5 out of 5 stars (767) $ 36.95. Out here in the West we dont have all the great hardwoods that you have there in your part of the country. The ongoing extinction of the Ash,all species,is supplying This keeps all sparks from shooting onto our carpet. Russian olive trees produce good firewood with a BTU heat rating of 23.0 million per cord. Any wisdom out there? The dense, deeply creviced bark makes a perfect hideout for spiders and insects. We have 2 cast iron wood stoves and a drafty 200 year old house in central new York state. You will need to use a combination of other woods to get your fire going, to begin with as Russian olive does not catch fire easily. Then I quarter them for burning. Im in Melbourne, Australia. Enjoy your fires! These silvery leafed trees gulp up 75 gallons of water a day and eagerly push out native trees, including willows and cottonwoods. I forgot to mention that I cut and split a Catalpa. They are in same family as osage orange . central KS and have been burning Osage Orange for 27 yrs in a Majestic insert fireplace with a blower. Do you split with a maul and wedges, or with a gas powered splitter? Ill cut a limb, and if its yellow inside its hedge. Although the project is nearing its end, MSI is currently pursuing funding and looking to develop more partnerships in order to continue the work. The Blue beech is more or less a weed species but does produce very dense wood which I harvest when it seems sickly or is growing in clumps. Some find their odor offensive, while leaves and fruits are messy. That means extra work scooping it up and tossing it or scattering it over the garden. Everyone has these charts but none of the wood listed is available here in Southern Cal. I look for fallen trees that are gray and smooth. However, Russian olive wood still takes at least 12 months to dry and is difficult to split despite next to no sap production. I own 60 acres here in upstate NY, 2 hours north of NYC. I love this site. The branches are straight-grained and pop apart easily. Its similar to black walnut and white ash but doesnt rate as well as honeylocust, Osage orange, or beech. I use Hickory, White or Red Oak,Beech,tulip Poplar,& Sycamore. French Polynesia, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Libya, Martinique, Middle East, New Caledonia, Oceania, Reunion, Russian Federation, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, South America . Do deer eat Russian olive trees? Here in MD was 39 today with 20mph wind. Weve been lucky the past years to find eucalyptus but have been offered almond this season. One of the hottest longest burning Eucalyptus Varieties is the Red Gum, we harvest up to 100 different varieties of Euc and for the heat/Btu factor Red gum is the best by far, Btu is in the mid thirties! Are these possibly data for the same species gleaned from different sources? BTU Values of Wood Species Wood species type BTU values of a cord burning wood in a wood stove As you can see from the chart below, the famed red oak is not the highest on the list. The aroma is pleasant too . But you are right about oak making a great bed of coals, and in an outdoor fire the extra ash wont be so much a problem like in a wood stove. Can the latter possibly split 36 diameter 2 drums? Would it be possible to post the btu value of Monterey Pine? The earth is drwoning in CO2 from burning sequestered carbon. seriously other than the odd russian olive its rare to find a tree someone will let yah cut down around here that aint cottonwood though occasionally someone wants a maple or something . I live in the White Mountains of Arizona. I am planning on doing a little experiment to find out which wood is best for campfires and fire pits. I like burning Birch in fireplaces but getrun away fires ( read relief valve blows @ 100 c) So if you remove the bark you have fewer ashes to clean out. They died. They are considered noxious plants in some states, such as Colorado. Be wary of using Russian olive wood in an open fireplace. WE MADE BARTOPS, SHELVES, AND FENCING OUT OF IT (PRIMO FOR THOSE, AS THE GRAIN IS VERY PRETTY AND CONTRASTING). Autumn olive ( Elaeagnus umbellata) is an ornamental shrub first introduced to North America in the mid-1800s. Nothing seasons meat on the grill like the cherryalthough I look forward to trying beech based on comments above. Being a transplant from So. There is more smoke from wood than coal so ignore the GreenFascist/ACORN Brownshirts and their deceits. Probably about 5 btus per cord. In the early 1900s, Russian olive trees were introduced to North America to stabilize soil and provide windbreaks. Burning any other woods is a total waste of time and effort. For dirty steak Ive used these same woods plus these additions: choke cherry (prunus virginiana), manzanita, Oregon Ash (Fraxinus latifolia), and white alder (Alnus rhombifolia). Oak gets borers and starts getting dusty with sawdust falling out. With a BTU of 23, Russian olive firewood can produce substantial heat over a long time. However, if you are burning firewood throughout the year then you should do this more often. They are now an invasive species that crowd out natives and suck up valuable water. A cord is 128 cubic feet but in any stack of wood there will be air space between the pieces. I did My little campfire experiment to find out the best hardwood for a campfire . A cord is 128 cubic feet of stacked wood. Dont