In compliance with letter, above subject, Headquarters First United States Army, the following Battle History Reports of the 137th Infantry for the month of July 1944, is submitted; copy of Daily Journal for combat period is enclosed as separate inclosure. Private Nichols was wounded during the barrage, but after he and Sergeant Blair evacuated the three wounded men, Nichols joined his platoon in the attack until ordered to the aid station by his commanding officer. Colonel Emery was evacuated to the hospital at 2030, 24 July 1944. by Brevet Captain Edward N. Whittier, U.S.V. To Captain Roger Heller, the author, my sincere appreciation for a most unusual and outstanding performance. In the first letter, Scofield describes his march from Atlanta to Savannah and remarks on the kindness of the residents of Savannah. [2] On 25 March, the regiment swam the Tullahan River, captured a Blockhouse, and then was involved in the engagements of Malinta and Meycauayan three days later. 27 JULY 1944 On 27 July the 1st Battalion was attached to the 134th Infantry, and that regiment attacked at 1000. Syracuse, N.Y. The 137th New York was commanded at the Battle of Gettysburg by Colonel David Ireland. High among these was the heroic action of Technical Sergeant Frank A. Gonzales of Augusta, Kansas, a Platoon Sergeant in Company I. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. David Cleutz. Three prisoners were taken during the day. for Smithtown, 1890. Some of these surrendered as a result of our speaking to them across the enemy lines by means of a loudspeaker, encouraging them to give up the fight. At the close of the week, the XIX Corps was still operating with the 30th Division on the right, the 35th Division in the center, and the 29th division on the left. Roberts, E.F.NorwichCWRTColl At 2200 the 2nd Battalion relieved the 1st Battalion who reverted to reserve. With the tempo of the battle decreasing, acts of heroism and miraculous achievements by individuals and units of the 137th Infantry began to come to light. Sergeant Spengler, attached to Company F, at 1000 on 11 July ignored enemy machine gun and sniper fire and left the concealment of hedges to follow a wounded soldier and remove him from an open field, undoubtedly saving the mans life. 19 JULY 1944 With St. Letters sent to Jennings' sister regarding his experiences of military life. Bloomer wrote about missing the battle, having rejoined the Company as they were retreating. Albert Bayless was the source of the original letters, electronic files sourtesy of Robert Bowen. [6], In the afternoon of 6 August 1944, the regiment was on the move again, to the Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcout area. 137th Infantry Regiment - August 1944 After Action Reports 35th (US) Infantry Division - Battle of Normandy Headquarters 137th Infantry Regiment APO #35, New York 31 August 1944 Subject: Action Against Enemy, Reports After/After Action Reports. The regiment traced its history back to the organization of the 1st Infantry Regiment of the Kansas Volunteer Militia from pre-existing companies on 17 May 1879. HISTORY OF THE 112th INFANTRY This book contains the photographs of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Infantry. After the escape of criminals from the Kansas State Penitentiary, the 2nd Battalion was called up to perform road patrols and block bridges between 19 and 20 January 1934. Lo, Company K pushed forward to the road at 0910, but was held up there by machine gun fire. Lo, to the vicinity of la Barbee, and remained in Division reserve. Thank you. Combined with this continuous two-day advance, which resulted in the clearing of organized enemy resistance from north and east of the Vire River, came the announcement of the capture of St. Throughout the siege of St. Col. Greene's speech before the McClellan Club of Ward eleven, Boston, October 28, 1864. Papers, 1860-1864. Lo, Sergeant Allen C. Allburty of 317 West 1st Street, Aberdeen, Washington, distinguished himself by heroic achievements under fire in his capacity as communications sergeant. downloaded as an Excel The motto at the bottom of the shield, Valor for Service, is a magnetic challenge to every person of the 137th Regiment to do their duty to God and country, thus upholding the high standards of service established by those who have gone before. Army. (Chaplain's letter to father of Charles H. Williams, informing him of Sgt's death). Time burst was also used by the Germans. On 28 March, some of the Kansans swam another river, capturing eighty prisoners among the men occupying the earthworks on the opposite side. This regiment was organized at Harrisburg August 25, 1862, and ordered to Washington, D. C. It mustered out June 1, 1863.