Following the Little Entente path will get you Czechoslovakia as your faction member. Interactive corporate website. Be aware that because of the fact that historical AI is off Hungary could create the Pact of Rome and get in an early war (non-historical Italy sometimes justifies on Yugoslavia 1937) or tries to form A-H itself and then fails. Now the states you are missing are controlled by Italy and turkey. After completing Unite the Anglosphere, attack from Canada using the war goal that focus gave you, and capitulate them. Puppet Japan, who will eventually unlock Bicycle battalions - then, just secure France. By making the connecting level 5 rail run through two states it counts for both. Crush divisions in these both cities but don't take them. It might be easier with historical AI turned off. Square brackets as in fow [Province ID] signify an optional argument. Once your justification is done, declare war on France immediately or you will risk UK guarantee. France will surrender quickly. For your focusses: The Castle -> Prepare for the Inevitable -> Resistance Industries -> Exile Industries -> The Sanitation Right -> The Sanitation Left down to A New King in the Castle -> Local Western Plans and then economic focusses for more factories/resources. Declare war (you will get embargoed by a lot of countries for this) and simply defeat them. When you feel that the Soviets have lost enough equipment and troops, counterattack. As Germany, turn France fascist and occupy Danzig without going to war with France. In order to get states to join your faction via decision it is important to have more manpower deployed to the field, and puppet expeditionary forces contribute to this number. The achievement requires taking the focus Crush the Dream which involves an alliance with the Soviet Union, and is unavailable if the US is already a puppet or not democratic, so DO NOT CAPITULATE THE US BEFORE THE FOCUS IS FINISHED or it will be bypassed, even if other alliance members are still fighting with the US. After an operative got captured, immediately send another to rescue(requires 30% network strength). Integrating the Agrarian Union faction and the Limited Women Suffrage focus both unlock pro-democratic advisers with additional bonuses. Promote a divisional commander to general asap and give him command of an army. This is a community maintained wiki. Setup a naval invasion, making sure to include your light tanks and motorized infantry, from Germany to Dieppe and put your navy on naval invasion support. Take the focuses to exile any advisors you want to keep and if you want to keep Tukhachevsky you must start the civil war before he is killed in the second purge. Once you have the warlords puppeted or annexed, you can take on Japan - guard the coasts and use Paratroopers to make the war relatively trivial. Once the civil wars are over, immediately take "the unification of the balkans" focus, from test runs this can consistently be done Jan-March 1939, annexing Greece, Yugoslavia and Romania. After the civil war ends save up 190 political power to justify on Denmark and Norway then cancel justification on Denmark and redo it, this will give you concurrent war goals to avoid them getting guaranteed by the UK, while this is happening devote your spy agency to first 'Propaganda' in Finland and then once the civil war is over switch to 'Boost Ideology' to get ready for a Fascist coup. Delete the rest of your army and declare on Germany. Choose to purge the Kodoha faction and justify on the UK (or British Malaya) as soon as possible. Grind during the Sino-Japanese war as much as possible. Hulunbuir and Liaotung's infrastructure does not need to be increased to 10. Just after resistance strength hits 70 in a given province use "Arm anti-British resistance" in decision tab. When your claim is finished, declare war on France. Once France is occupied, produce 20 Bersaglieri divisions. Rush the victory points and capitulate France, then take Oppose Hitler; before the focus fires off, disband your entire army and lend-lease all equipment you have to another nation that's at war the day before the focus completes (either one of the factions in the Spanish Civil War or one of the various Chinese Warlords); after it fires off, cancel the lend-lease, and train 6 units of Panzer Divisions (force deploy them when possible); the AI will never train new units, and the Panzer Division is stronger than the Landstrumregiment (alternatively, train a bunch of units consisting of 1 artillery division before taking Oppose Hitler, and deploy as many as possible before the war starts, making sure to disband the rest of your army; when the war starts, switch them to something better like the starting infantry template - the AI will never switch them to another template, and they're incredibly frail). While in the war begin "The Comintern", "Baltic Security", "Claims in Baltic" and "Secure Leningrad". Once you are done with Ethiopia, you can start justifying on France, switch your mountaineer to normal infantry template and train 7-8 paratrooper divisions as soon as you are done with paratrooper research. Start your focuses with one of the three military branch focuses, basically you want all that leads to Supermarina, Superecescito, and Superaereo as you will only have a small window of opportunity to complete these focuses, though you can ignore Supermarina if you have no wish to play with the navy. Romania guarantees them and you, so they don't join. As non-aligned Turkey, have zero negative state modifiers. The Focus "Our Place in the Sun" will give you Qingdao. As Colombia, form Gran Colombia and have 10 Carriers and 10 Battleships. Also, be aware there may be some issues caused by the central air node bug but this can be fixed by focusing your transport planes on your air field's air zone once the battle plan is initiated. Keep going down