even bother. The coals cook a mean hot dog after a few brews. Seems most farmers are removing them now to get more acres in corn and soybeans. Theyre all gone around here.. Poplar, Cottonwood, and Aspen: Whats What? The heating value of No. Do these stoves not have dampers? I enjoyed the story about his neighbor that let his oak fire wood dry for a whole week and it wouldnt burn LOL !!!! At 23.0 million BTUs of heat per cord, Russian olive gives off moderate heat. Or, if the wood is worth your effort. Glad that these charts settle the madrone/euk BTU argument. burning solid fuel !! Lay small pieces of Russian olive wood in the fireplace with other types of wood. I prefer dry red elm and seasoned thorny locust. Was used centuries ago as a last rite in dwelling of certain Mohave Indian tribes when older people were near death. The short trunk and gnarled branches of these trees gives an impression of light wood, but don't be deceived. The only draw back is it gives little flame for a campfire . Im also guessing that the Hickory that I can get are the Shagbark or the bitternut 27.7-26.5 correct? Many of its given names are based on the trees olive branch-like aesthetic. Im out here in southern Oregon, and theres red fir, which is a true fir, just as white fir, and grand fir are. Russian olive wood burns very slowly. If youve ever seen or read the firewood poem, the last line is Ash wood wet and ash wood dry, a king will warm his slippers by.. Long story short, am I wasting my time with that willow? Also warning about the manmade white fruitless mulberry, something wrong with smoke in that too. Ponderosa Pine, commonly used to heat homes in this area, burns at 21.7 British thermal units (BTU), which in simple terms, means it burns hot and long. I had intended to include a reference to my location but failed to do so. Selecting the Right Firewood Firewood heat output is measured in "British Thermal Units" or BTUs. Then fill it with fist size chunks of natural wood , then put the lid on . What Are The Physical Characteristics Of Russian Olive Wood? Ive only ived here for the last 4 years, It should have been pruned back many years ago but now to late and needs to be cut down. For all the work of cutting and curing any variety of wood, coal is the BEST for heating. The wood is dense and difficult to cut, and the bark is very coarse and uneven, making stacking a challenge. Hit the wood against the wood box or ground before bringing it indoors. Pros And Cond Of Using Russian Olive as Firewood. The National Fire Protection Association suggests that you hire a chimney cleaner to remove creosote build-up at least once a year. Though seasoning the wood for long enough will eventually make the smell dissipate. Kaleidoscope, Mini, Russian Olive Wood, Artisan Handcrafted, Gift for all Ages, Christmas, Graduation, Birthday, Men, Women (520) Ad vertisement by wrightmade. Also, box elm burns decent but it stinks. I live on the Wind River Indian Reservation, in Wyoming, where Russian Olive is considered an invasive and unwanted species. Add surfacing: $113.00 . As the chainsaw reaches the middle of the tree, the tree will begin to fall due to the hinge you originally cut. The only problem I have now is that Im having trouble finding trees to cut. Douglas fir is Pseudotsuga, menzizii for the man who identified it. Alex is a writer with a huge passion for the outdoors. Really enjoy the contributions. The wood requires sufficient time to season, and mature logs may be difficult to split. The smell just gets me ready for breakfast as soon as I get it going! Split each log into two to four pieces, depending on the log size. My chimney has never had to be cleaned because of burning hedge that has been dead for many years, plus the fact that it burns so hot. I grew up on a homestead and I am here to share the knowledge I have and things I learn while living in the countryside. Like several posters have commented, a big chunk of fir will last for 5-6 hours in the wood stove, and makes for an easy re-start in the morning. Save the cedar for kindling, you need a hardwood fire. Using Russian olive trees as firewood is a good way to consume unwanted trees, with a few caveats. I am allergic to Russian Olive when it is growing. Dogwood is by far the hottest. Be wary of using Russian olive wood in an open fireplace. In Kansas we used a wood called hedge. By assessing the fire characteristics of Russian olive firewood, it will be easier to identify which scenarios and settings the firewood is best suited for. I really cant speak for pecan until I can try it seasoned . While this cuts down on sparks, it still doesnt keep smaller ones from escaping thru the gaps in the doors. Mulga roots are about the only thing hotter/longer/denser. And if its cabinets, Id guess it to be a yellow poplar. The wood is dense, like ironwood, meaning it burns slowly, and you wont have to keep adding more to the fire. Donating wood samples and pictures of wood itemsIf youve got a new or unusual wood species that isnt on the site, please consider sharing it with the rest of us! Thanks! I am refinishing a 3 drawer, 4 cupboard piece of furniture that I believe is olive wood. I BELIEVE THE CEDAR HES TALKING ABOUT IS INCENSE CEDAR. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Wood combustion occurs in three consecutive, overlapping stages.

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