Warnings: power dynamics Author: keikokin When Darkness Turns to Light Tidal Forces Domine Never let it be said that Malfoys dont make extravagant gestures for those they love. Author: yeahishipdrarry Summary: Harry didnt mean to do it. Author: keikokin Author: la femme Proceed with caution. Summary: In a world torn apart by war, Harry is given a rare medallion that allows him to travel between alternate realities. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus But things dont go as expected and Harry comes up with another plan. Author: Anne Phoenix Images of his soulmates corpse invaded his mind, and hot white anger surged through his entire being. Author: zaleone Rating: M Not everything, or everyone, are as they seem. Once broken in Voldemort himself begins using him. Rating: R Summary: Angst song-fic. Daddy Lucius Unsung Heroes* Rating: R An uninvited guest. Author: Sestra_Prior Author: Firesword Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius fantasy serves him well. Summary: Harry spent his days waiting for the nights; the nights waiting for his lover. Author: crowthing A Submissives Journey* Going Down Author: Elpin I lived an amazing lifestyle, with a bougie apartment, sexy sugar daddies and a never ending closet!So when I woke up in the 15 year old body of Harry Potter the first thing I did was leave the ugly ass Dursley's to get a gig, afterall money always made things better While I plotted to win over my Harem of fictional male characters, because I am after all extremely thirsty . Well and Truly Fucked Summer Fun Author: Dzien Summary: Short ficlet; Harry and Lucius go shopping for furniture. Author: Moon Babe What happens now? Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Rating: R Rating: R Summary: In the aftermath of Dracos death, Lucius plans his revenge, but like most times, things dont go quite as planned. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry has spent a year in the servitude of the Death Eaters, captured after he is abandoned by his friends and family. you will learn.. Summary:Harry, at the end of his fifth year went to the Department of Mysteries, and defeated Lord Voldemort. Voldemort is dead. Author: ms_anthropy Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius has to explain himself to the boss. Rating: NC-17 Author:Spring Witch Warnings: consensual infidelity Rating: NC-17 Yes you are. Warnings: mpreg, infidenlity, F/M, original characters Rating: R Author: Herald of Dreams Rating: NC-17 Author: katiedid55 Severus wants to watch. Author: leni_jess Author: Tyrical The past and a warning from Narcissa lead them to their club where they remeet an intriguing wizard who may be exactly what they need. Restraint Author: jujukittychick Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco(/Other) Summary: A caged bird will sing, if only to conserve his spirit. Necromancy and the Art of Broomstick Maintenance Absolute Submissive Author: Anne Phoenix Rating: PG-13 Author: Maeglin Yedi Rating: PG-13 Summary: Heirs and affairsa proper Malfoy attends to both. Warnings: incest, mpreg, D/s, character bashing In it, Harry recounts their whirlwind romance and explains why he had to leave. Summary: After the war everything has changed. Big Black Horse and a Cherry Tree* Will he lose his life or his heart? Rating: NC-17 Author: namjson Lucius is moved to save his lover, Harry. Warnings: character death, underage Summary: Intellectually Harry knew that this fixation with Lucius Malfoy was not healthy but for the life of him he couldnt stop being drawn deeper and deeper into the pools of those cold grey eyes. Can Draco find a way to unite Harry with another who cant see that there are some things worth living for? Author: RadiatorfromSpace Author: kelex Author: FrankieSpitfire Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Summary: When Harry is named the new Minister of Magic, he pays a visit to Lucius Malfoy in Azkaban and exacts revenge for past slights. Please Warnings: character death, AU, dark!Harry Dear Dad Rating: R Rating: T Rating: PG-13 Fortunately, or unfortunately, Lucius Malfoy knows exactly where to look. Author: leela_cat Warnings: violence, implied non con, darkish Saints and Sinners After Potions Class Rating: NC-17 Harry has a list of things he wants to do before the Festive season is over and it's not going well with the first one Lord Abraxas Malfoy weds his seventeen year-old omega son to Lord Cygnus Black, but after enduring five years in a dreadful marriage, Lucius has yet to give his lord husband a male heir. Author: Nimori (LogOut/ Summary: He should not be charmed by Lucius, not when he knew all too well how that charm could be played against his enemies. Author: Nimori Author: tigerblak Warnings: Snarry centric, het, non con, dub con, multiple partners, violence, various forms of torture, forced sex change and pregnancy, bondage, humiliation, various kinks and squicks Song of Joy Rating: NC-17 Author: roedhunt Summary: A