the focus up to Mare Nostrum. The Allies usually naval invades the part of the Germany that borders the North Sea and that is your backyard. If the La Rsistance DLC is active, you can just rush the focus, Play Canada as normal but always rush down economic focuses. Capitulate All Major Nations in 1936 - Hoi4 Germany Speedrun - YouTube As Soviet Union declare a war on Poland and Germany before Germany attacks Poland. It will be easier to push into Germany when they are distracted by Poland and Czechoslovakia, but you do not need them to survive so don't fret if they capitulated. One more trick to simplify and speed up civil war: before civil war, recomposing all of your divisions to contain only a single AA battalion and dismissing all air wings, then sending all equipment to Spain via lend lease. Kick Tannu Tuva from your faction and justify a war goal against them. For Italy, liberate the Kingdom of Libya, Eritrea and then Somali Sultanate. First take out Hungary, and if you have time then Bulgaria too. As India, become the spymaster for the Allies. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Play on historical, join allies (switch to Democratic to make it easier), Train 12 width paratroopers (with Arty & Rocket support). There are a number of problems, like the troops that just disappear upon capitulation, the fact that the navy doesn't appear to contribute to war score, occupation appears to be randomized. Declare war and launch the invasion - while the starting French navy is stronger than the starting German navy, there is a brief period where the player will have superiority over the Channel. . If Hungary refuses, win the war and puppet them. This achievement is ideally tackled as a nation that can receive more than just the standard nuclear research bonus in the generic focus tree - Germany is an ideal choice if one goes Democratic, given that on top of a bonus to nuclear weapons, it can get an ahead of time bonus on nukes. Now start justifying on Yugoslavia. Because you'll have to fight the Allies and for that, you need a fair amount of good divisions. It can trigger a civil war in Poland. Use the landsturm to hold the line. Take all the territory. Turkey will be guaranteed by both Germany and the UK. Once the civil war ends you can send ultimatums to the Baltic countries and Finland, defeating them and taking the land if they refuse. As South Africa, break free from the UK and puppet another nation. That was the only country just fucking spawned after releasing it from japan. Convert the militia to regular divisions via the focus and create a decent template of infantry and artillery - this will be enough to easily overcome the Vichy army as many units will also be on the border with Germany. The first option is to launch naval invasions against Paris. This should not matter, because unless they have a border with the Soviets there is no way for the Axis to gain more than 1% participation. Note you may need to have some AA gun in stock, or the recomposed division may not return equipment to stock. Take the focus "Revise the Constitution" then take "Balkans Dominance". Once complete, take the new advisor. Germany should also agree to split Czechoslovakia giving Romania a Slovakian puppet. Attack the Monarchist (or both sides) before they can recover from the civil war. Then complete "Boarding the Train" focus. Press J to jump to the feed. In my last game that micro nation in pacific became major after I have invaded every fucking country inculuding usa and canada. Won the Spanish Civil War As Bulgaria, complete the focus The Fate of the Balkans while having 5 or more Balkan puppets. Once you have safely fortified the East Indies from Japanese attacks, either focus on Germany to reconquer your home territory or focus on Japan and finish them off to gain some resources and factories. If one opts to conquer Britain instead of France, they can also go for Operation Sea Lion (if you do that, justify on one of their dominions to avoid the UK getting guaranteed by France). Save at least 150 pp for the start of the war, so you can immediately increase your conscription law. You can detour and get your 5th research slot as well as The New Emperor of Ethiopia and Topple the Amhara Rulers focuses if you wish. You need to either annex all USA core states, or puppet the USA and let it have all core states. They can be earned while playing older versions of the game asop long as said achievements were present in that version. You don't have to accept the call to arms straight away once the Nationalists are attacked, so prepare as much as possible without letting them get steamrolled. Rush the provinces it requires to get the achievement, all you need is to control them rather than owning them. Easiest way is to disable La Resistance and start boosting non-aligned to Russia and USA from the beginning of game and right after concluding civil war against Kemalists. It takes time for resistance to rise to the 90% liberation point. Then go to American Institute of Sciences. As the United Kingdom, have at least 9 battlecruisers. Then, give all Chinese territory to Portuguese China and the achievement will be yours. Capitulate them, and take them in the peace deal. The best I can figure out at the moment is using the occupation painting tool, deleting all the enemy's units, and then clicking all VPs. Communist China may pursue a civil war with you while you are still fighting the Japanese, and you may not be able to use the anti-communism focus against them once you are in a faction together. If you manage to pull this off as. Information, Frequently Asked Play defensively and slowly push out. But don't do this yet! help please. An easy strategy is to go down the God Save the King path, and after defeating the United States, go after France (as you went off the rails, Czechoslovakia will always refuse to give