[1]. The fourth letter reveals that all the troops are elated over the recent peace terms and everyone is anxious to return home. New York Infantry Regiment. K Company Roster - 117th Infantry Regiment. On 20 July, Company C put on a successful raid of its own against the enemy. Lo, then notified the artillery who demolished the building. Jorgensen, Jay. Be sure to see a copy of the actual database itself, which can be "137th Infantry Regiment (First Kansas) Lineage and Honors", "A History of the 137th Infantry: An All-Kansas National Guard Regiment:: 35th and 89th Division World War I Unit Histories", "Combat History of the 137th Infantry Regiment WWII", "Kansas Adjutant General's Department 2137th Combined Arms Battalion",, Infantry regiments of the United States Army National Guard, Infantry regiments of the United States Army, Military units and formations established in 1879, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 9 February 2023, at 00:00. To: The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D. C. The 137th Infantry took every objective assigned it, but in the taking suffered casualties of nearly 1,300 men out of the 2,800 combatants engaged; 46%. The 137th fought here from 713 August, and they suffered 23 killed, 140 wounded, and 40 missing in action. It is honored by a monument on the Gettysburg battlefield. Compared to this was the woeful lack of supplies suffered by the Germans. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Fennell, Charles C.The attack and defense of Culp's Hill : Greene's Brigade at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863. After the company radio man had been killed, Sergeant Hughbanks removed the radio from the dead soldier, called the battalion OP and requested artillery fire on the German position. 169th infantry regiment 43rd infantry division 169th infantry regiment 43rd infantry division. The 137th Infantry Regiment (First Kansas)[1] was an infantry regiment of the United States Army. Gettysburg: Historical Articles of Lasting Interest. [2] The SpanishAmerican War officially ended on 10 December, with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Fifth Maine Battery. A Typical AEF Infantry Regiment The 147th Infantry, 37th "Buckeye" Division Contributed by Tom McLeod: Regimental Victory Parade in Cincinnati, 1919. . 2022 Steve A. Hawks Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Whittier, Edward, "The Left Attack (Ewell's), Gettysburg." During the day the 117th Infantry (30th Division) pushed across our front, and we moved to a new area between la Luzerne and St. With poor visibility, the going was slow for a time, although it was soon apparent that our forces were reducing enemy resistance by constant artillery and small arms fire. 137th Infantry Regiment (First Kansas) Organized 17 May 1879 from existing companies in the Kansas Volunteer Militia as the 1st Infantry Regiment (Kansas Volunteer Militia redesignated 7. NorwichCWRTColl Also, if you have any materials in your possession that you would like to donate, the museum is always looking for items specific to New York's military heritage. [1] The regiment was assigned to the 35th Infantry Division, just as it had been during World War I, and was sent to Camp Joseph T. Robinson, near Little Rock, Arkansas. This regiment, recruited in the counties of Tompkins, Tioga and Broomethe 24th senatorial districtwas organized at Binghamton, and was there mustered into the U. S. service for three years on Sept. 25-26, 1862. Black, 320 N. Iuka, Pratt, Kansas, Med Det. Of these, 17 were killed, 106 wounded and 4 missing. Hazard, George Riley. The 137th continued to advance through the heavy fighting, alongside the 134th Infantry Regiment, and pushed the enemy back, south and east from Saint-L. During the period 11-17 July, he constantly kept the radio in operation, despite enemy fire. (Enlisted man's diary, Jun 25-Jul 5, 1863). In April, 1864, the corps number was changed to the 20th, Gen. Hooker being placed in command. Includes detailed letters / reports on the engagement of troops of the 137th New York Infantry Regiment at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Woods, Francis H. Correspondence,1863-1865. Lo opposite the 29th Division. 