred at the Liberalia, the festival of the god Liber, described by Varro: Liberalia dicta, quod per totum oppidum eo die sedent sacerdotes Liberi anus hedera coronatae cum libis et foculo pro emptore sacrificantes (The Liberalia is so called because on that day priestesses of Liber, old women crowned with ivy, settle themselves throughout the whole town with cakes and a brazier, making sacrifices on behalf of the customer).Footnote In the sacred realm, Romans could also pollucere a tithe to the god Hercules.Footnote Resp. The closest any Roman source comes to linking devotio and sacrifice is Cic., Off. 132.2; Scheid Reference Scheid2005: 1369). WebRoman sacrificial practices were not functionally different from Greek, although the Roman rite was distinguishable from the Greek and Etruscan. This should prompt researchers, myself included, to greater caution when presenting a native in our case, Roman point of view and to greater clarity about whether the concept under discussion at any given moment is really the Romans or ours, or is shared by both groups. ex Fest. ex Fest. The difference between Greek Gods and Roman Gods is that Greek gods have unique names of their own, whereas, Roman gods are There are many other non-meat sacrifices the Romans could offer. Miner Reference Miner1956: 503. Further support for the idea that the act of sprinkling mola salsa was either the single, critical moment or an especially important moment in a process that transferred the animal to the divine realm, is that mola salsa seems to be the only major element of sacrifice that is not documented explicitly by a Roman source as appearing in any other ritual or in any other area of daily life: processions, libations, prayers, slaughter, and dining all occurred in non-sacrificial contexts.Footnote (ed.) It is also noteworthy that sacrificium appears to be the only member of this class to require mola salsa. 66 This disjuncture between physical remains and written accounts is another reminder of the bias of our ancient authors toward the activities of the rich and toward state ritual. differences between Greek and Roman For the possible link between this instance and the revelation of an unchaste Vestal, see Schultz Reference Schultz2012: 126 n. 18. 37 See Oakley Reference Oakley1998: 481 and Sacco Reference Sacco2004: 316. Of this class of rituals, sacrificium does seem to have been somehow different from the others. Others include first-order vs. second-order categories, particular vs. universal, descriptive vs. redescriptive, and local vs. global. 22. Burkert Reference Burkert and Bing1983: 3; Girard Reference Girard and Gregory1977: 1. The most famous instance occurred annually at the festival of the Robigalia in June when a red dog and a sheep were sacrificed by the Flamen Quirinalis to ward off rust from the crops.Footnote e.g., O'Gorman Reference O'Gorman2010: 1217 and Versnel Reference Versnel1976. and more. 52 Pliny and Apuleius may reflect an lite misconception about the religious praxis of lower class worshippers, offering an incorrect, emic interpretation of an observable phenomenon. Possible Answers: Roman temples were built on the ruins of previous structures. Knives would have been used only in conjunction with one or other of these implements. Aldrete Reference Aldrete2014: 32. Thinking along the same lines, it is reasonable to conclude that there are relatively few images of slaughter among Roman sacrificial scenes in public artwork of the Classical period because the emphasis in state-sponsored sacrifice lay elsewhere. and 51 Similarities Between Greek And Roman Architecture Indeed these two rituals appear at first glance to be identical live interment in underground chambers, though admittedly in different locations within the city and with different victims. Fest. 56 It is likely, but admittedly not certain, that the concept of sacrificium I delineate here was also at play in citizen communities throughout the Empire, at least at moments when those communities performed public rituals in the same manner as did people in the capital. 97 Roman Sacrifice, Inside and Out* | The Journal of Roman Studies Q. Fabius Pictor was sent to the oracle at Delphi to ascertain by what prayers and supplications the Romans might placate the gods, and what end would there be to such calamities. molo; de Vaan Reference De Vaan2008: 3867 s.v. Cato's instruction to pollucere to Jupiter an assaria pecunia refers to produce valued at one as (Agr. The relationship between magmentum and augmentum (Paul. There is also evidence that the Romans had a variety of rites, only one of which was sacrificium, that involved presenting foodstuffs to the gods. Footnote Marcos, Bruno 9 Two differences between greek roman religion and christianity. 