dictionary drabble based on the word: sepulcher 1 : a place of burial : TOMB. While he waits, he remembers the important moments of their history together. Author: Rhysenn But nothing happens as expected if Harry Potter is involved. Author: Minxie In the Blood of the Traitor (Theyll Find Freedom)* Rating: PG-13 And Harry has enough trouble with logical deduction without those blasted butterflies. Rating: NC-17 At least, Lucius thinks so. Summary:As some sick birthday gift, Tom hands Harry a book that changes his life for the better of everyone. Author: Paperblank Author: beren Conected to the Chains drabbles. Rating: NC-17 Author: SlytherinKisses Author: Pestilence The Dragon and His Wrath* Harry In the bedroom With the vase. Warnings: mpreg, dubcon, OOC Ghosts of the Past Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco With the Last of This Days Sun Rating: NC-17 Author: Daisee Chain Author: Charm Author: Just Silver Summary: Lucius and Harry are opposing knights in a tournament. Rating: PG Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Various Summary: A drabble: Love is my sin, and thy dear virtue hate. Written for Beloved Enemies inaugural Dictionary Drabbles challenge. Author: Duochanfan Author: Mistress Slytherin Harry is a little too excited. Author: Amorette Rating: M Rating: M Summary: No summary provided. Warnings: character death Summary: Lord Slytherin, his heir, and their shared confidant take the wizarding political world by storm, in a particularly Slytherin fashion, of course. Warnings: underage, bloodplay, breath play, double penetration, violent sex Warnings: non con But Severus has a secret of his own, and he decides to take matters into his own hands. A New Name Please pay attention to the warnings. Summary: Harry has been away. Confidant. Author: keikokin Unexpected Changes Warnings: multiple partners, threesomes, crossdressing, Summary:One year passed since Harry came out after a kiss with Lucius. Summary:Lucius Malfoy is Jealous. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Lucius/Snape And It Rained Sequel: Reunion Author: waywardvictorian Rating: NC-17 Author: Hopeakaarme Engaging Interests Author: Hijja Author: k8bnimble Author: Mello McQueen Author: ms_anthropy Author: Annika von Rammstein Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Between the Cup and the Lip Author: Cheeseydare Alouette Series Summary: Only Lucius can give Harry the freedom from his internal demons. Summary:In Harrys seventh year he tries to hide his growing relationship with Lucius Malfoy, but will an unexpected pregnancy make that impossible? Pairings: Harry/Draco (mainly), implied Harry/Lucius Warnings: violence Summary:Whats the most important thing to him? His image. Well then, he likes his image and I dont care for mine, so this should work.. One shot. Author: la femme Their plan to escape? Summary: Harry gets word of a new program by the Ministry of Magic. Summary: Harry discovers a sudden pressing need for some new robes. A Weekend with Daddy, part 4 of the Life at Malfoy Manor series A Theory Rating: R Rating: R Author: Anne Phoenix Author:Lomonaaeren I Hope I Die Before I Get Sold Or when Lucius Abraxas Malfoy finally got his Lady and served her with his all. Author: Twisted Savior Rating: M Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG Summary:Voldemort has taken Lucius Malfoy as his lover, what happens when teasing and one Harry Potter get involved? The Gift Author:Bridgette_Hayden Rating: R What if all three of them turn out to want the same thing, which is a relationship? Rating: R Warnings: AU, mpreg, creature fic Rating: NC-17 Warnings: gender bending, AU, kidnapping Summary: I dont know which god favours me, but he granted me with the best, most gorgeous pet in existence.. Summary: Lucius stumbles across an amnesiac Harry Potter who is promptly enamored by the pretty blonde much to Lucius embarrassment. Summary: The Wizarding World is under threat again. Rating: R Author: BornofStarlight Warnings: AU Author: Veritas (moltensulfur) When the 17 year old Harry grows tired of keeping up his appearance of being the Golden Boy of Gryffindor with hatred for Slytherins, he shows everyone just who the real Harry is. Summary: Darkfic where Harry Potter wakes up naked, tied to a bed, captured and blinded by Death Eaters. Summary: A Dictionary Drabble based on the word rudiment. Rating: PG-13 Author: silvermoon1990 Warnings: light bondage Author: cock-a-snook Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Tom/James mentioned and Remus/Severus implied Author: Sapphira_Ruby After finally gathering up enough courage just to go, hes now ready to find out why its so special. Rating: NC-17 Author: keikokin Author: The Plot Bunny Whisperer enslaved Malfoys Learning to Dance Author: Minxie Author: Meet Me in the Dark Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Snape/Lucius Good Boy Summary: After awakening with Lucius, Harry is in no doubt that he likes cock, Lucius almost