137th Infantry Regiment Nickname: Ironclads Mustered in: September 25, 1862 Mustered out: June 9, 1865 The following is taken from New York in the War of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. Phone: (518) 581-5100 | Fax: (518) 581-5111. Cases of individual heroism include those of Sergeant Earl V. Spengler, 1514 Pennsylvania, Wichita, Kansas, and of Corporal Peter Seiwert of Garden Plain, Kansas. The Crest and motto were approved December 8, 1930. The Battalion was called to active duty in early August 2005. For these two members of the Medical Detachment, the Silver Star has been recommended. Incls: Journal and Supporting Papers July 1944 (1 copy), 319.1 1st Ind RGC/mla (31 Jul 44) HQ 35TH INF DIV, APO 35, U S Army, 14 Aug 44, TO: Commanding General, XIX Corps, APO 270, U S Army. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database lists 1,095 men on its roster for this unit. 13 JULY 1944 On 13 July 1944, the regiment attacked at 0800, with the 3rd & 2nd Battalions again leading. Army. [3] The regiment was relieved by the 1st Infantry Division on 1 October 1918, and after resting in the rear for 10 days, the regiment moved to Verdun and remained in the fighting until 4 November. A large accession was received from the nth corps, but Col. Ireland and Gen. Geary retained their respective commands. Lo, core of the German defenses in this sector. The regiment continued on through the Allied breakout and pushed east to the city of Orlans and then onto Nancy which they captured after heavy resistance. [6] On 25 July, the regiment witnessed the beginning of Operation Cobra, and Allied bombers bombed German positions right near friendly lines. The only casualties reported for the day were 2 men wounded. The collection contains George Hazard's official Civil War service papers and diary in photocopy and the original of a drawing of Jeffersonville Army Hospital and grounds in Jeffersonville, Ind. The Division consisted of the 69th and 70th Infantry Brigades, composed of the 137th, 138th Infantry, with the 129th Machine Gun Battalion; and the 139th and 140th Infantry, and the 130th Machine Gun Battalion; all of the 60th Field Artillery Brigade, which was composed of the 128th, 129th and 130th Field Artillery. In the second letter, he states that he does not want to leave Savannah, a beautiful city, but that he has been ordered into South Carolina; he also notes that the weather is more like a northern spring that winter (the letter was written in January). [3], 1 September saw the regiment moved by truck from the Vosges Mountains to Nancy and then into reserve for the Saint-Mihiel attack of 1216 September. 12 JULY 1944 The regiment again attacked at 0800 on 12 July 1944, with 2nd and 3rd Battalions in the leading echelon. Eight rounds of 88mm artillery fire were poured into the area occupied by Company H, and Private Owen J. McBride was killed. The regiment captured 47 prisoners on 13 July, most of which were Poles, Czechs, and Austrians who seemed glad to be out of the fighting. The diary resumes on 26 June 1864 as Willson's regiment prepared to move on Confederate positions guarding the approaches to Atlanta through their subsequent capture of the city. Transcriptions only. If the soldier was killed in action, then KIA is shown. 14 JULY 1944 On Friday, 14 July 1944, the regiment attacked again at 0800, with one platoon of medium tanks in support of each battalion. 137th Infantry Regiment 9412 134th Infantry Regiment 9476 Il y a 2464 soldiers without asn. Lt. Garthwaite and Lt. Kennedy were killed. Heavy fighting in Luxembourg and Belgium saw the 137th suffer heavy casualties, but they beat back the enemy wherever they met them. The 37th was broken up on 11 June 1918, when Division HQ, HQ Troop, the 134th Machine Gun Battalion and 137th Infantry Brigade began a move to the Port of Embarkation at Hoboken, New Jersey. A wounded member of the crew was still in the tank, and Staff Sergeant Volk and Sergeant Blankenship, also of Company A, both lay wounded near the tank. The 137th New York Infantry Regiment lost 6 officers and 121 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 4 officers and 163 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. German prisoners also reported their morale as very low, due to continued artillery pounding and their own lack of supplies and replacements. [1] Gale, Andrew H.Civil War letters and diary of Andrew H. Gale of the 137th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. Joseph Its regimental motto is Cargoneek Guyoxim, which is Chippewa Indian for "Always Ready." The 147th Infantry Regiment . Loren Tuller, 60th New York Infantry. These men had distinguished themselves in the first few days action. An alert 3rd Battalion observer watched 45 Germans, with full equipment, enter a house northeast of St. Drawing praise and commendation from every officer and enlisted