31; Plin., N.H. 36.39; Tac., Ann. and Paul. 95 100 280 BC and 290D; Rom. In addition, the acceptability of miniature serveware as objects of sacrificium shows the ability of the ritual to accommodate the varying social status of those performing it. 4.57) is not clear. By looking at Roman sacrificium through the insider-outsider lens, by keeping in sight what is there in the sources, what we add to it, and where our modern notion of sacrifice does and does not align with the Romans own idea, we have a sharper, more detailed picture of one aspect of Roman antiquity. Van Straten Reference Van Straten1995: 188. See, for example, Feeney Reference Feeney, Barchiesi, Rpke and Stephens2004, an excellent discussion of the application of theoretical models of sacrifice to the poetry of Vergil and Ovid. 63 Military commanders would pay homage to Jupiter at his temple after By placing this variety of rites that the Romans had under the single rubric of sacrifice, we have lost sight of some of the complexity and nuance of Roman ritual life. Roman sources make clear that Romans had several different rituals (sacrificium, polluctum, and magmentum) that appear, based on prominent structural similarities, to have been related to one another. Tereso, Joo Pedro 70 Dog corpses were sometimes deposited with tablets that contained curses, and dog figurines are among the required items for performing some spells.Footnote sacrifice, Roman in OCD 43 Furthermore, although all of these rites were performed on foodstuffs at altars or at least in sanctuaries, there are some critical differences among them and the ways they are discussed by the Romans. MacBain Reference MacBain1982: 12735; Schultz Reference Schultz2010: 52930; Reference Schultz2012: 12930. 17 a more expensive offering that dominates in literary accounts of sacrifice. 51, There is, of course, a large leap in scale from two literary references to an explanation for a ritual practice performed in hundreds of locations over many centuries. For example, Cic., Rep. 3.15 and Font. 41 Differences And Similarities Between The Aztec And Greek | ipl.org But one of the things that I consider quite interesting was the difference approaches that the Greeks and Romans had towards the Gods as a whole. Greek influences on Italian craftsmen in the 6 th century BC saw the image of There is some limited zooarchaeological evidence for the consumption of dogs at some Roman sites, such as the inclusion of dog bones bearing marks of butchery among bone deposits that comprise primarily bovine and ovine remains, but it is not widespread. Hemina fr. For the difference in Roman attitudes toward human sacrifice and other forms of ritual killing, see Schultz Reference Schultz2010. That we cannot fully recover what were the critical differences among these rites is frustrating, but the situation is certainly not unique in the study of Roman religion. which I quote at some length because we shall return to this passage later on: Territi etiam super tantas clades cum ceteris prodigiis, tum quod duae Vestales eo anno, Opimia atque Floronia, stupri compertae et altera sub terra, uti mos est, ad portam Collinam necata fuerat, altera sibimet ipsa mortem consciverat; Hoc nefas cum inter tot, ut fit, clades in prodigium versum esset, decemviri libros adire iussi sunt et Q. Fabius Pictor Delphos ad oraculum missus est sciscitatum quibus precibus suppliciisque deos possent placare et quaenam futura finis tantis cladibus foret. The only inedible items that we know from literary sources were objects of sacrificium are all miniature versions of regular, everyday serveware: a cruet, a plate, and a ladle. What are the differences between Greek and Roman heroes? Prescendi Reference Prescendi2007: 22441 and, arriving at the same conclusion by a different path, Schultz Reference Schultz2012: 1323. The survival beyond the early Empire of most aspects of the distinction among ritual forms discussed in Section IV cannot be asserted with any confidence. 89 413=Macr., Sat. Those poor Nacirema, who despise their physical form and try to improve it through ritual and ceremony, at first seem so different from us: primitive, superstitious, unsophisticated. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Difference Between Greek Gods and Roman Gods 80 If the commander who devoted himself did not die in battle, he was interdicted from performing any ritual on behalf of the state (publicum divinum). 86 283F284C; Liv., Per. and indeed it certainly fits the modern notion of an act by which one suffers great loss for the benefit of others. WebThe ancient Greeks and Romans performed many rituals in the observance of their religion. Although much work in anthropology and other social sciences has debated the relative merits of emic versus etic approaches, I find most useful recent research that has highlighted the value of the dynamic interplay that can develop between them.Footnote 93 59 Footnote milk,Footnote Scheid Reference Scheid1998: nn. 8.9 per cent of the total, according to Moses, Reference Moses, Brocato and Terrenatoforthcoming, table 2. The expression rem dvnam facer, to make a thing sacred, shows that sacrifice was an act of transfer of ownership. 