Raiton: Yaiba no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Blade Technique). The user can than toss this forward, where it will hit the target and electrocute them. Five of them are elemental and include fire, water, wind, lightning, and earth. Obviously the catch is however that one has to be hit by the palm strike to fall victim to this immature tactic. Raiton: Yusuburu Kasugai no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Jolt Clamp). It creates an aura around their body for one whole post (3 sentences long). This was first used against Pain when Kakashi tested this jutsu out to see if he could repel both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. Vanishing Rasengan is an upgraded version of the regular Rasengan. Forming the necessary hand seals the shinobi begins to collect mist in his immediate area much like Kirigakure no Jutsu, however it begins to rise and form into a thunderstorm cloud instead of laying dormant like mist does. Cost: 20. The user is able to wield a skill set that is focused on the cultivation and manipulation of electricity and lightning in various ways such as offensively, defensively, or even to heal. The blast can be ended prematurely by the user. Although it has never been performed since the days Shina herself was alive one claims all one needs to do to survive such a slow and painful death is to have Hekirikite no Jutsu performed on the victim, re-regulating the heart to it's proper setting.LimelightDescription: This jutsu is depicted as the strongest of all Lightning jutsu in existence. Description: This technique offers the user both offensive and defensive capabilities, presenting some interesting strategic options. The shield can also deflect most ninjutsu attacks. An additional five power allows the user to create a flicker so bright it can disable anyone who looks directly at him for a post.Raikou Bunshin no Jutsu (Lightning Clone Technique)Description: This technique makes a simple clone of the shinobi however unlike the standard bunshin, which is a genjutsu, this bunshin takes an actual physical form through the use of electrically charged chakra. However once this fog has been summoned the Cloud-Nin, now on his next post, is able to fire at one target or a number of targets indirectly by sending an electrical current through the droplets of condensed water that composes this fog esentially creating a series of small, but powerful, electrical shocks and as such vaporizing the fog. Due to its rapid movement, the technique can be used against multiple opponents at the same time. shuriken, senbon, kunai) are deflected in the process but strong ninjutsu can drive though this maneuver. Capable of being used like a flamethrower, prolonged exposure has been known to transform boulders and cliff side's into molten piles of magma. However to this day the school teacher claims he knows no such move.Shina's TouchDescription: A move believed to be forever lost in legend, but technically possible had one the ability to manipulate enough electrical chakra to do so. While in this state the shinobi can only control the target body and has little control over his own body which will remain standing in place. Placing but one single hand on the opponent the shinobi delivers a huge debilitating shock to his target forcing him to his knees, the shinobi then generates a excessively huge amount of electirc chakra that the target's body turns to ash and crumbles away. It is a more refined form of Chidori, which makes it more dangerous. In this technique, Kakashi creates a Lightning Cutter made up of Six Paths chakra, and then he adds Kamui to it. The user forms the necessary handseals and, by focusing his chakra, creates a pair of rings of electricity around himself, that spin about like a gyroscope, maintaining a constant electric field throughout its radius, which is half a meter from the user. The downside of this is that the user is unable to move while the shield is active.Dendou Enmu no Jutsu (Electric Fog Technique)Description: A two part technique that can cover a large amount of area or hit one person specificaly, first performing a few hand seals the shinobi blankets the area in a natural, cloudy fog ending his first post. Dendou Kariyou no Jutsu (Electric Overdose Technique). Suzail has been a manga and anime enthusiast for the past 6 years. The shield will effectively block any taijutsu weaker attacks, and any weaker ninjutsu attacks. One of this technique's most useful features is its ability to allow the user to detect outsiders. However, the shocks are only a little bit stronger than static electricity, and usually do no damage at all.Teikou no Kuntou (Electricity Resistance Training)Description: While not necessarily a technique that must be taken, most Cloud-nin are taught this at the Academy. Yurayura Ranpu no Jutsu (Flickering Light Technique). This jutsu, uses a lot of chakra, and drains most of his strength, so this jutsu is a one way ticket to victory or death. This is a simple bolt, akin to a fireball, as opposed to being a continuous stream. The Henge automatically dissipates when the user makes contact with a living target. Making several handsigns, the user must then form 2 fingers in each hand, pouring chakra into the fingers. The user makes twenty consecutive seals ending with bird. The shield will effectively block any taijutsu weaker attacks, and any weaker ninjutsu attacks. This jutsu requires 4 highly-skilled ninja to use it to stand in a cardinal formation.The area in which to be affected by this jutsu depends on how far the formation is spread out. Combining the powers of Kamui with that of a Raikiri enhanced with Six Paths chakra, Kakashi was able to create a surefire technique powerful enough to injure even the likes of Kaguya Otsutsuki. Descriptions: A defensive technique that covers the immediate area of the Cloud nin from a large degree of angles. Hikuhiku Eda no Jutsu (Twitching Limb Technique). This jutsu is highly destructable and can destroy a small forest. However, this blade can also hurt the user, anywhere except for the fingers where the blade is held.Dendou Kariyou no Jutsu (Electric Overdose Technique)Description: The user takes one post to channel a large amount of electricity into a limb, making the chakra visible. 