man in the Army are the Medics. No men were killed on this day, but 5 men were wounded. : Heritage Books,2005. Tank destroyers were attached to the regiment and heavy artillery support was continued. Albany: J.B. Lyon Co., printers, 1902. On the left of the 35th Division was the 29th Division. Final report on the battlefield of Gettysburg. Reports of enemy tanks southwest of that battered town shortly after noon proved false, and by 1800 the 1st Battalion, which had been held in reserve during the day, was alerted to move into position to attack southeast and seize the high ground near Les Anges, with one company to block the vital St. [1], The former 1st Infantry Regiment of the Kansas National Guard was consolidated with the 4th Infantry Regiment, organized in 1918, to become the 137th Infantry of the 35th Division on 4 November 1921. In particular, he comments on the primitive conditions of army camps and the long arduous marches each day. If you find that the veteran is absent from the base, you can save it by clicking here (*) 137th PA Regiment Organization, Service & Battles Organization Organized at Harrisburg August 25, 1862, and ordered to Washington, D.C. Group of documents related to David Ireland's military service during the Civil War. UNITS ATTACHED TO THE 35th INF. The 2nd Division on the left of the 35th Division, and the 30th Division on the right, continued the attack as the V Corps drove south and east from St. B. Lyon Company, 1912. The 137th suffered 2 men killed and 3 wounded due to this friendly fire incident. [2], On 6 September 1899, the 20th Kansas Volunteer Infantry boarded transports and steamed for the US, arriving on 10 October. The attack jumped off at 0600 after an artillery preparation from 600 guns. Casualties for 12 July 1944 were 7 killed, 74 wounded and 7 missing. The main effort for the Division was made by the 134th Infantry, on the Division left, who were committed for the first time. Holding the Right : The 137th New York Regiment at Gettysburg." The 3rd Battalion remained in reserve in a switch with the 1st Battalion shortly after midnight. These two members of Company A observed a disabled tank in an area in which they knew an artillery barrage was due to fall. Lo. The weeks attack and the heavy artillery pounding was beginning to tell on the enemy forces, and reports began to come back of their units attempting to operate with a drastic reduction of men, with no replacements; of a shortage of food, water and ammunition; and of extensive use of horse-drawn vehicles due to lack of gasoline. A Company drew men from Atchinson, B Company came from Emporia, C Company enlisted men from Council Grove, D Company hailed from Dodge City. The 1st Battalion then moved on and contacted elements of the 3rd Battalion, which had cut in behind these strong points. The Battalion was sent to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and then to the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California for pre-deployment training. [1] Service [ edit] The casualties were particularly costly in that Capt Orren L. Biesterfeld, 1st Lt. Ralph H. Johnson and 1st Lt. John T. Graham Jr. were killed. If, however, you know of a resource that is not listed below, please send an email tong.ny.nyarng.list.historians@mail.milwith the name of the resource and where it is located. The regiment left the State September 27, 1862; it served in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 12th Corps, from September 30, 1862; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 2Oth Corps, from April, 1864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Koert S. Van Voorhees, June 9, 1865, near Bladensburg, Md. 4 pages. The following is taken fromThe Union army: a history of military affairs in the loyal states, 1861-65 -- records of the regiments in the Union army -- cyclopedia of battles -- memoirs of commanders and soldiers. He also mentions the battles at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. The 12th corps left Virginia in Sept., 1863, and went to Tennessee, joining Grant's army at Chattanooga. AUDLIN, JOHN B.Age, 33 years. However, a physical check of personnel and reports from various sources revealed that during the first week of combat, the regiment suffered numerous casualties which had not previously been reported. RM K0W9G0 - Lt. Col. Carlin Williams, incoming commander, 2nd Battalion, 137th Infantry Regiment, Kansas Army National Guard, shares his gratitude with family and friends while speaking to the battalion at his change of command ceremony, Aug. 12, 2017, at Camp Funston, Fort Riley, Kansas. The