23, The importance of sprinkling mola salsa might explain a pattern in Roman public artwork from the republican through the high imperial periods. Carretero, Lara Gonzalez Our modern idea of sacrifice can, with some refinement and clarification, remain a useful concept for constructing accounts of how and why the Romans dealt with their gods in the ways they didFootnote Created by. Furthermore, because there were multiple rituals not just sacrificium through which the Romans could share food and other goods with their gods, we can see that the Romans had a wider range of ritual tools available to them for communicating with the divine. It is commonplace now to treat sacrificium as a general category and to talk about magmentum and polluctum as moments within the larger ritual or special instances of it.Footnote As illustrated by Livy's description of the first Decius to perform the ritual as he rode out to meet the enemy: aliquanto augustior humano visu, sicut caelo missus (8.9.10). 1). Greek Gods vs Roman Gods. Feature Flags: { 88 and for front limbs.Footnote subsilles. Minerva and Athena: Roman vs. Greek Goddesses of War 88. Schultz Reference Schultz2010: 5202. 3.763829. frag. 37 The small size of the guttus and simpulum is assured by Varro (L. 5.124), who identifies both as vessels that pour out liquid minutatim. Similarities and Differences Between Greek and Roman 54 As has long been recognized, sacrificare and sacrificium are compounds of the phrase sacrum facere (to render sacred), and what is sacrum is anything that belongs to the gods.Footnote 2013: The Fragments of the Roman Historians, 3 vols, Oxford, Hornblower, S., and Spawforth, A. While the attention of our Roman sources is drawn most frequently to blood sacrifice, there is good reason to think that, if there was indeed a climax to the ritual,Footnote Devotio is primarily a form of vow that is, ideally, followed by a death (si is homo qui devotus est moritur, probe factum videri (Liv. What we find is that for the Romans, to sacrifice was not simply to kill in a ritual fashion. WebOn the whole, political development in Greece followed a pattern: first the rule of kings, found as early as the period of Mycenaean civilization; then a feudal period, the WebComparative mythology is the comparison of myths from different cultures in an attempt to identify shared themes and characteristics. Through the insider point of view, we can understand its meaning to the people who experience it. There is a small group of other rituals that share certain structural similarities with sacrificium, but which the Romans during the Republic and early Empire appear to have distinguished from it. For this discussion, the metaphorical extension of the English word sacrifice, by which one can sacrifice for one's family or hit a sacrifice fly in baseball, is not relevant: this meaning is completely unknown to the Romans of the Classical period. Nacirema is American spelt backwards, and Miner shows to, and interprets for, us our own bathroom habits.Footnote From this same root also derives the name for the mixture sprinkled on the animal before it was killed, mola salsa.Footnote From an examination that is restricted to Roman sources and that sets aside Christian texts where the terms for these various rituals begin to be used in rather different ways, it appears that the hierarchy of rituals I have just described has been imposed from the outside. The ultimate conclusion of this investigation is that, although in many important ways this ritual comes close to aligning with the dominant modern understanding of sacrifice, Roman sacrificium is both more and less than the ritualized killing of a living being as an offering to the divine:Footnote When the Romans sacrificed plant matter to the gods, it appears to be because that is what it was appropriate to do in the specific circumstance. 101. 216,Footnote Sacrifices of wine and incense are common in the Commentarii Fratrum Arvalium, e.g. Were these items sprinkled with mola salsa?Footnote Total loading time: 0 89 Far less common in the S. Omobono collection, but still present in significant amounts, is a range of animals that do not seem to have formed a regular part of the Roman diet, such as deer, a beaver, lizards, a tortoise, and several puppies.Footnote 8 Plaut., Stich 233; Cato, Agr. Nor, in broader terms, do I think that internal, or emic, categories should automatically be privileged over external, or etic, ones.Footnote 132.12). Since Greeks were the first ones, Romans followed them. 13 I use ritual killing as a blanket term for any rite, including but not limited to sacrifice, that involves the death of a human being. Plaut., Stich. More Greek words for sacrifice. Concise surveys of the major modern theories of sacrifice in the ancient world can be found in Knust and Vrhelyi Reference Knust and Vrhelyi2011: 418, Lincoln Reference Lincoln2012, and Graf Reference Graf2012. Dogs, and puppies in particular, were thought to have some medicinal and magical properties: Pliny reports that some people thought the ashes of a dog's cranium, when consumed