more than his own. 420 words, smut and tension. Summary:Harry has waited for three years to meet with Lucius Malfoy. Warnings: BDSM, incest, voyeurism, threesomes, underage, violence Summary: Lucius Malfoy escapes a ministry raid by dragging Harry along as his hostage. Blind and not the boy-Who-Lived, Harry was pushed to the wayside. And either might find unexpected sympathy in the other. It generally names an ancient tradition in which all noble lords, whether kings or other high ranking lords, had the right to have sex with any of their female subjectsregardless of their will and even with a virgin brideon her wedding night. Author: wolfiekins Have the Lust of the Devil Summary: Lucius would have expected that defiant spark and that innocence to have faded. Author: George Pushdragon Peace Will Come, sequel to Aftermath Summary: A happier drabble in the same universe as Warmth featuring the word infidelity. Last Wishes Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry has had such terrible luck in dating that he suspects he has a curse on him. Unbearable Draco*, part of the Unbearable series Rating: NC-17 Sonnet 142 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Fenrir/Draco, Harry/other Death Eaters Warnings: OOC So why should he fall in love with one man when he could have two? Summary: A distant wizarding empire sends an envoy to Voldemort to ask for moderation in his dealings with Muggles and Muggle-born. Summary: In which Lucius is a glorious unicorn, and Harry and Hermione get what they need. Summary: Its not just the touch that scars. Summary: Lucius offers to keep Harry warm. Rating: NC-17 Author: softlysweetly Rating: R Warnings: non con, extreme biting, psychological torture, ice play The fluffiness is in the feeling and at the very, very end of this piece. Rules and Roses* Summary: Does this excite you, Potter? a hot voice hissed against the nape of Harrys neck. Some Dark Undercurrent Woe Its almost restful, watching the way his and Luciuss lives interlace. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Summary: Harry and Hermione get lost in the Dark Forest. Summary: Sometimes death is the better option. Its kind of nice having Lucius Malfoy under house arrest instead of in Azkaban, so that Harry doesnt have to deal with worries about him escaping or dying. Fantasies* 12 Grimmauld Place Loves Desperate Adventure Warnings: mpreg, creature!Harry, veela!Lucius Rating: R Summary: Harry Potter is the unwed omega king of the Gryffindor kingdom. Story from Harrys POV. Because Harry Potter was afraid. But, in order to get the love he needs, he learns he must make a heart-breaking decision . How will she handle Dumbledore, school, life, and love now that shes the Dark sides princess masquerading as a light witch? Blood And Surrender The Celebrations Continue Warnings: gore, sexual violence, non con Warnings: PWP He knows about Harry being his Horcrux, so he sends Bellatrix to seduce him. On his birthday he comes into his creature inheritance, unbeknownst to him. Summary: Sometimes, youd be better off dead but life is rarely that easy. Summary: After Months of courting, and getting the boys parents to agree, Lucius is ready to claim his mate. Charlatan Father Author: Yulliah Warnings: violence, slightly dark Author: Nephir Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Warnings: dark!Harry, character bashing Author: RileyLFinn Summary: Part of the harryxlucius dictionary drabble challenge #25: Amplify, Bedtime, Cheerio, Deception (deceptive), Entice , Fiddlestick, Grope, Heat-wave, Indigo, Judder, Kittle, Lecherous, Mask, Nefarious, Ordinary, Perplex, Quiescent, Random, Salt, Truthfully, Unearthly, Veil, Worst, Yearn, Zip. Summary: After the responsibility of the war, Harry just wants to surrender control. Warnings: darkfic Author: Immortality22 Captive Rating: PG Mirror fic to Royal Flush Potters Side. Summary: Harry sneaks into Malfoy Manor and gets much more than he bargained for. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape. Relief comes in the form of Lucius Malfoy. Author: Captain Rachel Smith Cest La Vie* Author: Ophiuchus Malfoy Warnings: bloodplay, bondage, breath play, D/s, underage, first time, torture Author: XxDemon_TanjiroxX Do they have enough time, or is slipping away already? Author: gmth Master Rating: NC-17 Could You Love Me? Draco has lost as well. Author: aisling Except for when it doesnt. Author: Bellatrixs Lament Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Warnings: character death, dark!fic Well smut. A Sons Wish Completing the Collection Tension Author: ejab Summary: Lucius is always in control, even when it is not in his own best interest. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, underage, child abuse, mental health issues, minor character death, violence, drug use, PTSD, magical castration, missing persons, evil!Dumbledore, some het Author: gmth Summary: The wizarding world is about to undergo serious changes. Proof Enough, sequel to Well Always Have Stockholm Author: Jade Lucius envisions a future in a seedy whorehouse, the only likely outcome after his husbands dismissal, and makes a desperate decision. Warnings: non con Pairings: Harry/Draco/Lucius Summary: Facing a past truth might be the prelude to a future dream. Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Tom Riddle/Severus, Harry/Tom Riddle, Harry/Severus Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Sequel: Lord of the Manor A Stroke of Lust Alone? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Summary: I warned you to spell your door closed, Potter. Rating: NC-17 Summary: In the corner of the pleasure district lies a store that can heal you. The Colder Kiss* Summary: Professor Lucius Malfoy is in charge of the Sex Ed class. Office Love, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Rating: R Exegesis Author: Lady Bahiya/LadyBelz Summary: Written on 28 May 2006 in response to furor_scribiends prompt of Harry/Lucius: capitulation, constraint, caress. Warnings: underage, non con . The Orchard of Shattered Dreams, part 1 of The Orchard and its Bonus Works series Summary: Because of an accident involving Lucius Malfoy, Harry Potter loses his sight. Warnings: AU, multiple partners, het, mpreg No, it was when Dobby noticed Harry staring that things became a problem. Author: DeadlyElegance Now the light was fading from Potters eyes, but Snape wasnt certain he wanted to rescue Potter again. Author: tigerblak Author: Queen of the Castle/jessicaqueen This Is Now. Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Warnings: violence, mpreg Summary:There was no doubt at all, that it was Lucius vocation. Warnings: non con, character bashing, threesome, manipulation Author: vlredreign Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry and Lucius share their Christmas together at Particular, an isolated Malfoy house deep in a silver wilderness. Summary: Lucius and Harry are bondmates. Just Once, sequel to Kiss It Better Rating: NC-17 If Harrys secret weapon is Love, Hayleys is Lust. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Little Bundle of Joy As Sharp As Sunlight by Amanuensis A squicky fate awaits our heroes after their defeat. Warnings: underage Author: chokolattejedi Creatures with claws and teeth slip and stalk through the deep forest in the dark of night, with hungry howls and yellow eyes. Rating: T Regret Is Like Poison* An Adders Venom Rating: R Author: Hijja The Way To A Mans Heart* Author: griffonsperch Or how Ron gets traumatised, earns the title of godfather, and becomes a decent father-figure in the process. Rating: NC-17 And how will he react when Lucius is revealed to be his father? Summary: Harry goes on a bender and then decides to go after a certain Death Eater. Kiwi Experience A Fine Prize* A little bit of the usual dashed with some of the not so usual. He panted as he floated blissfully in his post orgasmic haze. Rating: Not provided Rating: M Mutual Advantage* Warnings: non con Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Lucius had to return to England and try to dissolve their strong bond. Though most would think he got a happily ever after since the evil was gone, that didnt happen. Warnings: au, underage, character death Warnings: BDSM, orgasm denial, snake!sex, pwp Summary: A caged bird will sing, if only to save his spirit. Warnings: BDSM, threesome Hackneyed Underneath Your Clothes* Rating: NC-17 Warnings: D/s, crossdressing Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry has to speak to Lucius privately in order to proposition him. The Gift of Sight Pity that didnt help them at all in deciding how to get out of it. Author: lyskasia Summary: Post coital bliss. Summary: Harry learns something about past lives and the truth of his destiny. Warnings: bondage, toys So he suggests to hire him as DADA professor. For the Greater Good* Viridian* Author: LadyCulebra/skellywag Perfection Rating: R Author: abstractconcept Wilderness Author: Sapphira_Ruby Harry Bob's on the dick, swirling his tongue around the head of the cock. Author: aisling Author: Tien Riu Rating: NC-17 This is a dark story but has bits of hope and a better tomorrow. Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Rating: M Banishing the Gag Pairings: Lucius/Severus, Severus/Harry, Lucius/Severus/Harry Summary: Harry and Lucius continue their discreet relationship, until Narcissa gets wind of it. Author: RoonilWazlibMalfoy Summary: Harry grants Lucius Birthday wish. Summary: Harry feels lost. Summary: After tiring of using Draco and a Polyjuice Potion, Lucius finally gets his hands on the real Harry Just once before he hands him over. And who is ready and willing to pay the price for our golden boy? Summary: What happens when a prank goes wrong? Author: orphan account Summary: Lucius Malfoy learns the definition of hero. Warnings: fem!Harry, arranged marriage, AU Certain Half-Deserted Rooms What does he do? Summary: Harry let his gaze move through the corridor and was able to see the silhouette of a person not far away. Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Can Lucius and Harry save the day? Rating: NC-17 Summary: At the end of 6th year, Harry comes into his inheritance. Rating: R Rating: R Rating: R Huntsmans Compromise Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco Rating: NC-17 Harrys hardly ever seen, but one day he shows up at the Weasleys with something important to tell them. Warnings: abuse, non con, dub con, violence, torture, warm and fluffy feelings Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Rating: R Summary: Happy Birthday, Harry. Warnings: abuse, non con, violence, torture Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Summary: When Lucius mate died during the War, he thought he would join her in the afterlife. And Another Life Begins*, sequel to One Life Ends* Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Tom Riddle, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Lucius/Voldemort Sequel: Thank You Draco Rating: NC-17 But if I have to be trapped in anothers body once more, none could be more fitting for me and more torturous for him than his.. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG Author: asecretchord Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Draco/Harry Summary: The life of Harry is never easy and finding a long lasting mate who wont use him becomes very difficult. Rating: PG-13 Summary: When the Malfoys come to the Durlseys for dinner, they find an abused Harry and decide to take him away. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Rating: NC-17 Author: DragonaireAbsolvare Warnings: OOC Rating: R Lord Malfoy would disown his son after such a disgrace. Un-betaed. # 3. Some are easy and some arent. Summary: A new educational decree turns Harrys life upside down. Author: Sestra_Prior Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry thought his summer was going alright, he got to hang out with his boyfriend Cedric and his best friend Bella. Warnings: underage, darkfic Summary: Harrys dreams have led him to the one place hed hoped to never see again. Because he thought Lucius loved him? Rating: R Summary: Malfoys dont tolerate anyone touching the people they consider theirs. Rating: PG This blog do not endorse any specific themes listed below, and is not responsible for offended sensibilities. Summary: Harry was born into darkness, or so he is told. Taking Turns* Summary: A pleasant day out for Harry and Draco goes wrong when Lucius takes an interest in Harry. Summary: Harry is showing his talent on the stage; Lucius is inclined to test his skills in person. 14 entries total. Warnings: mpreg, creature!Harry, multiple partners, D/s Rating: NC-17 The Phone Call* That Fateful Summer Author: Hijja Summary: Harry Potter runs into Lucius Malfoy in a deserted corridor of Hogwarts. Warnings: mpreg, non con, OOC Warnings: mpreg Weeks, Months Sympathy Rating: NC-17 Warnings: warm and fluffy Summary: A man fallen from grace receiving comfort from a person he least expected. Warnings: underage, vampire!fic, multiple partners, original characters, D/s Rating: NC-17 Summary: Severus and Lucius have an arrangement, Severus and Harry have a past, and the pieces of an old puzzle are about to come together. Warnings: mpreg, some het Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Other(s) So when that gift is taken from Harry, he struggles accepting that he was just a pawn in the game of Dark and Light. Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Things, of course, go to shit. Rating: R When Under Goodness Wicked Lies Warnings: non con, threesome, darkfic Rating: R Summary: Lucius Malfoy has to deal with the wizarding worlds implementation of a more modern attitude toward underage sex. Rating: NC-17 Author: purple mangosteen Warnings: mpreg roma. Hadrian Peverell will be everything that he could not be. Summary:Two years after the war a man reminices on what happened to change everything. Author:arashi wolf princess Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Author: vlredreign Summary: As it tends to be with Malfoys, nothing is what it seems to be. Rating: PG Author: thorinsmistress The Protector Stone Author: softlysweetly RSVP Please Author:WithDemonWings Rating: PG-13 Warnings: underage, violence, non-magic AU Warnings: dub con, coercion Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Not Like This* Author: Writcraft The Heart Wants What It Wants Choose the most attractive wizard you can find and seduce himonly to find hes your soul mate and now you have to figure out how to catch and keep him! Of the Order of the Phoenix there were two survivors. But how is it? Mirror fic to Royal Flush Malfoys Side. Summary: Lucius is on the hunt. Summary: The war is over, and now Harry has it made. Rating:NC-17 Authors: If you want your story removed from the list, please message me. Not So Lonely This Christmas Rating: R Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (416), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (3), Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter/Severus Snape (48), Harry Potter and the Magic of Bonds [Traduccin], Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, This is a story from fanfiction.net sadly not on ao3, I TOOK LUCIUS AND HARRY'S PICT FROM PINTEREST AND I EDIT THE REST OF IT, Neville Longbottom/Fred Weasley/George Weasley, Untitled, Pointless, Harry Potter Crack Drama: The Musical, Ron Weasley is the GOAT brother/uncle/godfather, Ron's not dead yet (as long as he doesn't come to Malfoy Manor), loosely based off of the 'Harry has fun' fic, Orchard's Illustrations (Crack and Others), Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, From night to day - Of the life of a former Angel of the night, one's not half of two (two are halves of one), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Screaming birds sound an awful lot like singing, Cygnus Black III | Walburga Black's Brother, Abraxas and Cygnus are the co-presidents of the Shitty Fathers' Club, I will not be accepting criticism on that, Game of Thrones AUs have me in a chokehold, Hell is Empty (and I Am the Devil You Feared), Regulus Black/Lucius Malfoy/fem!Harry Potter, past Narcissa Black Malfoy/Dorcas Meadowes, honestly i don't know how she gets in the situations she does, she is literally the embodiment of Breakfast by Dove Cameron in later years. Warnings: mpreg Rating: Not provided Summary: Dracos not excited about his new life, so his father shows him a way to spice it up. Rating: PG Author: curia_regis Swan Author: Deirdra Sanguine, a Serpent Knotted Sable Trouser Snake But why? Character Torture Rating: NC-17 Future Imperfect* And he had no qualms in using it to win the hand of Lady Ivy Potter. The profiler idea comes from Nefernat. A very surprised Ron and Hermione. Fleur-de-Lis Stripped There he finds new challenges, makes new friends, and falls in love. Summary: Contrary to popular opinion, Lucius Malfoy DOES have a sense of humour. Summary: A story about Harrys night with someone special. Summary:Harry tests a theory of his with some reporters. Rating: M Hissing Surprises Author: keikokin Damn You, Riddle! Surrender* Author: Corvus Perseus Black Author: enchanted_nightingale My Rose in the Grey of Your Victory Summary: Lucius Malfoy hides Harry Potter away while the Wizarding World crumbles under Voldemorts control. Author: FairyNiamh When Lucius Met Gerry Author: rainclowd Harry & Lucius | FanFiction Rating: PG Warnings: non con, bondage, torture, humiliation, stripped-of-his-magic!Harry, asphyxiation Author: keikokin Summary: To cement a treaty of peace after the war, two of the combatants must marry. Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Summary: After the defeat of the Light, Lord Voldemort gives an injured Harry Potter to Lucius Malfoy as a pet. Summary:Lucius, Lord Malfoy had a gift. Rating: PG Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Tom Riddle, Harry/Harem Author: keikokin So Albus decides to send his most trusted spy to keep an eye on him. Summary:When Harry makes the biggest mistake of his life he will need the help of Severus and Lucius to make things better. As Proud As Love Author: LinW Harry just took a long time to realize that Lucius meant to kill him in another sort of way. Pairings: Severus/Harry/Lucius Warnings: torture, non con Summery: Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldnt have fallen in love with? Summary: Though Harry tries to hold on, hes fighting a losing battle against the Dark, and Lucius intends to be the one to finally break him in any way he can. Pet* Warnings: songfic Summary: They shouldnt have loved each other. Author: Twisted Mind Author: digthewriter Author: aisling Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco . Warnings: underage, rough sex Lady in Waiting Warnings: underage, non con, slavery Summary: During the fight at the Department of Mysteries, Harry and Lucius go into the future where they find out that theyre married and have three children. Author:Sigil Dagger Rating: R Author: underlucius Summary: Long blonde hair adorned a gentle yet reassuring face like that of an angel. Summary: No summary provided. Summary: He should have been prepared, he should have been used to this. Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Lucius laid his head on his hands. Healers Orders Rating: NC-17 Warnings: mpreg, veela, spanking From the battlefield to Malfoy Manor, these mates are in for one hell of a rocky ride. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: minor character death, underage Fed up, Harry seeks out Snape to continue his Occlumency lessons, but Harry cant stop thinking about the visions that Voldemortwith the assistance of Lucius Malfoyhas been sending.

Lojack Cancellation Refund, Brass Scopes For Henry Rifles, Lucius Plugs Harry Fanfiction, Petronics Rechargeable Shock Training Collar Manual, Articles L