Civil War Battle Unit Details Return to Results UNION NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS 137th Regiment, New York Infantry Overview: Organized at Binghamton, N. Y., and mustered in September 25, 1862. An enemy counterattack forced the 3rd Battalion back to its original position at 2200. Although continued German fire prevented his evacuation from that area until the following day, Lieutenant Guinessy was still alive when finally evacuated. Our 1st Battalion turned back a strong German counterattack at noon. Located at Duke University. Their fresh troops made gains up to 1500 yards during the day. Search You are going to search our database of the soldiers of 35th infantry division. Located at University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va. Greene, George S. "Address of Maj. Gen. George S. "Burt." Table of Contents. At 1500 10 July 1944, the Division order was issued, and at 1700 Colonel Grant Layng issued to the 137th Infantry Officers Field Order No. The diary also mentions the hospital. They stayed put and awaited orders to move. Col. Ireland succumbed to disease at Atlanta, and Col. Van Voorhes succeeded to the command. 15 JULY 1944 On 15 July 1944, the regiment attacked, for the fifth consecutive morning, and were met by heavy artillery fire. The units operated the M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle and the Army's main battle tank, the M1A2 SEP V2 Abrams.[12]. July 1996. The Order is the highest decoration in France and is divided . In 1954, the 137th Infantry Regiment was part of the 35th Infantry Division. On 9 July, the 137th relieved the 119th Infantry Regiment of the 30th Infantry Division. Many of the wounded had returned to duty, and these and new replacements totaled 826. He was of great assistance to the Battalion Commander in keeping him informed, and he helped reorganize his own company after the Company Commander and Executive Officer had become casualties. Accession 40908. Greene kept this diary during a tour with his father, Brig. With the 3rd Battalion established 200 yards north of Highway 2, main road to St. of Infantry. After being pinned down by deadly machine gun fire for over two hours, Lieutenant Simpson saw his opportunity when an artillery barrage forced the German machine gunner to take cover for a brief instant. Willson describes the logistics of marching with Sherman's army, the destruction of property by Union troops, and the liberated slaves who accompanied the army. The artillery and infantry regiments were composed of freed slaves, enlisted into United States service, and credited as being Alabama organizations. Roster. The 3rd Battalion was committed at 1830. On 5 August, the 137th Infantry Regiment was drafted into Federal service. 12 July saw another attack toward the town of St. Gilles with the 2nd (2137) and 3rd (3137) Battalions in the lead. 76th Pennsylvania Volunteers "Keystone Zoauves" - Field and Staff Officers - Company A - Lawrence County - Company B - Mercer County - Company C - Blair County - Company D - York County - Company E - Bedford County - Company F - Blair County - Company G - Lawrence and Westmoreland Counties 137th Infantry Regiment; 138th Infantry Regiment; 129th Machine Gun Battalion; 70th Brigade Infantry - Brigadier General Charles I. Martin The second diary begins on 3 Nov. 1864 and ends on 2 May 1865, again with substantial gaps. The Roster shows the soldier's Rank, Army Serial Number (Dog Tag Number) and Duty. The last active battalion was the 2nd Battalion, as the 2137th Combined Arms Battalion, a component of the 635th Regional Support Group. The regiment moved from north of la Bedellerie, down highway 2 southeast of St. This neutralized the first nest. 2nd Brigade Field Artillery - Brigadier General A. J. Bowley . It is honored by a monument at Gettysburg. Another Montana officer, 1st Lieutenant Sidney K. Strong of St. Ignatius, the Executive Officer of Company A, assumed command of a provisional platoon on 13 July and carried out an attack upon a position where all previous attacks had failed. Also includes commissions of appointments to officer ranks. Greene's Brigade. 