19 Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu. Once this attack hits the target, it causes the affected part to be warped instantly to the Kamui dimension. Yobigoe no Raikou no Jutsu (Call of Lightning Technique). The attack from Lightning Blast has been upgraded further, making it into a beam twice as wide as before, and much more damaging. Description: This jutsu is depicted as the strongest of all Lightning jutsu in existence. Many people often see elemental techniques that take the form of throwing weapons as low grade techniques, and as such enemy shinobi often scoff when they see this technique occurr. Descriptions: Considered by most to be more of a torture technique then an actual attack the user can lay his hands on his opponent and send several thousands of volts of electricity into the target. Considering that almost all the strongest ninjas in the series use Lightning Release, it resulted in the creation of some very powerful Lightning Release Jutsu. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Kumo Tate no Jutsu (Cloud Shield Technique). The user then manipulates the technique to attack the chosen target. The technique also gives the user cutting capabilities from barehanded attacks. It can only change directions by bouncing off another object, such as a tree or a boulder, but the user is capable of bouncing off in any angle they wish to. Description: A technique that causes overall destruction and chaos, performing a number of seals a large spinning tube of lightning launches itself out of the user's body and speeds away in the direction that the Cloud-Nin was facing. Making several handsigns, the user must then form 2 fingers in each hand, pouring chakra into the fingers. On impact, the target will suffer minor electric shocks.Raikou Henge no Jutsu (Lightning Transformation Technique)Description: This technique, while being a branch of Henge no Jutsu, allows the user to transform in a way they never dreamed of. This jutsu was created by Boruto Uzumaki. for Kage/sannin)Inbikiri Seeji no Jutsu (Lightning Sage Technique)Description: The user must be completely still for a minute (1 post) as user concentrates on sending electricity through their own muscles thus stimulating themselves to become stronger, faster and more flexible.Name of Jutsu: Ten Thousand Lightning BugsRank of Jutsu: ARange of Jutsu: Can be up to a whole village, however the entire village wouldn't be as effective, as a single area.Jutsu's Element: RaitonDescription: The jutsu is just like it's name. [4] When Lightning Release is combined with other natures, certain kekkei genkai are produced: lightning and water make Storm Release; lightning and earth are suggested to make Explosion Release. Despite using a unique type of electricity, this jutsu is only B-ranked. This is a simple bolt, akin to a fireball, as opposed to being a continuous stream. The user of this technique now must keep his eyes set on one specific object that he can see through this seal for the next two minutes, if he moves or does anything else but aim during this period the technique is cancelled. Storm Release ( , Ranton, Viz: "Gale Style" or "Storm Style") is a nature transformation kekkei genkai, a combination of lightning and water. To use this technique, Hiruzen created four Shadow Clones. Description: This is the pinnacle of the single-target ranged lightning jutsu. The Third Raikage's Hell Stab, usable with his own Chakra Mode, is so powerful as to referred to as the "strongest spear". Lightning Release It can only change directions by bouncing off another object, such as a tree or a boulder, but the user is capable of bouncing off in any angle they wish to. Which lightning release jutsu do you think is the strongest? This technique lasts for 10 minutes.Kyuutai Tate no Jutsu (Sphere Shield Technique)Description: Circulating electrically charged chakra around the entire area of the body the user is now able to push this chakra out of their body forming a personal-range electric sphere of defense that covers all angles and even overhead. Most jutsu in the world of Naruto are created by some form of chakra release. While ensnared the nin is unable to move his legs but is still able to use his arms and hands, however for every minute the user has been ensnared he receives an electric shock. Instead, he calls on the lightning from the clouds and controls it with his own chakra, of which he only needs a small amount. The maximum the user can travel is a radius of 1 mile from where they are standing, but they must be able to visualize the area in their head. Description: A defensive jutsu at best. Descripton: A more powerful version of Lightning Release: Four Pillar Bind, the user creates sixteen giant pillars, which then form a giant oven-like structure to trap the enemy. But unless the opponent felt the weak current as they walked through the strings, the opponent will usually never know the strings were there. Naruto is filled with many strong ninjas, and there is one major thing that separates the strongest from the others: their incredible variety of jutsu. The glowing aura then disperses from the body, and turns into what would look like Fire Flies.

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