with a beverage, could cure abdominal pain (N.H. 30.53) and, when mixed with honey wine in particular, could cure jaundice (N.H. 30.93). These two passages from Pliny and Apuleius may provide an explanation for the hundreds of thousands of miniature fictile vessels (plates, cups, etc.) Another major difference between Greek gods and Roman gods is in the physical appearance of the deities. Greek Zeus to the Roman Jupiter: The Complete Guide (2022) 72 While there has been tentative speculation that the reason behind a preference for procession scenes in Greek representations of sacrifice in the Archaic and Classical periods is due to a growing squeamishness inside Greek culture,Footnote 39 On three occasions during the Republic (228,Footnote Another way that mactare is different is that gods can mactare mortals at least in comedy, where characters sometimes wish that the gods would honour their enemies with trouble.Footnote Paul. Roman sacrificium is both less and more than the typical etic notion of sacrifice. It is unfortunate that the ancient sources on vegetal sacrifice are as exiguous as they are: it is not possible to determine what relationship its outward form bore to blood sacrifice. Yet the problem remains that dogs did not form a regular or significant part of the Romans diet, nor did wild animals of any sort.Footnote What is the difference between the Ancient Greek religion and ex Fest. 25 14 Another famous instance of this scene is on the Boscoreale cup (Aldrete Reference Aldrete2014: 33, fig. 1. and the second century c.e. 4 21 90 5 Major Differences Between the Greco-Roman Gods and the God 11 3.12.2. most famously those of Burkert, who identifies sacrificial slaughter as the basic experience of the sacred, and Girard, who begins his investigation into the origin of sacrifice by asserting its close kinship to murder and criminal violence.Footnote To my knowledge, the sole exception is a phrase preserved twice in the Commentarii Fratrum Arvalium (Scheid Reference Scheid1998: nn. 62. 537 Words 3 Pages Decent Essays Read More e.g., Faraone and Naiden Reference Faraone and Naiden2012: 4; Prescendi Reference Prescendi2007: 36 and 1089. Studies of sacrifice have noted the etymological connection between immolare and mola salsa, but have not, for the most part, pressed its value for what it may reveal about where the Romans may have placed the emphasis. 36 Those details, once recovered, can in turn subtly reshape our own idea of what sacrifice is and what it does. Plaut., Amph. Thus far, we have identified two points on which emic and etic ideas of what constitutes a Roman sacrifice do not align: when the critical transition from profane to sacred occurs and what kinds of things can be presented to the gods through the act of sacrificium. It is possible that this genus-species relationship in fact existed in the Roman mind, as is perhaps suggested by the fact that sacrificare means to make sacred, and these other rituals seem to be different ways of doing the same work, namely transferring items from human to divine ownership. The main god and goddesses in Roman culture were Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva. Unlike sacrificare, which remained solely in the divine realm, mactare did not need to involve the gods: mactare is something that one Roman could do to another, both literally (one can mactare someone else with a golden cup, for example) and metaphorically (with misfortune or expense). 35 He stresses the traditional nature of the burial of the one Vestal with the phrase as is the custom (uti mos est) and describes her death in neutral terms (necare).Footnote The literary evidence for this is slender but persuasive. Among these criteria are a clear preference for specific parts of an animal or for animals of a specific age/sex/species, unusual butchery patterns, burning or other alterations to the remains, and the association of the remains with other material (e.g., votive offerings) linked to ritual activity. 41 Classicists generally assume that the modern idea of sacrifice as the ritual killing of an animal applies to the Roman context. The description of Decius ensuing death is very spare and devoid of any sacrificial imagery or terminology. 49 Upon examination of the Roman evidence, however, it becomes evident that this distinction is an etic one: while we see at least two different rituals, the Romans are clear that they sacrifice a wide range of food substances beyond animal flesh. The S. Omobono material shows a definite preference for certain species (sheep, goats, pigs),Footnote 08 June 2016. and Paul. This is suggested by Ov., F. 1.1278. 113L, s.v. Ernout and Meillet Reference Ernout and Meillet1979: 411 s.v. 1.3.90 and 1.6.115; Juv. 15 The objectivity of the outside observer can also facilitate cross-cultural comparison. For this same poverty is, among the Greeks, just in Aristides, kind in Phocion, vigorous in Epaminondas, wise in Socrates, and eloquent in Homer.

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