The only thing is I am in a LDR .I've seen him a few times ..but just as a true Aquarious he does his disappearing act on and off and I am getting really sick of it! During those two months he always crossed my mind. Everything was on fire from the very first convo-- we had everything in common, and the things that were different complemented each other. Remind him that you are still interesting and you are still worth studying. If he wants to be with you, he will. Trust me, he has others. my first love (aqua) has come back into my life. His actions says otherwise like he meets me on weekends & the very fact that he's there with me & he shares all that he did thru out the day even wen I dint ask him, shows that he likes my company but again wht nxt, i.e. Blamed everything on me. He won't lash out right away. They usually have a big group of friends because they are very quirky. Aries and Leo Compatibility - 2 years. Pisces Man Disappearing Act. They can act a little possessive when they see things changing a bit. I know, seriously.) Understanding your Venus signand that of your bae (or bae-to-be)can help you find your way to a partner who is divinely suited to your romantic needs. LoveDevani is an independent website. We were joined at the hip. I find this disappearance act so weird because I'm not used to it and I don't know what to think of it. yeah mine also said 'of course i want to see you, but at least u'll miss me more' Lord knows what that means?? However, don't you dare go around thinking you're the one who will change him? If he is acting that way treat him equally that's what I would do so he sees how that feels. Never did. An introduction to synastry and compatible astrology. and I think I will do better to date other men for a while and leave him alone. I tried to contact him but he didn't respond so I drove to his house to talk. he also kissed me . We are out to get u.Boo. he drives me crazy like a roller coaster!! The aquarius guy has everything we need to keep us interested forever. Aries and Taurus Compatibility - 12 months. thats what i know. He will rather travel with his family and friends than travel with you. By understanding someone and how they view things it's easy to make yourself more attractive to them. Terms and conditions | Privacy policy | About | Contact, Definitely a perfect description of what i am going through with my Friend/boyfriend who knows Aquarius. I just ignore him back. he was all about it the first 2 months I was blown away, i left my taurus boyfriend to explore things with him. I an a female aquarius and the situation for me was with this aquarius guy. He travels a lot but he would always send me a text here and there to tell me he was thinking about me. She is just so attractive to him; on the first glance, she seems strong and intimidating yet also charismatic. All rights reserved. They both have live and let live attitudes, are highly creative, and have a way of going with the serendipity of each moment. I told him I was hurt by it, and he said he knew that I would be hurt thats why he told me. I haven't had the total disappearing thing yet, it's more the detachment thing going on rite now and it's driving me crazing cos I just don't know if he's simply distracted or disinterested. He was very insecure person,he always thought i was doing something wrong. I am not a liar. Like - you can't make time for me, well I'm going to give you all the time in the world, - like forever. Eventually, he may open up but will definitely not give up his secrets, even to his close family members. I've decided that I am not going to text him at all anymore, and if he wants to be with me, then he's going to have to step up to the plate because this Aries is done playing these ridiculous cat n' mouse games! How? Aries are known as very domineering, which can be tough if you're that way too. And if he does and his pride is that strong that he cant be bothered to break down and call, can be so many things. I chose to not be called one constantly. Been dating this Aquarius for almost a year and its the slowest process ever! Your email address will not be published. When theyre not together, each seems to be cold and distant. hes quite a bit younger thn me but ive dated men younger. Im too old for this! He has told me he usually knows if he is in love at 5-6 mos, and has only been in 2 love relationships, one lasting for 17 years, they share 2 children.I understand his need for freedom and until about a month ago we only spent 3-4 days together every 2 weeks. I am addressing that and we had a while where only 1 argument and I didn't run, he talked me out of it. I appreciate your honesty and now I have a beter understanding of aquarius male. If she truly loves you (oh, and you'll know), she'll be so devoted. )The best way, again this is just my experience and I've known other things to work at different times, you just have to try you're best to read the situation, is to remind the Aquarius why he picked you in the first place. An Aries woman needs to have their freedom while being in a relationship. He messaged me every day the next week and was very affectionate and I mentioned a few times that I wanted to see him again but he won't commit to a date. They are straight-forward and honest. i felt i had found a friend forever. And this toxic trait either makes them dictators or lone wolves. He say Im different. When he changes, if he changes, it'll be because he decided to, not that you made him. Giving you time is like giving you flowers. Now I'm left heart broken and have no idea where I stand. They need true love and thus look for a person who is sincere and loyal. Yes he swept me off my feet, everyday saw me, took me out, called all day, he told me he loved me first and wanted to marry me, etc. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Once you enter a few of this guys basic details into the algorithm of the tool, it can get to work. Today makes a week. Aquarius typical disappearing act by: Pissed off Cancer . When the ardent desires of an idealistic Aries woman meet a Pisces man's magical romantic nature, both are likely to become starry-eyed over each other, spontaneously fall in love, and into bed. After dating for a while I felt like he wasn't making me a priority in his life and my reaction was to take off and run. I (Scorpio 10/25), usually, have a hard time communicating, opening up, being weak. i just had to be patient instead of believing that he didn't care about me. Pretending all the time not to care. Capricorn Men With Cancer Women - Are They a Match? He tried to ask me out a couple of times and I turned him down but after about a month I agreed to go out with him. It will be unusual for you to be chasing someone. He pushed me away. However, as a couple, they are passionate, enthusiastic, and fiery. They protect their relationships if they see any outside invasion. I have a Aries bf or ex bf I am not sure what to call him at this point he is completely ignoring me and its driving me insane what to do? Ask him how he truly