1st Lt. John R. Huntley of Company L was killed, the first officer of the regiment to give his life in this conflict. Corporal Seiwert, during the night of 15 July, braved an enemy artillery barrage to go to the aid of two wounded officers. Throughout the day the regiment was subjected to heavy machine gun and mortar fire from well dug-in positions, and from 88mm and 150mm artillery fire from the rear. The 3rd Battalion ran into heavy enemy machine gun and light mortars north of Brectonville at 1900, and was forced to withdraw. The baton on the shield is taken from the arrus or coat of arms of Varennes. [6] On 6 August, the regiment had a break from the fighting. He noted there were few casualties among the men of Company I. There was one report of enemy aircraft over the area. [3] The regiment returned to Fort Riley and was mustered out on 30 October. Infantry - 137th-138th Infantry - 140th-156th Infantry - Garrison Guards Camp Carrington Iowa Artillery - Light Artillery Cavalry - 1st-9th Infantry - 2d-4th Infantry - 6th-34th Infantry - 34th and 38th Infantry - 35th-40th Infantry - 45th Kansas Artillery - Light Artillery Artillery - Blair's Battery Cavalry - 2d Cavalry - 5th-7th Cavalry - 9th The Alabama Militia Before the war every state had a militia, the forerunner of today's National Guard. On this day also the Corps Commander issued a commendation for the fine showing of the 35th Division in their part of the operation. Despite pounding by artillery, the fortified church north of St. Gilles could not be taken out, and this, together with a fortified chateau in the same vicinity, held up the 1st Battalion most of the day. In the spring of 2004, the 2nd Battalion, 137th Infantry received their Bradley Fighting Vehicles and began training to assume an active role in Afghanistan or Iraq. Clearing the area boosted the number of prisoners captured to 54 for the 19th. ROSTER OF OHIO SOLDIERS. [1] Many of the enlisted soldiers and most of the Regiment's Officers were sent to Vietnam as replacements to regular army units. The weather remained cloudy, with intermittent showers. Enemy fire continued from the church north of St. Gilles, and at 1045 elements of the 1st Battalion stormed that stronghold and took it and the surrounding buildings. The prisoners were mostly of Polish, Czech and Austrian descent, and appeared glad to be out of the fighting. At noon Company A knocked out enemy strong points at the west edge of Pont Hebert. 28 cm. Mustered out: June 9, 1865. Letter, 1863 May 23. [2] At the time of mustering out, the regiment had decreased in size, including 46 officers and 720 enlisted men. A Company (armor): Emporia. During its wartime service, the regiment had 3 officers and 19 enlisted men killed in action. Fennell, Charles C.Battle for the barb :the attack and defense of Culp's Hill on July 2, 1863. 44-50. The actual surrender of Savannah was not recorded by Willson, but the subsequent march from that city to Columbia, S.C., received many entries. 7 items. I and K Companies hailed from Wichita, L Company came from Kingman, and M Company was also from Lawrence. Casualties for the day were 1 officer and 6 enlisted men wounded. Prisoners taken numbered 22 on the 17th and 20 on the 18th. Blue & Gray Magazine(Spring 2006): pp. Lo. Jennings, Hudson. The 30th Division attacked in their sector on July 25th, following a terrific air attack on enemy lines at 1100. Papers,1865-1919. 106th Field Artillery Regiment, (155mm Tk Drawn) New York National Guard. Propaganda leaflets had also been dropped over the enemy lines during the night, which may have had some results. Hyde, J.S. Located at the Indiana Historical Society. 4 enlisted men were court-martialed, and 4 men deserted. The 1st Battalion of the 137th Infantry remained attached to the 134th Infantry, who advanced throughout the day with little opposition. The entire battalion was then able to advance. If the soldier was wounded in action, then WIA is shown. On the left of the 137th Infantry was the 320th Infantry, and on the right the 30th Division, who were operating across the river. The personal record and unit information makes the collection valuable to anyone with New York ancestors in . Albany: J.B. Lyon Co., State printers, 1909. 1 folder (.05 cubic feet). Cousin, Abram. 137th Infantry Regiment 11 February 2016; 141st Infantry Regiment; 141st Infantry 26 April 2011; 143d Infantry Regiment; 143d Infantry 12 December 2014; 148th Infantry Regiment; 148th Infantry Regiment 12 September 2013; 149th Infantry Regiment; 149th Infantry Regiment 23 July 2012; 153d Infantry Regiment; On the 26th no prisoners were taken. Mustered in: September 25, 1862 Headquarters Company . The 1st Battalion remained in Division reserve. This collection contains abstracts compiled from original muster rolls for New York State infantry units involved in the Civil War. Both the 1st and 3rd Battalions provided relief between 13 and 16 July 1924 after a tornado struck Augusta. Located at the Smithtown Historical Society, Smithtown, NY.

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