up Sudetenland; if you do Pre-Empt the Ideological Threat and Expose the Belly of the Bear while fighting the US, you'll be able to justify, and since the US is a major, you can quickly justify on France and another country - Luxembourg is a good choice; don't justify on Mexico, Japan, the USSR, or Germany, since you can get war goals on those countries through events or focuses). Can be done with the "This is going to be LIT" achievement. You will need some civilian factories and lots of cargo ships. If they don't do so - start the game all over again. As Poland in the 1939 Blitzkrieg scenario start, inflict over 1,800,000 casualties to Germany to beat the 2018 PDXCON HOI4 challenge. After capitulating Turkey, take the 4 Kurdish states they hold in the peace deal, and then release Kurdistan. This suggestion requires DLC, patch 1.6 or later, and to not have DLC. Disband the Axis and join the Japanese faction. If possible, you can also use naval bombers as well for added firepower. Once that decision is done start boosting resistance in specific French provinces. Controls all western coastal Turkish states. hoi4 what to do when capitulate. At that point, you just need to be patient, because after that the AI will slowly progress down the focus tree and at some point reach the Central Powers focus. Do to this rush down the Army tree in order to begin your war on pacifism as early as possible. Joseph Stalin is the current country leader. As the U.S.A., have more than 300 military factories. On first capture, the operative gains le_clerc1. Then justify and declare war on Germany, and Puppet them in the Peace Conference. Use these divisions together with your fighters to make a push through the low countries. Scotland is a subject of The United Kingdom Push and Italy should fall and give you the puppet. After that fabricate your war goal against Sweden and put a few divisions on a naval order for the Svealand province. The Achievement requires the decision to release the nations rather than the release nation button on the occupied territory screen. Remember, you only have to control the four cities at the same time, you don't need to wait until you get them in the peace conference. Join the war to get the achievement. Also easily accomplished as fascist as Germany will use your territory to bypass the Maginot Line typically resulting in your control of northern France upon their capitulation. Pick the national focus "Suspend the Persecution", complete the national focus "WPA" and complete all of its successive focuses and then pick either the "Full desegregation" or "Union representation Act" national focuses to trigger a civil war with the Confederacy. Cave to the German, join the Axis and take your naval focuses. Can also be done very easily with Man The Guns, if Historical AI Focuses are turned off, since the United Kingdom may take the Revisit Colonial Policy branch of its focus tree containing the focus 'Withdraw from Contested Territories' which will give Gibraltar to Spain for free along with it becoming a core state. Save up Political Power. Germany should not ask for Danzig. Once Norway is gone, declare war on and take Sweden. Do not wait for a liberation to complete for one African country before starting the liberation process for the next country. Organize your troops on the frontiers with France and Poland, but create one army with all your light tanks. Begin by creating and upgrading a spy agency five times to get a second agent and deleting your entire army, start turning fascist through a demagogue and then prepare for a civil war via decisions, continually use the 'Expand civil support' decision to lower stability below 50%, once below 50% stability ignite civil war and rush out one cavalry division to b-line for Stockholm, the enemy should have zero divisions and very little territory so this will be enough to capitulate them. Make sure to improve relations and save up a few hundred political power before starting the imperial conference. Be aware Japan will declare war on you but if you keep your coastline defended and your ships in the area, they won't be able to effectively naval invade. The Allies can then only attack you on a couple of mountainous tiles (unless you decide for some strange reason to call in those puppets to fight with you), which are easy to defend with the 30ish (irregular) divisions you should have at that point. Leave the first 4 in first slot, next 8 advanced, and again 4. To get around this, start a communist coup in them and join its war through decision but do NOT invite them into the faction. (you can help out with exiled units if needed). A puppeted Yugoslavia can be integrated with its constituent states released as puppets for this achievement, or you can seize Macedonia and Southern Serbia from them via decision. When you reach the belgian-french border, the whole of the french forces will probably still be shuffling from the Maginot Line into Belgium while you are already drifting towards Paris. A great country to get this achievement with is by playing as France and forming the Little Entente with Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Poland, and the United Kingdom. With "The People's Militia Directorate" focus you can get 3 spies then you should increase this to 4 with an advisor. With DLC, Even when you get overrun and conquered by the Germans and/or the Soviets, you will continue the game as a government-in-exile hosted by the United Kingdom and remain eligible for the achievement. Lay at least 1,000 mines on the coastline of an enemy nation. After subjugating warlords, a series of Integrates the Warlords decisions will be opened; just make decisions for Yunnan and Guangxi. As Ethiopia, found the African Union and have it encompass at least 13 different countries with capitals in Africa.

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