feels about the relationship. He seems so fascinating. How can someone go for months without talking to you, and still care? That doesn't make sense to me. Pisces Man and a Capricorn Woman: Are They Compatible? It is hard to confine them in any situation or environment. I am an Aries woman in love with a younger Aquarius man. Questions about where I've been, what I've been doing, why I haven't responded, just make me feel bad and usually make me lie, so I don't make you feel bad, too. When a Pisces man is on his best behavior, he's: His less attractive behaviors are that he can be: Pisces is the mutable water sign and the last sign of the zodiac. Welcome! Discover all topics HERE and youll learn more facts about the first sign of the zodiac. Still, the road to friendship and love is methodical and slow. Cause I feel we are no longer closer just growing distant. In relationships, they study the little things you do and connect it on a grander scale. Thanks so much for your comments can't tell you enough how much I appreciate it. I feel like he is trying to hint at me that he is not gone, but he knows I'm off this week and I have heard nothing more. autumnfalls1985, Ive had an on & off lover/friend relationship with an Aries man for 18 years. Her optimism dispels his pessimism. The last time (see my posts above) he ran off and didnt call for two weeks. His laid-back passivity gives her permission to slow down and relax. I had aqua males in my life too, the ones that were doing disappearing act r just having someone else. The perfect mind reader. They have a direct approach towards most of the things and thus are always vocal about their needs and desires. Related:5 Easy Tips to Effortlessly Texting with an Aquarian Man. He was talking up the future, and then 2 months later he was gone. Aries Man with Sagittarius Woman: Are They Really Soulmates? Personal relationship advice based on your natal and composite charts. tricky i know since sex is a big part of this awesomeness. Now since he's "got me" there's no more seeing one another everyday or going out as much. He didn't respond. If so, he likes you. At the center of "The Disappearing Act" is an impetuous British actress named Mia Eliot, who flies to Los Angeles for high-stakes auditions. He's going to get to that point in life where he makes the change on his own. But it gets really different when she likes you. I have never tried so hard to accommodate another person in a romantic relationship. I am an Aquarius woman, I would indulge in doing my own activities and mingling with other friends so that I don't focus on the aquarian man to provide me happiness. Aries and Libra Compatibility - 3 years. Is his I need time and space a way for him to nicely say we are done? I am in shock and sick. Big mistake. So now that I told him I feel stronger feelings towards him he seems to have dipped on me. Leave your comment below if having any question about this topic! So many of you have more experience than I do with these men and I would be 4ever grateful for any advice, hints or tips that can be offered. this was 3 days ago and now i havent hurd from him. An Aries man loves to show off who he is with. Before trying to bring him back, make sure it is the right move as hes famous for being clingy, possessive, and overwhelming. It is comforting (yet also a bit discouraging) to read of such similar challenges and patterns: the roller coaster, the sense that the Aquarius man expects to have his cake and eat it too his need for space and reluctance to commit. we couldnt reist the connection we kissed several times and es we had sex twice. ( I am an aries ) and my patience has been tested to a degree where I have questioned my own sanity !! Give them feedback for thats what they thrive on, social interactions. Welcome to Popular Astrology. In love relationship, he tends to be romantic and passionate with a flair for the dramatic that any woman would miss. Would you like to understand whats going on in the head of this dude? Even if youre not clingy, they still run away. I am astonished by all these helpful comments about Aquarius men. Then, I told him he either had to choose me or the other girls, and surprisingly, he chose me. It can very intense as they do or say things theyll regret laterfrom punching a wall to screaming hurtful things. While any sign can be clingy, Aries are usually much too independent to be considered clingy. Every man I meet, I compare them to him in every way, not just looks but to make me feel the way he makes me feel; that is, when he isn't missing. Independent is a defining trait of Aries. He never opened up, even after years of being together. It seems that aquarians are selfish and they just figure a person should just deal with all the games and riddles just to be a part of thier lives. I love him so much more than I let on. And if he does, does he become bitter, aloof, or sarcastic as a result? If you've been with a Pisces for quite a while, you're probably used to dealing . Never ask him where he was, who he was with, what he's been doing. He KNOWS I like him, if he liked me at all wouldn't he do something to let me know, or am I suppossed to read into his actions? I miss him a lot when he disappears but I never tell him. We had it out and thought we came to a new understanding of one another. You just have to remind him of that every once and awhile. Men never know the worth of a woman they have until she's not available anymore. Let go and Move on. I've bern with my Aqua guy on and off for 4 yearswe leave together now but he decided he wants to move out. I mean I'm definitely interested in him but I'm really not sure how he feels abt me(I'm an Aries grl). Good luck to u all. At least he is not a Scorpio, because you would wait longer after pushing him. Similarities combined with complementary differences create the context in which romantic love is born. NOTHING. What will be will be I guess. fine. I am certainly not looking for any longterm commitment but don't want a 'friends with benefits' type relationahip either. So we talked pretty intently-but about politics and ethnics, his favorite stuff. There's a difference between a person who keeps putting in work because they care about you and another who's just using you because he's aware you'd be available. Aries is the cardinal fire sign and also the first sign of the zodiac. He knows i dont struggle to meet men, but i do not behave vein, i always dress well and beautify but i keep natural.. i have a lot going for me, i drive a nice car and career and house is in top rank, so perhaps he thinks i may be of use but then he appears a bit nervous as he did at the start like he has no confidence around me but im certainly not a great lover of boys.. Any aquariuses that can shed some light would be apprecisated buti cannot say id be interested in going on but believe me, i wont chase the man or entertain his rubbish.. phones can be hung up quickly in a decent manner and abrupt conversations can be ended..

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